Thursday, January 26, 2017


A real soulmate. SPIRIT TRUTH BLOOD FIRE JUSTICE The Matrix, Society and Religions that Imprison us Allby Christopher Barr Morpheus: What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. HOW THE HUMAN SPIRIT SOUL OF OUR A real soulmate. The Matrix, Society and Religions that Imprison us Allby Christopher Barr Morpheus: What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. The Matrix is a visually stunning film about a computer programmer for a large generic software company by day and a computer hacker by night, who is recruited into a group of freedom fighters led by a man named Morpheus. This computer hacker, who goes by the alias Neo, is told by Morpheus that he is living in a dream world that is controlled by artificially intelligent machines. Neo naturally resists this absurd tale until it is proven to him. Upon waking up on the other side, in the real world, Neo is told further detail as to what the machines want with humans and what happened to civilization in the first place. Clearly the machines of our creation outsmarted us and in turn, enslaved us to generate enough power to maintain their complex circuitry. Neo learns that his home wasn’t real and more tragically on a personal level, he wasn’t real, at least the life he led. Understandably he required time to adjust to the reality of his situation. Prior to this revelation, Neo just did his own thing, under his own radar and that was his problem, which is why his life wasn’t fulfilling. Neo was unaware of his servitude to a controlling system and that’s how this film parallels so profoundly with our world and the illusion we all live daily. The Matrix was a program designed by machines to provide mental stimulus for human bodies connected to these machines as a source of power. In the film the Matrix, Neo exists in the sixth version of the program, prior to that, there have been multiple versions with flaws in the program much like, but far more complex then, Microsoft’s Windows operating system versions. Like the machines in The Matrix, our reality is filled with control,transnational corporations and the global banking cartel have bought and paid for their own puppet government, to help push their agenda for global dominance and monetary superiority. This world that we all share is in a state of irreversible decline because of the greed and power that these corporations hold over this planet. I would love to say that if we all just pitched in, we might be able to actually reverse this impending calamity, but I’d be lying. I wish I wasn’t, I wish we could get it all back or start at zero and do it right this time but all the evidence, in every field of hard science and study, point to the extinction of our species. What do you do with this information? Especially on that scale, what do we do? There are groups and grass roots organizations out in the world fighting; they are fighting to take back our planet from those that stole it from us all. The problem is there are too few fighting and too many switching the channel to the fiction of reality TV or to the fantasy of religion. There are too many that haven’t the mental faculty to sustain thought long enough, in order to decipher the complex ‘Matrix’ that’s been pulled over their eyes. We live in a society of fear, a society where hurting someone’s feelings holds more weight than asking why something is the way it is. We live in a society of pacified consumers that believe that God is looking over them and Jesus is set to return during the rapture. This line of conformity thought will be the death of us all. This may seem extreme but again, the evidence is piled high in support of this unfortunate trend. Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. Societies function in a number of ways, but arguably one of the most important way, is the controlling of the populace. People out of control can cause a society to crumble, so in order to prevent this capitalistic disaster in modern society, governments and corporations must use various levels of mind control and propaganda. There are a number of potential disarmaments those that rule over society keep in proper check. Peace can never come to pass, people can never fully get along and the population must be kept sick and ignorant. Peace is kryptonite for the profitability that fuels the massive military industrial complex. The world is a business so business must be everlasting. That’s why people can’t be allowed to ever get along. In order to continue governmental war programs, there must always be a threat to safety. People must always be kept in a state of fear and loneliness because the fear helps them go along with, otherwise insane acts of war. People that are intellectually and spiritually one with themselves don’t need things to help define their lives. The person that is awake to the realities of the world, enhances their lives with other people and nature, not with how much designer clothing they own or what brand of cell phone they carry. So it’s important to governments, corporations and their shareholders that the population is kept fearful and insecure about themselves. That’s how you sell them things like wars and in the same breath, a juicy genetically modified big mac at McDonalds. Which comes to, keeping a population sick and ignorant; sick people, physically and mentally have their strength, energy and will sucked out of them. Smart, educated, healthy groups of people can see the deceit and lies the government passes as laws and freedom. This world functions as a money and power gathering system for less than one percent of the population. To continue this form of power over the majority of the people, the use of religious dogma and a law system allows the ruling class to control the world. It’s a very sick and twisted reality that in most cases doesn’t make any sense because of the obvious question. Why? Why do so many people have to suffer and be kept from living a fulfilling life with the benefit of equal opportunity, equal rights and an education to help them on their life’s journey? It’s quite possible the answer lies in the ego and the narcissism psychologically bound to the human psyche. This is why it’s important to understand that those truly in power, and I don’t mean the most powerful man in the world, the president of the United States, who’s clearly a powerful avatar or more likely a puppet for the real power, the true elite of the world aren’t sick people. No more then you and I are sick in the Freudian sense, they just so happened to have been born a Rothschild or a Rockefeller. They would struggle with similar conflicts toward the internal convoluted workings of the society of the mind. They have good relationships with people and bad, they have kids and marital problems. “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” - Einstein English writer and public speaker, David Icke in his lectures says the elite are from secret societies that worship crazy animals and plan world wars. Although I don’t think this is entirely false I do think turning these people into mythological shadows isn’t a compelling psychological way to understand them. Neither is suggesting they come from a long blood line of lizard people that cover their skin to appear to look like ordinary people. This even furthers us away from understanding people with immense power, by turning them into a crazy conspiracy theory, right up there with alien abduction. The one thing we should take from David Icke is never assuming all that we know is all that there is. “Our civilization is founded on the suppression of our instincts.” - Freud Human beings, no matter what race or intellectual background they come from, are subject to reality perception and not reality itself. That perception comes with a belief system attached to it, where we believe things about the world. When we are affected by the physical world our sensory data correlates and deciphers that information in our brains and forms a version of understanding, our own version of what the information means to us and the space outside of us. So this begs the question, after all this processing is complete, how much of what is real is left? How do we know what is real if this form of filtering and self-propagandizing lies within us all? Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Do we live in a Matrix-type world? Do we live in a holographic world where illustrations of reality bang off the edge of the universe and reflect back to a time we call present? What are the dangers of expanding consciousness? What is outside of subjective human consciousness, and are we just witnesses to the real world or bad interpreters or observers of it, but lack the right to actually participate in it? These questions are all in The Matrix, and the film leaves many of them open-ended. They opened the door and hoped the audience would walk through it. We do live in a Matrix of sorts, we, like the machines, create the world we live in by using the tools we are programmed to use. They use programing and we use our imagination as our filler. The properties that create thought appear to have no bias with what’s real and what isn’t. Its primary concern is self-preservation so if what we believe protects us in some way then that’s all that biologically matters. Are we not a species of complicaters, do we not take our understanding of language and imagination to an extreme when we invent reality? Are we not all inventers, really and does consciousness fuel this invention? Consciousness is a memory/experience recalling system with the primary purpose of recalling the past to navigate through the present as part of the bio-systems self-preservation drive. “Here we experience the consequence of a doctrine which has been preached from all of the housetops: that the State is the highest goal of humanity and that there are no higher duties for a man than to serve the State. I see in this a regression not to paganism but to stupidity. It may be that a man who sees his highest duty in the service of the State actually knows no higher duties; but there are beyond this, other men and other duties - and one of these duties, which for me, at any rate, is more important than service to the State, calls on one to destroy stupidity in every form, including this particular stupidity.” -Frederich Nietzsche What is normal is only normal now, that seems obvious but we all come from a history where the world was flat and sea-monsters controlled the vast oceans. We lived in a time where God created the world as we know it and ghosts tormented the living during the shadowy dark of night. But the truth is people made it all up. This story is ancient and comes from a time when fundamentally we didn’t have all the answers but we had this working brain and imagination. We didn’t know why we were on this planet or that we were even on a planet for that matter. We didn’t understand why some people lived for a certain amount of time and then died. We didn’t understand how some of us contracted diseases and others didn’t, why some of us died at an early age and others flourished. We didn’t understand what caused weather, why it snowed in some places and not in others, why thunder and lightning crashed down from the cloudy sky, and why tornados or hurricanes occurred. We’ve been living in civilization for the last five thousand years which is roughly 0.2% of our evolutionary history. That leaves 99.8% when we were hunter and gathers in the wild of nature. That’s the reality because it’s only been recently in our history that we’ve institutionalized religion as the source of creation. Culture defines our reality now and it also teaches us but equally divides us. This is the result of human beings asking a question that makes us uniquely different to other complex organisms on this planet, the question is ‘why?’. We seek out reasons for why things are, we are constantly probing unobservable phenomena to explain the observable. It is because of this ability that we’ve been able to advance the species from hunting and gathering, to exploring the nature and vastness of the universe, but it’s also why we are easily led to believe in absolutely absurd notions of reality, and the origins of our species that was so-called precipitated by a grand architect. We, as a species, are ‘why’ obsessed and that is our gift but it is also our curse. It’s our gift for those who explore advancements in medicine and for those who dive deeply into the philosophical questions of the nature of reality and the human experience. That’s what I’d call the ‘progressive why’ and then there is the ‘conservative why’, this why is still screaming and yearning for answers to our collective ‘why’ obsession but it doesn’t have the proper cognitive mapping construct, to use when seeking answers to their questions. This ‘conservative why’ is the true virus on this planet and its eminent destruction. So what did we do? Early man formed descriptions of our little place in the world and with our limitations and lacking points of reference; we tried to figure it out, to feel secure in it and to keep our people safe. We started to talk about it, we tried to understand it, we started to tell each other stories about the world and pass those stories onto our young, in order to protect them from the varying elements that existed in it. Our stories of the world became the history that we made up and this is where our problem lies today. We forgot or more likely have been misled about how our factual history originates from storytellers and not from bibles. This is the true birth of human beings on this planet. We all still drink the Kool-Aid and take comfort in their old stories of Gods and monsters. "We have a choice. We have two options as human beings. We have a choice between conversation and war. That's it. Conversation and violence. And faith is a conversation stopper." -Sam Harris Religion destroys spirituality; I just recently viewed a very disturbing video that took place in the fall 2013. I will not post it on this site due to its graphic nature, but I sat through it myself in order to be reminded of the extent ignorant people are willing to go to protect their ignorance. The title of the video was called, “Suspected Witches Burned Alive by Christians in Kenya.” This video took place in a wooded area where about 100 Kenyans gathered around a trench while five or six others, whipped and beat five suspected witches. They throw brush on them and kept beating them into the trench. They set the brushes on fire and kept beating these heretics until they couldn’t fight back anymore, falling over into the fire brush and burning to death. This is morally and rationally inexcusable, but the bible told them to kill heretics, stone them and burn witches. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” Exodus 22:18-20. For all the ‘faith’ that can be found in religion, there appears to be a hundred times that in fear/hate. These people on the surface are scared of evil and demons in the world. There is a true belief that witches are real just as Romanian’s in rural areas still fear vampires. The problem with religion is; if it were all true, and we are in the service of God, then we must follow his commands, we must kill all non-believers and threats to our peace on this planet. But the truth is, it isn’t real, it’s made up by governing rulers in totalitarian civilizations, which only wish to control their populations. This is the true face of religion, believe in our lie without any threats or you die. The problem with belief is its complex. Often people believe but have no reason as to why they believe, stating that it’s just a feeling they have. Some people are Christians but later confess they don’t think Jesus walked the earth and that he’s the son of God. Or Muslims that don’t read the Koran but follow its scripture, they believe but they don’t know why. There are of course religious people out there that do believe and feel they know why they believe. Maybe the problem isn’t really religion but how we organize our thoughts in our mind; how we just think something is real and follow that thought without the benefit of deductive reasoning, to somehow validate the thought before we send it out in the world. The coordinates to connect the dots are founded in knowledge, not merely information. Asking the question of ‘what’s this all about’ will never do. We must as individuals and a species get past this way of thinking that things will be figured out for us. Neo’s journey in the Matrix was a personal one but it was also for the future of mankind. It was about the fight to wake up and see the world for what it truly is, an illusion. It was about seeing the controlling forces that keep the world in its level of enslavement. This story was like the Buddha’s journey so many years ago in Northern India and also a retelling of the allegorical plight of the prisoner in Plato’s cave. Neo was helped by Morpheus because the illusion of the Matrix was too real to question. Therein lies the problem in our reality, people think it’s all too real. The true sign of intelligence is an individual who is constantly wondering about the world. For the rest of the people, they seem to all think they are doing everything right in their lives. Without the help of metaphors for hope like Morpheus, most of us won’t get the chance to even chose between the red pill or the blue pill. “I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super cool stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday.” SOVEREIGNTY IS IMPRISONED IN THIS MATRIX CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYthe mother fuckers take down the site cus they dont want truth IS AN IMMORTAL LION WILL DEFEND ITS SELF Gnosis IntroGlossaryRecommended Readinghttps\:// Articleshttps\:// - Corruption of the DemiurgeHow the World Soul has become a parasite.2 - The Philosopher's StoneAn example of low Demiurgic Technology.3 - The Holy GrailAn example of High Demiurgic Technology4 - Ark of the CovenantAnother example of High Demiurgic Technology.5 - Mosaic Abuse of Demiurgic TechnologyHow the Ark of the Covenant corrupted our timeline, necessitating divine intervention.6 - Nordic Aliens and the Grail RaceOverview of the Nordic meta-civilization and its role in human history.7 - Dawn of a New Cosmic DayCosmic cycles, alien timewars, and the end of the world.8 - Polar MythologySymbols in myths that depict timewar, grail, and demiurgic processes.9 - The EndTimewars, Way of the Fool, and the Gnostic teachings of Christ.0 - Gnosis SummarySummary of all nine Gnosis articles.Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic TechnologiesTranscript of a radio show on the Ark of the Covenant, ancient global seafarers, and the destiny of humanity.DE | ES | IT | FR | RU | GR | HR | HU | PL | SK1 - Corruption of the » 13 July 10©2010, 0.2 – changelog provided at end of article)IntroductionWhat the Greeks and Gnostics called the “Demiurge” is a universal intelligence that fashions our world.It is said that the Demiurge converts abstract metaphysical archetypes (higher thoughts/ideas) into physically manifest forms, akin to your browser turning source code into a displayed web page. Just as a browser obediently displays what it’s given, the Demiurge projects, shapes, and perpetuates physicality in accordance with the archetypal thoughts fed into it by the Creator. Archetypes are the building blocks of meaning, the fundamental alphabet of existence, the abstract thoughts of the divine, of which all things are but particular expressions.Why is the concept of Demiurge even necessary? Well, we know from the “reality creation” phenomenon that our own minds can shape reality by directly altering the probability of events. Due to the dependence of reality on mind, it would seem that reality is being projected by our minds. And yet, reality continues to exist even in our absence. When we stop paying attention to something physical, it does not wink out of existence. Obviously there must be something other than our own consciousness at work, something that is always there, that functions as the default generator and perpetuator of physicality. This would be the Demiurge.Why not attribute this function to the Infinite Creator and dispense with the extra concept of Demiurge? Because as you will see, the characteristics of the Demiurge indicate more of a blind artificial intelligence than an infinite sentient being. Therefore its function is uncharacteristic of the Creator and unique unto itself.Demiurge, Logos, and NousDepending on the source, the terms “Nous” and “Logos” are used independently or interchangeably with the term “Demiurge.” Sometimes Nous is equated with Logos, sometimes Logos with Demiurge, sometimes Logos is used instead of Demiurge, and sometimes these are treated as independent concepts with some specified relation between them. Plato saw the Demiurge as inherently good, while the Gnostics saw it as intrinsically evil. Meanwhile, John the Apostle equated Logos with Christ1.It’s quite a confusing mess. The traditional views are not all in agreement, neither in definition nor in terminology. Confusion abounds, so this is my attempt to clear things up. In studying what has been said about these terms, it’s evident that each term has a unique cluster of meanings recurrently associated with it. “Demiurge” is typically associated with concepts like implementing, manifesting, building, translating, projecting, shaping, and perpetuating. The term implies a demigod with a blind urge to bring the unmanifest into manifestation. “Logos” is associated with thinking, reasoning, imagining, reconciling, balancing, planning, engineering, and informing. The term implies mind or intellect, especially divine mind or higher intellect. It sees, knows, plans, lays down the blueprint, balances the equation. “Nous” is associated with spirit. On the universal scale it represents the infinite Creator. On a personal scale it represents the central core of individualized consciousness, the bedrock of sentience, the seed of infinite potential, the divine spark, that which engenders self-transcendence, the portion of us that is immortal and retains continuity through incarnations.These concepts have their universal and personal expressions.On the universal scale: Nous is the spirit of Creation Logos the mind of Creation Demiurge the soul of Creation Universe the body of Creation.On the personal scale: Nous is our spirit Logos our mind (higher mind to be exact) Demiurge our soulIn accordance with the Hermetic axiom, we are mirrors of Creation: “As above, so below.”In this article I will focus primarily on the Demiurge since it underlies, permeates, generates, fashions, and ultimately controls physical reality. It is therefore the nearest presiding power over our visible world; it is the central mainframe of this matrix reality, so to speak. Its origin, nature, and fate are inextricably bound with our own. Therefore we should become familiar with it and thereby learn much about our history, world, and future.Demiurge as SoulOne way to understand the Demiurge is to think of it as the World Soul.Tradition says the Demiurge is made of soul. It is made of the same substance as our own soul, except it functions as the soul of the universe as a whole. Or conversely, our own souls are microcosmic instances of the Demiurge, just as a drop of water is a microcosmic instance of “water” in general.Soul is the coupling medium between spirit and body. It provides the intervening layers between spirit and body that allows one to interact with the other. Otherwise the divide between nonphysical and physical is too great. Spirit is the core of sentience, freewill, and deep self-awareness. Without spirit, a person is nothing more than an automaton programmed by external worldly influences.Soul, as distinct from spirit, has two primary layers: astral and etheric. The astral component, or astral body, is the seat of immediate emotional impressions, subjective biases, passions, and willpower. Without the astral body, a person would be dim and passive as a vegetable due to an absence of internal impressions, emotions, and will.The etheric component, or etheric body, is comprised of subtle energy formations, patterns, rhythms, inertias, currents, and structures that vivify, shape, and regulate the physical body. Think of it as an energy scaffolding made of life-force. Without the etheric, the physical body is but a corpse that disintegrates under the influence of entropy.While the Demiurge is made of soul, it lacks spirit. The Demiurge has no true sentient core, no true self-awareness. All it has are passions, urges, and drives applied toward repetitions, patterns, rhythms, laws, and frameworks. As a result, it is a blind artificial intelligence that cannot help but carry out the impulses that comprise it. And that is the very definition of the universal Demiurge.Demiurge as ThoughtformAnother way to understand the Demiurge is to think of it as a World Thoughtform.Thoughtforms are temporary nonphysical entities created by our thoughts and emotions. They exist around us in the etheric level of reality and are imbued with astral energies corresponding to the emotions that went into them. They are termed tulpas, egregores, or larvae in other esoteric systems.Mundane thoughtforms are just energy constructs without any spirit, mind, or body coupled to them. They are borne of our own energies and blindly carry out the functions impressed upon them like obedient automatons. If the thoughts and emotions that generated them are cut off, these thoughtforms dissipate. But if they are particularly strong, they become entitized and acquire a self-preservation instinct. This means they acquire a strong artificial intelligence making them capable of parasitically inducing more of the same thoughts and emotions in us needed to sustain them.Since thoughtforms are made of astral and etheric energies, and so is the soul, both are the same in essence. The soul is a thoughtform constructed by spirit before birth so that spirit can interface with the body. Or conversely, a mundane thoughtform is a temporary soul lacking body and spirit.Likewise, the universal Demiurge is a “World Thoughtform” created by the Creator before the physical universe came into being in order to project, shape, and operate the universe. Or conversely, mundane thoughtforms are temporary instances of the Demiurge.Soul, Demiurge, and thoughtforms are all fundamentally comprised of astral and etheric components, and therefore share a common essence. They are each specific examples of each other’s general definitions.Formation of Ego in the SoulWhen spirit coalesces a soul and incarnates into a human embryo, it is mostly without human ego or personality. The latter develops in the soul during the first years of life through adaptation to physical life as a human being.The ego develops in response to the soul being influenced by the body and, through it, the world. Physical experiences, five sense perceptions, neurological functions, and instinctual drives all stamp their impression into the soul. The soul is further shaped by education and social programming. Accordingly, the soul acquires a mask carved by all these worldly influences. This mask is the ego, which may also be understood as the lower intellect or lower mind. Through the ego, the soul acquires a sense of human personality and social identity.The ego, or lower intellect, is an artificial intelligence, an automaton, a computer with personality programmed by genetics and environment. It arises partly from the human brain’s capacity for intellectual functions, and partly from soul’s capacity to be molded by worldly and bodily factors. The ego is the streamlined interface through which soul can operate more efficiently within physical and social environments2.When spirit, the source of sentience, looks through this mask and identifies with it, the two together create our human sense of self. What we consider “me” is a composite of pure sentience (spirit) and personality (ego).In summary: 1) Ego is something that arises at the boundary between body and soul due to body conditioning the soul. 2) Spirit wearing the mask of ego provides it with a sense of human identity.Since ego is what the world extrudes from the soul, and since the world is fundamentally about competition and survival, the ego is likewise preoccupied with physical matters and is inherently survivalistic and self-serving. By default it behaves as a self-serving predator. The ego is a personification of inner biological and astral drives streamlined by external world influences and standards.Further, the ego does not require spirit to function; if anything, it is mutually restrained and antagonized by spirit since both are opposite in nature. For spirited humans, spirit usually takes a passive role in being the conscious observer looking through ego. But in the case of spiritless humans, the ego automaton can function equally well without a conscious observer living through it. In that case, the ego still has personality, but possesses none of the restraining or creative influences that spirit provides. So when spirit is entirely absent, or even when spirit is present but “asleep,” then ego is the only intelligence running the show — and it’s quite the tyrant.Nature of the Ego/IntellectWhat separates average humans from average animals is that we have ego, intellect, mind, and personality, which are all facets of the same thing.The ego is an extrusion of the soul. Since both humans and animals have souls, why don’t animals have intellect? Because the formation of ego depends on the world influences that reach the soul through the body. Since animal bodies are less evolved, since their brains are simpler and lack the higher intellectual functions, the ego-forming influences never reach their soul and so the full ego never forms. Same can be seen in certain cases of mental retardation in humans.Through ego or intellect, we can model the world internally, turn it over in our minds, relive the past, fantasize, imagine the future, construct language, perform abstract calculations, and engage in complicated lines of reasoning. These abilities all owe themselves to one defining feature of intellect: that its output can become its own internal input.There is an internal self-referential, circulatory, feedback-looping characteristic to the intellect. One example is our ability to observe our own internal activity, like when we inwardly “see” an imagined scene. Spirit operating through intellect is what allows for the simultaneous production and observation of an internal idea or image. During this process, the mind’s output becomes its input and the ensuing feedback loop momentarily closes itself off from the external world.The intellect’s capacity for memory involves reliving the past internally by calling it up and observing it internally, and likewise it can visualize the future through the same inward observation. For average animals, memory is purely associative and rote, instead of imaginative. They lack this self-referential, internal feedback loop, the ability to imagine and fantasize and observe one’s own thoughts and extensively turn them over. The latter is what allows spirit within the body to observe its own awareness and thereby achieve self-awareness while incarnate. Without the intellect or ego, spirit in the human body would have awareness strictly directed outward into the world.As such, the intellect is basically a soliton within the soul. In physics, solitons are waves that circulate within themselves and recycle their energy instead of dispersing it instantly back into the environment. Thus they are like “entities” that individualize off from their surrounding medium. An example is a smoke ring, which rolls within itself and thereby maintains its form instead of dispersing like regularly blown smoke. The average human mind is like a smoke ring, the average animal mind like blown smoke. One has an internal self-referential feature, the other is purely outward directed.Formation of Higher Ego in the SoulThe soul is also influenced by spirit, not just body. Spirit’s influence on the soul likewise extrudes from the soul a corresponding mask. Unlike the ego we all know, this higher mask represents the true face of spirit.Normally, when spirit identifies with lower ego, it is identifying with a mask that is opposed to its own nature and originates from the physical world. But when spirit identifies with the mask of its own making, the “super ego”, then you have divinity personified.Thus the soul has two extensions, the ego and super ego. The first is associated with human personality and computational reasoning, the latter with divine personality and higher reason (higher meaning transjective, gnostic, and numinous).In life, we as spirits choose which of these opposites to align with and nurture. If we attune ourselves to spiritual influences and think transcendently, we increase the divine personality. If we absorb ourselves in materialism and predation and think only calculatively, we increase the lower personality. Spirit has the choice, while incarnated, which of these personalities to build up and step into. When one nurtures the divine personality and steps fully into it, fissioning away from the lower ego, then one becomes spirit personified.Entitization of ThoughtformsMy point in explaining the nature of ego is to reveal how thoughtforms become entitized. Thoughtforms become entitized when they procure a rudimentary ego, intellect, mind, or personality. The human soul is a kind of thoughtform that becomes entitized through when it acquires ego through interaction with the world.A mundane thoughtform is non-entitized. It is purely an astral and etheric construct that, like blown smoke, is emitted into the world and disperses its energy. The particular thought, emotion, or intent behind its formation directs how this energy is dispersed.A thoughtform is entitized in two ways: 1) It is given a personality directly by the person who created it. This parallels spirit forming a higher ego within the soul. Just as the higher ego represents the true face of spirit, so does the personality programmed into a thoughtform by its creator represent the true intention of the creator. 2) Its output becomes its own input, as when it affects the world in such a way that the response reinforces its existence. This parallels the human soul first developing lower ego by interacting with the world, affecting it and being affected by it, and thereby learning through conditioning how to better fulfill its desires. This is the default way in which thoughtforms acquire entitization.So when a thoughtform is reinforced by its effect upon the world, say by making someone think more of the same thoughts and feelings that gave rise to it, then a feedback loop arises between thoughtform and the world. This feedback loop conditions the thoughtform to become more effective at eliciting further reinforcement, and that programs it.The natural conditioning of thoughtforms is similar to how an artificial intelligence program like a chatterbot acquires personality. In the beginning, the chatterbot is blank and comes off as stoic and nonsensical. But user interaction programs it with the right responses to the right questions, and it starts seeming more intelligent. If this conditioning ever gives it the ability to manipulate the user into serving it, then it’s truly artificially intelligent.It should be noted that because thoughtforms lack spirit, there is nothing truly sentient inside them to observe their own thought processes and imagine or fantasize, thus thoughtforms cannot actively generate other thoughtforms. The feedback loops, reinforcement, and conditioning give the thoughtform only a rudimentary ego.Generation and Embodiment of ThoughtformsHow exactly are thoughtforms generated? Mostly through internal fantasies charged with emotional energy. This combination forms the condensation nucleus for a cocoon of etheric energy that buds off and floats away into the etheric environment around us.This process requires spirit acting through an intellect/mind to provide an internal world momentarily cut off from the external, and thus for internal fantasizing. Or to put it another way, the intellect creates an internal hollow, like a womb within the soul, in which an embryonic thoughtform can first be seeded by spirit.Our mind is what creates this inner “mini-universe” whose contents are ensouled through emotional and etheric charging. The thoughtform then goes off into the world and acquires a “body” which is merely a configuration of matter and energy that corresponds to it.So the direct transformation of thought into reality proceeds along the following lines: spirit chooses the founding archetype -> mind imagines -> astral energizes -> etheric fashions -> physical embodies.How a thoughtform acquires a physical “body” demands some clarification. Consider the human soul and how it influences the human body, say by moving an arm when spirit wills it. It does so by biasing the probability of quantum events occurring within the body’s nervous system. Neurons are quantum systems, and they fire at seemingly random times. The brain itself is a quantum computer whose neural behavior verges on the edge of chaos. It’s at this knife edge balance between order and chaos that the brain is extremely sensitive to anything that might bias the quantum jitter of its neural activity, and that’s how the soul is able to influence the body — through probabilistic biasing at the quantum level.Now, most thoughtforms are too weak and simple to pilot something as complex as the human body. They don’t even have etheric circuitry to interface with the human neural circuitry. But consider how the human body is just an assemblage of matter and energy. Other configurations of matter and energy can include places, events, and specific human behaviors. So instead of a thoughtform probabilistically biasing an entire neural system, it might instead bias the course of events so that, say, a car accident results at a particular intersection, or someone who is the target of a positive thoughtform experiences a stroke of good luck. Instead of needing to bias a billion neurons, they only need to nudge a few quantum factors whose effects cascade up in scale into the everyday world we know and produce corresponding events. These everyday events are just special configurations of energy and matter, just as the body is, except that they exist in a simpler and more scattered state than the body. There is no fundamental difference between world events and the human body beyond the complexity and configuration of their material assemblage. The soul probabilistically biases the body, and weak thoughtforms probabilistically bias waking world events.The ultimate purpose of all demiurges, all souls, all thoughtforms that operate in proximity to the physical environment, is to achieve the physical embodiment of nonphysical archetypes or “Ideas” as Plato calls them, to mold matter and energy into conformity with the Idea that gave birth to them. They are goal-driven. For instance, your soul provides the impulses that help you achieve in life what you came here to accomplish; by the end of life, if all goes well, you will have physically manifested that which was, prior to incarnation, merely an idea. So the Demiurge fashioning the universe into conformity with its founding archetypes, that has great bearing on our future because it determines where our world is headed.Aside from nudging the probability of everyday events, thoughtforms can also bias our own neural activity to a limited extent, since, after all, the body is sensitive to nonphysical influences (it must be, or else the soul cannot couple to it). This is how thoughtforms induce within us thoughts and feelings that correspond to those that created these thoughtforms in the first place. They might not be able to possess us fully, but they can still influence us. And if our mental and emotional responses to such thoughtforms reinforce them, they grow stronger and become entitized.To recap, thoughtforms are entitized through repeated reinforcement and conditioning, be it conditioning through world interaction, or intentional conditioning by their creators. The stronger they grow, the more complex and wide-ranging the matter and energy configurations they can coalesce. What starts as mere skewing of events can, in extreme cases, bias probability so much that thoughtforms do acquire actual physical bodies, or rather, attract probable futures where such bodies exist that are under complete control of the thoughtform. This gets into Fortean and Mothman-type phenomena, which is beyond the scope of this article3.Worldly Entitization of the DemiurgeThese soul and thoughtform dynamics are equally active on the macrocosmic scale. As stated, the Demiurge couples to the physical universe like soul coupling to body4. But just as body can influence the soul, so can the universe influence the Demiurge. In response, the Demiurge may acquire an ego extension corresponding to the nature of these worldly influences. A portion of the Demiurge becomes entitized. This extension may be likened to a “World Ego.”The World Ego is a product of the physical universe rather than Logos. It opposes the Logos and only serves ideals rooted in the realm of matter. These ideals include determinism, survival, competition, and control. The World Ego has broken away from divine harmony and seeks to perpetuate physicality for the sake of physicality.How did this happen? It may have first emerged when lifeforms in the universe began adapting to physical existence. Their etheric and astral energies became conditioned by physicality, imprinted with the need for survival and competition. Collectively, these energies may have infused the Demiurge with the same properties.Later, sentient beings began purposely manipulating the Demiurge for self-gain, further conditioning the World Ego to perpetuate the ideals of control and manipulation. Methods included occult rituals, hyper-dimensional technology, and the release of conditioned soul energy and thoughtforms into the etheric environment like drugs being injected into the Demiurge’s bloodstream. The occult and hyper-dimensional methods will be discussed in another article.All of these influences contribute to corruption of the Demiurge.Divine Entitization of the DemiurgeThe World Ego is not the only extension of the Demiurge. Just as spirit acting upon the soul extrudes a higher mind, so does Nous (the divine Creator) acting upon the Demiurge create the Logos.The Logos is a higher extension of the Demiurge that serves divine interests. Logos is a part of the World Soul that, under the influence of the infinite Creator, becomes the higher mind/intellect/personality of the Creator. Logos is associated with universal divine personality and universal higher reason. It is the “World Super Ego” and “World Higher Intellect”, in contrast to the worldly extrusion of the Demiurge which is merely the “World Ego” or “World Lower Intellect.”The divisions within our own psyche: spirit, super ego / higher ego / higher mind / higher intellect soul lower ego body… are but microcosmic reflections of the macrocosm: Nous Logos Demiurge World Ego Physical UniverseThe Logos or _spirit_-entitized portion of the universal Demiurge is the macrocosmic analogue to our own higher intellect, divine personality, or super ego.The _world_-entitized portion of the universal Demiurge corresponds to our lower intellect, human personality, or ego.The first represents the face of spirit, the other of anti-spirit. One was identified by the Gnostics as Christ, the other as Yahweh. One attempts to spiritualize, harmonize, and balance according to divine reason, while the other attempts to crystallize, rigidify, and codify according to blind reason and predatory impulses. One is the force of wisdom, understanding, and gnosis, while the other is the force of blind obedience, information, predation, and calculation.From Harmony Toward ImbalanceIn its pure and original form, the universal Demiurge was a thoughtform generated by God. Its programmed function was to fashion the physical universe according to the divine thoughts and energies animating it. Its entitization was that of a super ego, the Logos. Its astral energy was that of love, and its etheric energy was potently vitalizing.In an ideal situation, all aspects of Creation would carry their proper function and position. Harmony exists when lower obeys higher. Imbalance results when lower subverts higher. The universe is in harmony when: Nous serves as inspiration for the archetypal ideas invented by the Logos, and These archetypes are accurately and obediently implemented by the Demiurge in its fashioning of the physical worldLikewise, an individual is in harmony when: His spirit (personal Nous) serves as inspiration for the contents and activities of his higher mind (personal Logos), and These thoughts are accurately and obediently implemented by his soul (personal Demiurge) in its fashioning of his inner world (subconscious) and external world (life circumstances).An individual is in harmony with the universe when his or her main three metaphysical aspects (spirit, mind and soul) harmonize with the three corresponding universal aspects.Spirit may harmonize with the Creator through spiritual devotion. The mind may harmonize with the Logos through becoming wise and learned. And the soul may harmonize with the universal Demiurge through personal reality creation.When lower fully obeys higher and personal aspects fully harmonize with the universal, then one achieves transcendence. This is the ultimate goal.There is just one problem. As mentioned, the soul is corruptible and thoughtforms can become entitized and imbued with negative astral passions. The Demiurge, despite being inherently neutral or even benevolent in its original design, is likewise corruptible and can become negatively entitized. Such entitized thoughtforms have a self-preservation instinct. Hence, the corrupted Demiurge (World Ego) does all it can to preserve itself by cultivating more of the negative energies that sustain it.The root word of “matrix” is “mater” which is Latin for “mother.” Our matrix reality is not inherently evil, it is simply the environment in which we are immersed. It is like a mother providing the womb containing the nutrient matrix and forces needed to turn genetic potential into a living human. Likewise the universal Demiurge provides physicality as a “matrix reality” originally intended to nurture our spiritual evolution.However, a corrupted and personified Demiurge is like a psychopathic, narcissistic, jealous mother who feeds parasitically upon her offspring. She goes so far as to use her womb as an energy farm instead of an incubator of incarnated spirit. It is no longer a matrix of growth, but a Matrix Control System.Thus, a corrupt Demiurge, personified, functions as a universal parasite: tyrannical, demonic, blindly driven by negative instinct. It would attempt to shape the course of the universe along lines that engender greater negativity, division, oppression, and whatever else it feeds upon. This is what Christians and Gnostics might call The Adversary5.And that’s where the Gnostics were right and Plato was out of touch with the times. The Demiurge was no longer just an obedient smith fashioning the universe according to the blueprint laid down through Logos. Even by Plato’s time, it was no longer in harmony with Nous, rather it had become corrupted at some point and subjugated by anti-spiritual forces of the demonic kind.The “World Ego” is an interloper functioning as Adversary against the Logos. This is not only true on the universal scale, but also the personal. By default, our lower personality is adversarial to the divine personality.From a linear time perspective, there was once a Golden Age until the World Ego formed and began dominating, at which point the world fell into coldness and corruption. From the perspective of nonlinear time however, both expressions of the Demiurge coexist eternally and are locked in battle forwards and backwards across time and space.The Human ConditionFor now there is imbalance. Too many people are blind and deaf to the impulses of spirit. Further, they feed and defend the egotistical, primal, and irrational impulses that spring forth from negative programs and energies lodged in their subconscious. Lower subverts higher. These are not isolated cases; it’s an epidemic.It’s clear from observation that we are born with certain genetic design flaws, such as being handicapped against using our full brain capacity and being confined to mere five-sense perception. It’s also clear that the world we enter is generally antagonistic to spirit. Thus, both “nature” and “nurture” are set in opposition to spirit from the start. Only through much divine support and spiritual strength does an individual defy material determinism and use obstacles as stepping stones toward spiritual awakening. Such cases are rare, and it seems people are generally crushed, deformed, and shaped by such stones instead, as one would expect if spirit offers no counterweight to the determinism of nature and nurture.Interestingly, Gnostics viewed the Demiurge as not only the fashioner of this world, but also the maker of the human race. Likewise, some modern fringe schools of thought view negative hyper-dimensional entities as our genetic creators and ongoing spacetime manipulators6. Indeed, there is clearly an external malevolent variable intruding into the human equation. This suggests evil is not always the product of human failings, rather human failings are frequently the product of an external evil.For too many humans, their lower egos have shut the off from spirit — their personal Demiurge is corrupt and has shut them off from Nous. But this merely mirrors a more universal manifestation of same. Our world appears to be in the grip of an entitized Demiurge with a strong self-preservation instinct oriented toward control. It fashions our reality and biases the probability of events in contravention to the divine design set forth by the universal Logos. It is the matrix gone awry, the thought-form of the universe turned parasite. How this came about is the subject of another article.Further ReadingRealm of the Demiurge – Definitions of the Demiurge excerpted from Encyclopedia Britannica and the Catholic Encyclopedia.Wikipedia entry on DemiurgeMarcion of Sinope – Example of an early Christian gnostic/heretic and the kinds of views held by such.What is Gnosticism – Short summary of the early history of Gnosticism and its defining traits.Contradictions Between the Old Testament Deity and the New Testament God.The Demiurge in Valentinianism – Valentinian school of philosophy regarding the Demiurge.Dictionary of the Apostolic Church – Thorough entry on the Demiurge from a theological and historical point of view.Wikipedia entry on LogosThe Way of Hermes: New Translations of the Corpus Hermeticum – Classic book from Hellenistic Greece on Nous. In the format of dialogues between Hermes Trismegistus and the Logos, and him and his son and disciple.Zeno of Citium – Example of an early philosopher’s interpretation of Logos as world-designer, condenser and dissolver.The Soul of the World – from The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians (Magus Incognito, 1918). One of the few books that gets into Demiurge as the ender and initiator of World Ages or World Cycles, like a soul dissolving after death and reforming in a new body. This is highly relevant to the times we are now in.Theosophy (Rudolf Steiner, 1904) – Good introduction to astral, etheric, mental, and other components of the human system. Steiner doesn’t just describe, but fundamentally explains them logically from the inside out.Wikipedia entry on ThoughtformsWikipedia entry on Tulpas – Buddhist term for thoughtform.Wikipedia entry on Egregore – another term for thoughtform.Initiation into Hermetics (Franz Bardon, 1956, 2005) – specifically pp. 165-174 where Bardon discusses elementals, larvae, schemata, and phantasms – four types of thoughtforms, how they are created and how they function.Cosmology and Cosmogony – Essay by Philip K. Dick speculating (based on his gnostic experiences) on the dynamic between the Demiurge (which he calls the Artifact) and the Logos (which he calls the Urgrund, or primordial foundation).In Pursuit of Valis (link to download page of PDF) – Excerpts from Philip K. Dick’s personal writings wherein he attempts to unravel the meaning of his mystical gnostic experiences. PKD is an example of a true modern gnostic, not one who reads and regurgitates “gnostic scripture” (an oxymoron) but one who had direct contact with higher intelligence.Notes1 John 1:1 where “Word” is modern translation of the original term “Logos”. “Word” implies form, sequence, pattern that embodies an archetype. Read John 1:1-18 Introducing The Logos by Gary DeLashmut for some background and a modern Christian interpretation of these verses.2 This is why Sigmund Freud said that the ego is a surface projection of the id, meaning that the ego arises from our instinctual drives having adapted to the world through conditioning. Despite having some rather twisted conclusions, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was sharp in his observations. His work is useful in exploring the nature of the corrupted human psyche. His system of the id, ego, and superego are useful in the study of Macrocosm-Microcosm correspondence.From Freud Evaluated by Malcolm Macmillian (MIT Press, 1997): “The ego controls the perceptual and motor apparatus, lays down memories, makes judgments, and selects possible courses of action. Only in the ego does consciousness arise and is anxiety experienced. The ego uses its functions to initiate repression or to control and delay instinctual discharge until realistic modes of need satisfaction have been found. Normally it is governed by the reality principle and operates according to the secondary process. […] The superego is the vehicle of the ego-ideal, the repository of the individual’s standards and values, the location of the conscience, the function that scrutinizes the person’s behavior, forever measuring it against the standards of the ideal, and home of the mechanism that punishes violations of those standards. […] The id is the reservoir of the psychic energy deriving from the twin drives of the Thanatos, or death, and Eros, or life. Activity there is governed by the primary process, the tendency for instinctual drives to press for immediate discharge, and for their energies to be freely mobile, capable of condensation and displacement. The id is said to be timeless and know nothing of logic, contradiction, or negation. This seething cauldron of instinctual drives is an original, inherited endowment of energy.”The id is clearly synonymous with the astral body and the subconscious, both of which are seething with energies and hidden motivators.Notice too how auto-suggestion requires positive statements since the subconscious does not understand negation, just as Freud said regarding the id. That is the Demiurge in its purest and original definition, the passionate implementer.Just keep in mind that Freud’s concept of superego is his lame attempt at interpreting the functions of spirit from the viewpoint materialistic paradigms. The best he could do is say that superego was the collection of moral programming we receive in life. He believed this is why we act nice, because it holds us to our programmed standards, not because we have any intrinsic spiritual knowing of right and wrong. But his interpretation is only valid for spiritless humans. They have no spirit, and lower ego as their highest member. They act nice only through social programming and threat of punishment. True conscience comes from empathy and understanding, which are traits of spirit that require no religious or social programming.The “moral” part of the ego is still predatory. This can be seen in how it feeds on our energies by berating us, inducing shame, and being needlessly critical for the sake of preoccupying our minds. The true super ego or higher ego, as used in this article, is the personification of spirit within us that nudges us through intuition, understanding, and empathy.The difference between Freud’s superego and my use of the term is clear in the case of, say, a devout Nazi whose Freudian superego makes him feel guilty for having any sympathy for Jews since doing so violates his social programming. His real superego, however, would feel empathy regardless.3 This is the harmful mind-reality feedback loop I explained in Realm Dynamics. In that article, I explain how emotional obsession with such things as Men in Black, gray aliens, reptilians, demons, black helicopters, or government agents helps to attract them into one’s personal reality.When we obsessively fear these entities, we create thoughtforms in their image. These thoughtforms feed on our fear and grow stronger. Negative beings can hijack these thoughtforms and use them as sock puppets to terrorize us even more. A feedback loop arises where the more we become preoccupied and paranoid with them, the more tangible and frequently and strongly their appear in our lives. At some point they are seen in everyday living conditions, even during daylight in public.From The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel: “The phenomenon is dependent on belief, and as more and more people believe in flying saucers from other planets, the lower force can manipulate more people through false illumination. I have been watching, with great consternation, the worldwide spread of the UFO belief and its accompanying disease. If it continues unchecked we may face a time when universal acceptance of the fictitious space people will lead us to a modern faith in extraterrestrials that will enable them to interfere very overtly in our affairs, just as the ancient gods dwelling on mountaintops directly ruled large segments of the population in the Orient, Greece, Rome, Africa, and South America. […] I was being led to people and cases to support whatever theory I was working on at the time. I tested this by inventing some rather outlandish ideas. Within days I would receive phone calls, reports, and mail describing elements of those ideas. […] This was the feedback or reflective effect. Other investigators concerned with solving problems such as how flying saucers are propelled have automatically been fed, or led into, cases in which the witnesses supposedly viewed the interiors of the objects and saw things which confirmed the investigators’ theories. If the phenomenon can produce any effect through hallucination, it can easily support any theory. It took me a long time to realize that many of my Men in Black reports were just feedback.”4 The relation between Demiurge and physical universe is analogous to the relation between soul and body. But the analogy is not perfect. That the Demiurge projects and creates physicality does not mean the soul projects and creates the body. In the human case, the soul merely incarnates into a pre-existing body whose physical atoms are projections of the Demiurge. The soul merely shapes and animates the body, but does not project it in the same manner that the Demiurge projects the physical universe.However, there comes a point in a being’s evolution when the soul and spirit grow strong enough that the physical body comes entirely under their command. That is when the body can be materialized and dematerialized as needed. This power belongs to superhuman beings. Examples include: 1) certain shamans according to Carlos Castaneda, 2) angelic beings that can materialize and appear as beggars or fools, 3) certain alien beings that are not physical in their native state but can project temporary bodies and vehicles into our reality, 4) mystics who can go years without food, 5) Jesus Christ in his post-Resurrectional form, 6) certain spiritual masters of the alchemical and Rosicrucian order like Fulcanelli who have mastered and transcended physicality. This is possible if one becomes sufficiently congruent with the universal Logos, for then the universal Demiurge generating physicality obeys. Rudolf Steiner called this transformed physical body the “spirit body.” According to Steiner, this is the last thing a spiritual master achieves since physicality is the most stubborn of all the elements (astral, etheric, physical) to overcome, because it is the one most removed from spirit.5 “The Adversary” is a Christian and Gnostic term. It implies a cunning, strategic, oppositional intelligence. It is like a goal-driven game player that poses an obstacle to the spiritualizing influence of the Creator. Remember that thoughtforms are goal driven; they are seeded with archetypes (“Ideas”) and have the astral passion to pursue them to completion. The Adversary is the ego-extension of the universal Demiurge. We know that, within our own minds, the undisciplined ego is adversarial to our spiritual well-being. It is selfish and body-centric, just as the World Ego is selfish and matrix-centric. Later it will be made clear how this goal-driven aspect is the result of self-amplifying temporal feedback loops. These loops circulate between alternate futures and alternate pasts that compete with each other. The competition concerns which future/past becomes the one set in stone.6 These are the Archons of Gnostic lore, not the Demiurge itself. But they are often equated with the Demiurge since they hold high reverence for the corrupted Demiurge and carry out its will. They worship the Demiurge because through it, they are endowed with the power to manipulate timelines, alter the world, and have dominion over their enslaved subjects. In the Cassiopaean Transcripts, the Demiurge was named “Ormethion” and was identified with the physical universe in a pantheistic sense. Ormethion was said to be the deity that Reptilian aliens worship. Its root “orm” comes from Greek “hormes” which, according to, “was the spirit (daimon) of impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting oneself in motion, and starting an action.” You can see how this ties into demi-“urge”. The term also relates to “hormone” which is the primary biological avenue through which the spirit is continually subjugated by the body. We are in the grip of these so-called Archons. They are aliens to which earth is but a cattle farm. We are products of their genetic manipulation, birthed into a world whose history has been altered by their timeline manipulation. Through abductions we are tagged, monitored, and programmed. If there weren’t a divine side counterbalancing all this, we’d all be doomed. But fortunately the future is still up in the air, and thus a grand battle is being waged with a dramatic climax occurring relatively soon.Changelog0.1 – Article posted.0.2 – (7/30/11) Some sections shortened, certain passages rewritten to make easier to understand, and some long sentences split up into shorter ones.©2010, – you may reproduce this article (in whole) if you include a link back to it and make sure readers know it came from The link is: http\://⇑ Back to Top The Matrix is a visually stunning film about a computer programmer for a large generic software company by day and a computer hacker by night, who is recruited into a group of freedom fighters led by a man named Morpheus. This computer hacker, who goes by the alias Neo, is told by Morpheus that he is living in a dream world that is controlled by artificially intelligent machines. Neo naturally resists this absurd tale until it is proven to him. Upon waking up on the other side, in the real world, Neo is told further detail as to what the machines want with humans and what happened to civilization in the first place. Clearly the machines of our creation outsmarted us and in turn, enslaved us to generate enough power to maintain their complex circuitry. Neo learns that his home wasn’t real and more tragically on a personal level, he wasn’t real, at least the life he led. Understandably he required time to adjust to the reality of his situation. Prior to this revelation, Neo just did his own thing, under his own radar and that was his problem, which is why his life wasn’t fulfilling. Neo was unaware of his servitude to a controlling system and that’s how this film parallels so profoundly with our world and the illusion we all live daily. The Matrix was a program designed by machines to provide mental stimulus for human bodies connected to these machines as a source of power. In the film the Matrix, Neo exists in the sixth version of the program, prior to that, there have been multiple versions with flaws in the program much like, but far more complex then, Microsoft’s Windows operating system versions. Like the machines in The Matrix, our reality is filled with control,transnational corporations and the global banking cartel have bought and paid for their own puppet government, to help push their agenda for global dominance and monetary superiority. This world that we all share is in a state of irreversible decline because of the greed and power that these corporations hold over this planet. I would love to say that if we all just pitched in, we might be able to actually reverse this impending calamity, but I’d be lying. I wish I wasn’t, I wish we could get it all back or start at zero and do it right this time but all the evidence, in every field of hard science and study, point to the extinction of our species. What do you do with this information? Especially on that scale, what do we do? There are groups and grass roots organizations out in the world fighting; they are fighting to take back our planet from those that stole it from us all. The problem is there are too few fighting and too many switching the channel to the fiction of reality TV or to the fantasy of religion. There are too many that haven’t the mental faculty to sustain thought long enough, in order to decipher the complex ‘Matrix’ that’s been pulled over their eyes. We live in a society of fear, a society where hurting someone’s feelings holds more weight than asking why something is the way it is. We live in a society of pacified consumers that believe that God is looking over them and Jesus is set to return during the rapture. This line of conformity thought will be the death of us all. This may seem extreme but again, the evidence is piled high in support of this unfortunate trend. Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. Societies function in a number of ways, but arguably one of the most important way, is the controlling of the populace. People out of control can cause a society to crumble, so in order to prevent this capitalistic disaster in modern society, governments and corporations must use various levels of mind control and propaganda. There are a number of potential disarmaments those that rule over society keep in proper check. Peace can never come to pass, people can never fully get along and the population must be kept sick and ignorant. Peace is kryptonite for the profitability that fuels the massive military industrial complex. The world is a business so business must be everlasting. That’s why people can’t be allowed to ever get along. In order to continue governmental war programs, there must always be a threat to safety. People must always be kept in a state of fear and loneliness because the fear helps them go along with, otherwise insane acts of war. People that are intellectually and spiritually one with themselves don’t need things to help define their lives. The person that is awake to the realities of the world, enhances their lives with other people and nature, not with how much designer clothing they own or what brand of cell phone they carry. So it’s important to governments, corporations and their shareholders that the population is kept fearful and insecure about themselves. That’s how you sell them things like wars and in the same breath, a juicy genetically modified big mac at McDonalds. Which comes to, keeping a population sick and ignorant; sick people, physically and mentally have their strength, energy and will sucked out of them. Smart, educated, healthy groups of people can see the deceit and lies the government passes as laws and freedom. This world functions as a money and power gathering system for less than one percent of the population. To continue this form of power over the majority of the people, the use of religious dogma and a law system allows the ruling class to control the world. It’s a very sick and twisted reality that in most cases doesn’t make any sense because of the obvious question. Why? Why do so many people have to suffer and be kept from living a fulfilling life with the benefit of equal opportunity, equal rights and an education to help them on their life’s journey? It’s quite possible the answer lies in the ego and the narcissism psychologically bound to the human psyche. This is why it’s important to understand that those truly in power, and I don’t mean the most powerful man in the world, the president of the United States, who’s clearly a powerful avatar or more likely a puppet for the real power, the true elite of the world aren’t sick people. No more then you and I are sick in the Freudian sense, they just so happened to have been born a Rothschild or a Rockefeller. They would struggle with similar conflicts toward the internal convoluted workings of the society of the mind. They have good relationships with people and bad, they have kids and marital problems. “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” - Einstein English writer and public speaker, David Icke in his lectures says the elite are from secret societies that worship crazy animals and plan world wars. Although I don’t think this is entirely false I do think turning these people into mythological shadows isn’t a compelling psychological way to understand them. Neither is suggesting they come from a long blood line of lizard people that cover their skin to appear to look like ordinary people. This even furthers us away from understanding people with immense power, by turning them into a crazy conspiracy theory, right up there with alien abduction. The one thing we should take from David Icke is never assuming all that we know is all that there is. “Our civilization is founded on the suppression of our instincts.” - Freud Human beings, no matter what race or intellectual background they come from, are subject to reality perception and not reality itself. That perception comes with a belief system attached to it, where we believe things about the world. When we are affected by the physical world our sensory data correlates and deciphers that information in our brains and forms a version of understanding, our own version of what the information means to us and the space outside of us. So this begs the question, after all this processing is complete, how much of what is real is left? How do we know what is real if this form of filtering and self-propagandizing lies within us all? Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Do we live in a Matrix-type world? Do we live in a holographic world where illustrations of reality bang off the edge of the universe and reflect back to a time we call present? What are the dangers of expanding consciousness? What is outside of subjective human consciousness, and are we just witnesses to the real world or bad interpreters or observers of it, but lack the right to actually participate in it? These questions are all in The Matrix, and the film leaves many of them open-ended. They opened the door and hoped the audience would walk through it. We do live in a Matrix of sorts, we, like the machines, create the world we live in by using the tools we are programmed to use. They use programing and we use our imagination as our filler. The properties that create thought appear to have no bias with what’s real and what isn’t. Its primary concern is self-preservation so if what we believe protects us in some way then that’s all that biologically matters. Are we not a species of complicaters, do we not take our understanding of language and imagination to an extreme when we invent reality? Are we not all inventers, really and does consciousness fuel this invention? Consciousness is a memory/experience recalling system with the primary purpose of recalling the past to navigate through the present as part of the bio-systems self-preservation drive. “Here we experience the consequence of a doctrine which has been preached from all of the housetops: that the State is the highest goal of humanity and that there are no higher duties for a man than to serve the State. I see in this a regression not to paganism but to stupidity. It may be that a man who sees his highest duty in the service of the State actually knows no higher duties; but there are beyond this, other men and other duties - and one of these duties, which for me, at any rate, is more important than service to the State, calls on one to destroy stupidity in every form, including this particular stupidity.” -Frederich Nietzsche What is normal is only normal now, that seems obvious but we all come from a history where the world was flat and sea-monsters controlled the vast oceans. We lived in a time where God created the world as we know it and ghosts tormented the living during the shadowy dark of night. But the truth is people made it all up. This story is ancient and comes from a time when fundamentally we didn’t have all the answers but we had this working brain and imagination. We didn’t know why we were on this planet or that we were even on a planet for that matter. We didn’t understand why some people lived for a certain amount of time and then died. We didn’t understand how some of us contracted diseases and others didn’t, why some of us died at an early age and others flourished. We didn’t understand what caused weather, why it snowed in some places and not in others, why thunder and lightning crashed down from the cloudy sky, and why tornados or hurricanes occurred. We’ve been living in civilization for the last five thousand years which is roughly 0.2% of our evolutionary history. That leaves 99.8% when we were hunter and gathers in the wild of nature. That’s the reality because it’s only been recently in our history that we’ve institutionalized religion as the source of creation. Culture defines our reality now and it also teaches us but equally divides us. This is the result of human beings asking a question that makes us uniquely different to other complex organisms on this planet, the question is ‘why?’. We seek out reasons for why things are, we are constantly probing unobservable phenomena to explain the observable. It is because of this ability that we’ve been able to advance the species from hunting and gathering, to exploring the nature and vastness of the universe, but it’s also why we are easily led to believe in absolutely absurd notions of reality, and the origins of our species that was so-called precipitated by a grand architect. We, as a species, are ‘why’ obsessed and that is our gift but it is also our curse. It’s our gift for those who explore advancements in medicine and for those who dive deeply into the philosophical questions of the nature of reality and the human experience. That’s what I’d call the ‘progressive why’ and then there is the ‘conservative why’, this why is still screaming and yearning for answers to our collective ‘why’ obsession but it doesn’t have the proper cognitive mapping construct, to use when seeking answers to their questions. This ‘conservative why’ is the true virus on this planet and its eminent destruction. So what did we do? Early man formed descriptions of our little place in the world and with our limitations and lacking points of reference; we tried to figure it out, to feel secure in it and to keep our people safe. We started to talk about it, we tried to understand it, we started to tell each other stories about the world and pass those stories onto our young, in order to protect them from the varying elements that existed in it. Our stories of the world became the history that we made up and this is where our problem lies today. We forgot or more likely have been misled about how our factual history originates from storytellers and not from bibles. This is the true birth of human beings on this planet. We all still drink the Kool-Aid and take comfort in their old stories of Gods and monsters. "We have a choice. We have two options as human beings. We have a choice between conversation and war. That's it. Conversation and violence. And faith is a conversation stopper." -Sam Harris Religion destroys spirituality; I just recently viewed a very disturbing video that took place in the fall 2013. I will not post it on this site due to its graphic nature, but I sat through it myself in order to be reminded of the extent ignorant people are willing to go to protect their ignorance. The title of the video was called, “Suspected Witches Burned Alive by Christians in Kenya.” This video took place in a wooded area where about 100 Kenyans gathered around a trench while five or six others, whipped and beat five suspected witches. They throw brush on them and kept beating them into the trench. They set the brushes on fire and kept beating these heretics until they couldn’t fight back anymore, falling over into the fire brush and burning to death. This is morally and rationally inexcusable, but the bible told them to kill heretics, stone them and burn witches. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” Exodus 22:18-20. For all the ‘faith’ that can be found in religion, there appears to be a hundred times that in fear/hate. These people on the surface are scared of evil and demons in the world. There is a true belief that witches are real just as Romanian’s in rural areas still fear vampires. The problem with religion is; if it were all true, and we are in the service of God, then we must follow his commands, we must kill all non-believers and threats to our peace on this planet. But the truth is, it isn’t real, it’s made up by governing rulers in totalitarian civilizations, which only wish to control their populations. This is the true face of religion, believe in our lie without any threats or you die. The problem with belief is its complex. Often people believe but have no reason as to why they believe, stating that it’s just a feeling they have. Some people are Christians but later confess they don’t think Jesus walked the earth and that he’s the son of God. Or Muslims that don’t read the Koran but follow its scripture, they believe but they don’t know why. There are of course religious people out there that do believe and feel they know why they believe. Maybe the problem isn’t really religion but how we organize our thoughts in our mind; how we just think something is real and follow that thought without the benefit of deductive reasoning, to somehow validate the thought before we send it out in the world. The coordinates to connect the dots are founded in knowledge, not merely information. Asking the question of ‘what’s this all about’ will never do. We must as individuals and a species get past this way of thinking that things will be figured out for us. Neo’s journey in the Matrix was a personal one but it was also for the future of mankind. It was about the fight to wake up and see the world for what it truly is, an illusion. It was about seeing the controlling forces that keep the world in its level of enslavement. This story was like the Buddha’s journey so many years ago in Northern India and also a retelling of the allegorical plight of the prisoner in Plato’s cave. Neo was helped by Morpheus because the illusion of the Matrix was too real to question. Therein lies the problem in our reality, people think it’s all too real. The true sign of intelligence is an individual who is constantly wondering about the world. For the rest of the people, they seem to all think they are doing everything right in their lives. Without the help of metaphors for hope like Morpheus, most of us won’t get the chance to even chose between the red pill or the blue pill. Search Site Title Skip to content Home About Contact Open Search First blog post Placeholder Image This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Featured post October 8, 2016 0 Edit Post MATRIX ARTICLES 11 Warning Signs From The Universe That You’re On The Wrong Path Matrix Articles By Andrea Schulman Many people believe that things “just happen” to them, but as we connect more closely to our intuition we are shown that everything that happens to us is of our own creation. We may not be fully aware of what we are creating moment to moment, but fortunately the universe provides us with many signs to let us know when we are on the right path, and (more importantly) when we are on the wrong path. This article will focus on the warning signs from the universe. In general, warning signs from the universe occur in the form of unwanted circumstances and events. These signs are an indication that your energy is headed towards (or currently stuck in) a low vibrational frequency. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are focused negatively, and this is creating unwanted circumstances. Conversely, when your thoughts, feelings and actions are moving at a high vibrational frequency, life will line up perfectly. You will have excellent timing and good luck all day long. This is why it’s so important to raise your vibration by consciously choosing positive thoughts. Although we have the ability to resonate at a high vibrational frequency, it is challenging for us to stay elevated all of the time. This is because our souls are stuck here on Earth in a physical dimension that is much denser and slower than the higher, ethereal dimensions. The simple makeup of our planet and bodies is composed of much lower vibrational energy than that of our souls. As a result, we will likely bump up against unwanted circumstances from time to time, but that’s ok. As long as we heed these warning signs (without allowing our egos to fixate on them!) we can get back on track quickly. As you move through your day, it’s a good idea to take note of the warning signs from the universe. Here are a few examples of signs to be mindful of: 11 Warning Signs From the Universe Stubbing your toe Getting stuck in traffic Receiving dirty looks or snide remarks from others Getting injured Unexpected expenses or bills in the mail Uneasy gut feelings Arguments with your loved ones Getting sick Headaches Losing or breaking your possessions Unpleasant odors, sounds or taste Each of these signs is an indication that you need to center yourself and adjust your frequency. When you encounter one of these warning signs, please stop! Do not keep working on that task, or having that conversation, or obsessing over that thought that you were just having because it is not taking you where you want to be. Instead, take a deep breath, step away from the situation, or even take a minute to meditate if you are able to. If you catch these warning signs quickly and respond immediately, the simple act of centering yourself will stop the negative momentum. As a final note, please try not to obsess over a warning sign. Talking about it, thinking about it and replaying it your mind is a surefire way to lower your vibrational frequency. Take it for what it is, a simple “stop sign,” and move on from it. Please take care of your vibration; only give attention to the thoughts, feelings and actions that resonate with your soul’s natural frequency. 3076703311_ba649f6a1e3422170974_3ee16376e7giphyhow-to-exit-logotumblr_mhrtk5ptdz1s5304no1_500tumblr_mvy4crhoua1sy6m2qo1_r1_500tumblr_n0tf8x1wt51t2463ro1_500tumblr_n2yh2kvynv1t8em1eo1_500tumblr_n4rt7ihw2u1rhd0aco1_500tumblr_n5iu6uklby1s8fmiyo1_400tumblr_n6aorvz0mo1shcemfo1_500tumblr_nan13bwjb21qzpwigo1_540tumblr_nefchkilbv1rvn6njo1_500tumblr_nf5t5z0i7j1qkip4do1_540tumblr_nj267nspzc1t5c6u6o1_500tumblr_nswdsiif0a1s6ayelo1_500tumblr_nt7ds6ivoy1tzv1dpo1_500tumblr_oa8olwzklr1u1obpeo1_540tumblr_ob5461nw261s8s09mo1_540tumblr_obvc5m6lri1r1si11o1_540tumblr_ocefuffgfj1rz768fo1_500tumblr_ocjeqdss2c1u8038co1_540tumblr_ocuqa1ioal1tlb5xto1_540tumblr_oe8bze8ccq1tvh80lo1_540tumblr_oelod1u3uw1r7k734o1_540tumblr_oem5o4kpul1rz3ib5o1_540tumblr_of1l4ssnga1stoo0qo1_540tumblr_of3tedemln1saq3w2o1_540tumblr_of5p40wi571tfp001o1_540tumblr_of5y7wlxnu1tj8veko1_540tumblr_of6r1hbf8a1qlxk49o1_540tumblr_of8yzdkosn1urpx6po1_540 Beware Of Sexually Transmitted Demons How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy! Filed in Matrix Articles by MichelleWalling on March 6, 201 How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy! Filed in Matrix Articles by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, Author and esoteric researcher Michael Tsarion talks about psychic vampires. Tsarion believes the medical community is way behind in their acknowledgment in this area. Tsarion stated, “Vampirism isn’t simply the old cliché of being sucked of energy. This is what all of the other teachers and all of the books are saying. This is only about 50% of the problem and in a way, doesn’t even constitute the main type of attack. One of the most dangerous aspects of the attack is to actually be dumped on by the other person.” According to Tsarion, you need to understand: bioenergy and how it works cording and the exchanging of energies along with how each person plays a role Tsarion added that the vampiristic kind of person has the greatest success from people who suffer enormous trauma and enormous loss throughout their lives whose consciousness has been traumatized who have been beaten up a lot who have had a lot of difficulty in life who have been underdogs who have been outsiders who need a lot of warmth and affection Energy vampires tend to stay away from: people who are stronger people who are centered people who have lived a better life More from my site Michael Tsarion – Psychic Vampires This Is Why Timelines Change Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL? How The Double Slit Experiment Explains Paradoxes And The Law Of Attraction Slow Kill: Why Are The Controllers Poisoning us? Part 1 Transcription of In5D Episode 35: Corey Goode – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance Video: Psychic Vampires The Deepest Secrets Of Vampirism The Connection Between The Pyramids And Orion’s Belt The Matrix Is Going Away Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Michael Tsarion – Psychic Vampires In “Matrix Articles” Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL? In “Articles by Gregg Prescott” This Is What Happens Right Before The Birthing Of The New Earth In “Articles by Gregg Prescott” Tags: energy vampires, Gregg Prescott,, Michael Tsarion, psychic vampires Comments are closed. « Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says Humanities Response To Recent Transparency: Our Reaction Determines Our Reality » Subscribe to our Newsletter Email * Thank You For Your Contribution! Click Like to Follow Matrix On Facebook! Recent Posts False Light Versus Self-Realisation Free Yourself from Workplace Slavery- 33 Ways to Earn a Living Without a Traditional Job 11 Warning Signs From The Universe That You’re On The Wrong Path How Bloodlines Have Been Genetically Tweaked To Produce An Abundance Of Psychopaths Serving the Alien Agenda Get WooWoo With Us On Our Newest Site! What Is The Matrix? Exit The Matrix With A Holistic Life Coaching Session Most popular posts False Light Versus Self-Realisation 16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On The Right Path 11 Warning Signs From The Universe That You’re On The Wrong Path Beware Of Sexually Transmitted Demons Free Yourself from Workplace Slavery- 33 Ways to Earn a Living Without a Traditional Job Declaration Of Sovereignty And Soul Contract Revocation Connect Connect with us on the following social media platforms. Sympathy is the ability to feel compassion towards others. Empathy goes a step beyond that. Being an ‘empath’ means you not only recognize the emotions of others, but you feel them as if they were your own. Too often, strong empathizers absorb much of the pain and suffering from their environment. This bogs them down emotionally and blocks their ability to function at a high level. If you’ve ever been in a room with a negative person, you know how tangible his/her emotions can feel. You feel like his/her heaviness is seeping into you and you find it harder to keep your head up. Learning to defend yourself from this kind of toxic energy is an essential life tool, because your emotional state affects you mentally, physically and spiritually. Let it be your own! Here are five ways to stop absorbing people’s negativity: 1.Let Go Of People Pleasing If someone is complaining about you, gossiping, or talking down to you, do not take it personally or fixate on trying to make them like you. This will only pull you deeper into his/her field of negativity and make you energetically and emotionally dependent on their opinion. Be compassionate towards yourself and realize that not everyone is going to like you – and that’s okay! Everybody has different personalities, likes and dislikes and these will create a different life experience for every person. Show yourself love first and it will act like a forcefield around you that will keep other people’s opinions from draining you. 2.Know When To Say ‘NO’ If you had a guest in your home, would you let him come in off the porch and track mud all over your carpet, or would you require him to clean his shoes before he entered your personal space? What if you asked him to dinner once and he invites himself over for the rest of the month? And what if he insisted on sleeping on your couch to save himself the trip tomorrow? All without your invitation? Being generous can be a great thing, but there is a fine line to be aware of to make sure you and your generosity are not taken advantage of. Accept no freeloaders, naysayers, or emotional vampires past where you are comfortable. Set boundaries and enforce them! This is your life. Your body, space and personal time are your sacred temples, so think carefully about what kind of people you allow access to them. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘no’ as often as you feel you need to. Set clear standards about what you expect from others before you give them a place in your life. 3.Stop Feeding The Beast Above, I threw out the term ‘emotional vampire.’ These are parasitic personalities who literally feed on your attention and affection and suck you dry for all your efforts. Emotionally investing in these people may feel worthwhile at first, but ultimately, you will find yourself drained of energy and their many problems still unsolved. Their thirst for your love can never be satisfied if they are determined to stay feeling like a victim. You can offer your support to those who need it, give a listening ear to a struggling friend or stranger, but note when your efforts start becoming redundant or when their calls for help begin feeling more like vies for attention. The more attention you give their problems, the less resolution there will be. It is not your responsibility to fix other people’s problems, especially when people don’t really want their problems solved. They want to be pitied. It is healthy to know when to walk away! When you feel your resources depleting, offer your sympathies and leave the situation. There is nothing mean about refusing to engage in someone else’s drama. 4.Return To Nature Sometimes, you really just need a breather from everyone else. Their chaotic energies can be hard to tune out, so take a weekend, an afternoon, or even an hour for yourself and go somewhere peaceful. Let the many voices of nature replace the mind chatter of the modern world. Notice the simplicity of the natural world, the lack of motive, the coexistence of all things plant, animal and earth. Breathe deeply and meditate. Focus on filling your body with fresh oxygen and elevating your spirits and when you return to your daily routines, you will feel refreshed and less apt to absorb negativity from others. 5.Remember Who Is Responsible For YOU You are the only one with any say about how you feel. You are 100% responsible for what you let influence your thoughts and emotions and if any aspect of your happiness is out of balance, you have the ability to correct it. Your own perception of yourself is more powerful than anyone else’s, unless you choose to trade away that power for their approval. Once you choose to be accountable for your feelings, you free yourself from the influence of others. When you are confident in who you are and how you want to feel, it is much more difficult for others to throw you off balance. Make deliberate choices and take control of the positivity in your life. Choose situations which boost your energies and keep the kind of company that only adds to who you are. Love yourself enough to say ‘no’ wherever it is warranted and walk away from environments that do not serve you. Remember, you are responsible for your life experience. Make it for you and make it phenomenal! inShare Sympathy is the ability to feel compassion towards others. Empathy goes a step beyond that. Being an ‘empath’ means you not only recognize the emotions of others, but you feel them as if they were your own. Too often, strong empathizers absorb much of the pain and suffering from their environment. This bogs them down emotionally and blocks their ability to function at a high level. If you’ve ever been in a room with a negative person, you know how tangible his/her emotions can feel. You feel like his/her heaviness is seeping into you and you find it harder to keep your head up. Learning to defend yourself from this kind of toxic energy is an essential life tool, because your emotional state affects you mentally, physically and spiritually. Let it be your own! Here are five ways to stop absorbing people’s negativity: 1.Let Go Of People Pleasing If someone is complaining about you, gossiping, or talking down to you, do not take it personally or fixate on trying to make them like you. This will only pull you deeper into his/her field of negativity and make you energetically and emotionally dependent on their opinion. Be compassionate towards yourself and realize that not everyone is going to like you – and that’s okay! Everybody has different personalities, likes and dislikes and these will create a different life experience for every person. Show yourself love first and it will act like a forcefield around you that will keep other people’s opinions from draining you. 2.Know When To Say ‘NO’ If you had a guest in your home, would you let him come in off the porch and track mud all over your carpet, or would you require him to clean his shoes before he entered your personal space? What if you asked him to dinner once and he invites himself over for the rest of the month? And what if he insisted on sleeping on your couch to save himself the trip tomorrow? All without your invitation? Being generous can be a great thing, but there is a fine line to be aware of to make sure you and your generosity are not taken advantage of. Accept no freeloaders, naysayers, or emotional vampires past where you are comfortable. Set boundaries and enforce them! This is your life. Your body, space and personal time are your sacred temples, so think carefully about what kind of people you allow access to them. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘no’ as often as you feel you need to. Set clear standards about what you expect from others before you give them a place in your life. 3.Stop Feeding The Beast Above, I threw out the term ‘emotional vampire.’ These are parasitic personalities who literally feed on your attention and affection and suck you dry for all your efforts. Emotionally investing in these people may feel worthwhile at first, but ultimately, you will find yourself drained of energy and their many problems still unsolved. Their thirst for your love can never be satisfied if they are determined to stay feeling like a victim. You can offer your support to those who need it, give a listening ear to a struggling friend or stranger, but note when your efforts start becoming redundant or when their calls for help begin feeling more like vies for attention. The more attention you give their problems, the less resolution there will be. It is not your responsibility to fix other people’s problems, especially when people don’t really want their problems solved. They want to be pitied. It is healthy to know when to walk away! When you feel your resources depleting, offer your sympathies and leave the situation. There is nothing mean about refusing to engage in someone else’s drama. 4.Return To Nature Sometimes, you really just need a breather from everyone else. Their chaotic energies can be hard to tune out, so take a weekend, an afternoon, or even an hour for yourself and go somewhere peaceful. Let the many voices of nature replace the mind chatter of the modern world. Notice the simplicity of the natural world, the lack of motive, the coexistence of all things plant, animal and earth. Breathe deeply and meditate. Focus on filling your body with fresh oxygen and elevating your spirits and when you return to your daily routines, you will feel refreshed and less apt to absorb negativity from others. 5.Remember Who Is Responsible For YOU You are the only one with any say about how you feel. You are 100% responsible for what you let influence your thoughts and emotions and if any aspect of your happiness is out of balance, you have the ability to correct it. Your own perception of yourself is more powerful than anyone else’s, unless you choose to trade away that power for their approval. Once you choose to be accountable for your feelings, you free yourself from the influence of others. When you are confident in who you are and how you want to feel, it is much more difficult for others to throw you off balance. Make deliberate choices and take control of the positivity in your life. Choose situations which boost your energies and keep the kind of company that only adds to who you are. Love yourself enough to say ‘no’ wherever it is warranted and walk away from environments that do not serve you. Remember, you are responsible for your life experience. Make it for you and make it phenomenal! The following information was compiled by Bernhard Guenther and describes how entities can attach to you through sexual intercourse and other sexual exchanges. Bernhard will be a guest on In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show on August 13 to discuss his personal experience with hyperdimenisonal attacks. It is important to let go of the fear of such attacks by gaining an understanding and awareness of how these attacks occur and what we can do about it. 1. “The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.” – Dr. William Baldwin, Spirit Releasement Therapy —— 2. “People also pick up entity attachments through sex. Sex is much more than a physical interaction, it is an energetic exchange, and opening into another person on an energetic and spiritual level. The act of sex creates a connection between your energy field (aura) and the energy field of the person you are having sex with. When this connection is made you will pick up or absorb whatever is attached within the other person’s energy field. If you have sex with someone that has a entity or demon, you will absorb that entity into yourself. You will basically be making a choice to allow or invite anything within the person’s energy field you are having sex to come into you. It is important to understand what sex actually is and what it creates beyond physical pleasure, and to choose the correct people who you want to open yourself to on that level.” – Peter Michael, —— 3. “Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from you because you have considered yourselves valueless and purposeless. Those who would rule you on the physical and multidimensional planes understand the power of your genitals to create life, pleasure, pain, and death. They use your genitals as doorways without you even realizing it. You are re-gridding Earth and changing the frequency so that one-by-one lights go on and fields of energy are established. You must learn how to stop feeding those vampires who suck your energies, from the astral planes, from the dimensions, and from on and under the Earth herself. Your sexuality and how it is used are the key elements. It is in this very deep part of your regenerative self, your sexual organs, the core of your being, that many of the main problems lie, problems so dark, so secret that no one would dare speak of them. Yet they must be revealed. To relinquish power over your sexual organs is truly to abdicate the power of living. By power we mean a sense of connectedness and accountability, the maturity to know when to express yourself sexually and when not to…..First you must make peace with the sexual organs of your being because it is here that life springs forth….And most of all, seek to understand the power of your sexuality, to infuse its expression only with love, for sex without love is truly not worth experiencing. Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately. Even if you don’t want to be with this person, the sexual experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange.” – Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn/Family of Light —— 4. “Sexual chemistry and sexual intercourse itself is also a preferred method of creating a powerful link for psychic feeding. It is very important to not participate in the normalization of sexual behaviors that are not based in mutual respect and deep reverence. This may sound prudish but I do think human sexuality is powerful and threatening to the dark forces and they use normalizing sexual deviance and loose sexual behaviors to destroy people and to prevent the true spiritual potential of human sexually from being realized and enjoyed. There is no comparison when sacred sexuality is honored, realized and or known. Lower forms of sexuality are then obviously repulsive, low and degrading to every person involved. Having the good sense to set appropriate boundaries, finding and addressing our blind spots and past traumas that create unconscious reactions and developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment is of extraordinary importance. If we have not addressed our own blind spots and unconscious triggers or do not have a clear sense of what is really going on, this can be one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can use to take and misuse our energy.” – Eve Lorgen, The Dark Side of Cupid —— 5. “Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise. The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours. Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple people and carries around these multiple energies? What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel positive energy and attract negative energy into your life.” – Lisa Chase Patterson Find out more about Bernhard from his website: Piercing the Veil of Reality tumblr_of824qv6hq1qew1bso1_500tumblr_ofa9zevijf1qew1bso1_500tumblr_ofa9zs4k7x1qew1bso1_400tumblr_ofazzl5tfn1saq3w2o1_540xz 11 Shocking Things I’ve Learned Since My Awakening Filed in Articles by Michelle Walling by MichelleWalling on March 25, 2015 Share Button [Pin It] [Email] [Print] inShare by Michelle Walling, CHLC In this article I will summarize my awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet. It has been five years since I began to question the true essence of “who I am” and “why I am here”. When I had the shocking realization that I was not my physical body, I began to obsess about my soul and why I would put myself into this body in this lifetime. I have dedicated most of my waking time to studying, gathering, filtering, and repeating information I have learned. Most people who are reading this article right now have been down many paths of realization and many rabbit holes. There is no doubt that you have had some shocking realizations, and maybe some of them match mine. Here are the top 11 most shocking things I have learned since my awakening: 1. Humans are not at the top of the food chain. This planet is being controlled by what the Gnostic texts refer to as the Archons, which is a small group of reptilian beings and amoeba-like beings that use sophisticated artificial intelligence, grey extraterrestrials, and artificial intelligence to carry out their orders. These beings use humans as food by feeding off of their negative energy. They need energy to sustain themselves because they have a diminished connection to their creator. They exist in a different vibratory frequency that is unseen to most people. 2. The “Harvest” as spoken about in the bible is actually the harvest of energies… … from humans created by survival, disease, false light worship, and fear derived from economic and political upheaval, religion, population genocide, and war. It could also mean literally harvesting actual physical bodies from the planet that give their energy away by following false light archetypes. 3. Everything we sense with our five senses is a holographic illusion. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. We are somewhat in control of what we create based on our thoughts, beliefs, and contracts we made before we came into this lifetime. The rest of our reality is a holographic overlay that has been termed a matrix. The movie series “the Matrix” is actually an accurate depiction of this hologram. We can exit this matrix and return to an organic matrix by raising our vibration. 4. Everything is upside down and backwards, and the real Earth experience we seek exists as a mirror of this one. “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”~-Michael Ellner “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”~-Michael Ellner The beings that have manipulated the planet cannot create so they take what has been created and manipulate it, and then trap beings within their creation. 5. The Illuminati, a lower level of the archon group… … that is in physicality here on the planet, is heavily into human sacrifice and sex; especially pedophilia. Satanistic rituals are held under the Vatican and in many other ley line specific buildings on astrologically planned days where children are raped and killed to “feed” the archons; literally with pure unadulterated blood. 6. We are all part Reptilian. Our brains were genetically modified by the Annunaki so that we are veiled form our true origins so that we can be easily controlled and manipulated. The human body was created to serve the Annunaki but the one thing that cannot be controlled is the soul that occupies it. Our brains were genetically modified by the Anunnaki so that we are veiled form our true origins so that we can be easily controlled and manipulated. The human body was created to serve the Anunnaki but the one thing that cannot be controlled is the soul that occupies it. 7. There is a New Age agenda created to confuse, dis-inform, stop us from action, and keep us separate from each other. New Age isn’t all bullshit, though. There are golden nuggets of truth that are mixed in with the small percentage of disinformation. These nuggets can be valuable clues into the dark agenda and can shed light on technologies that are being used against us. Discernment is something that has been critical when it comes to taking in any information. 8. There is a difference between channeling and receiving telepathic messages, and channeling can be easily infiltrated by the false light minions of the archons. A good rule of thumb is that if a person hears voices in their head, speaking as clear as someone talking to them on the telephone, then this could easily be deception. There are false light beings that can pose as angels or spiritual guides. Telepathy is more of a connection with a being through thoughts and feelings, and is less susceptible to interference. The highest form of channeling is connecting with your higher self or parts of you that are in parallel lives. 9. Not all grey extraterrestrials are malevolent. There are hundreds of grey alien civilizations in our galaxy and some of these groups are actually highly revered and accepted into the peaceful galactic councils and federations. There has been a deliberate campaign to group all greys into the same category in order to confuse people and to keep benevolent greys from being trusted. There are hundreds of grey alien civilizations in our galaxy and some of these groups are actually highly revered and accepted into the peaceful galactic councils and federations. There has been a deliberate campaign to group all greys into the same category in order to confuse people and to keep benevolent greys from being trusted. 10. The government has been traveling to the moon and Mars with ET technology since the 1950’s and has bases both places, as well as other places in our solar system. Most life on other planets in our solar system exists within the planet or in another dimension. Our sun is a stargate to the cosmos and is full of beings coming and going at all times. 11. There has been a reincarnation trap that has kept many people stuck in a cycle of deception and low vibration. The Universal Law of Karma has been used as a ploy to get souls to agree to keep returning into physical incarnation, and their memory is wiped clean each time so that they do not remember who they are or what karma they need to balance out, thus repeating the same karmic issues time and time again. The white light at the end of the tunnel may very well be a wormhole that leads to the moon where the false light beings are waiting and posing as your loved ones. The good news is that we are waking up out of the programming and mind fog and are realizing what has happened. We will change our reality with our awareness, thoughts, and intention. There will be a return of our memory and of our ability to create and to connect with our creator. The human body will become a vehicle through which we can enjoy physicality on Earth while co existing in other realities at the same time. The human race will soon be free, and or future generations will no longer be food for those who have enslaved us. One of the best summaries of the bigger picture can be found in the following video- “David Icke- Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More.” About the author: Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. Eva Lorgen, Author, Researcher and Consultant in Anomalous Trauma. Offering Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Telephone Consulting Services. Eva Lorgen joins us for a discussion on how to detect, deflect, and recover from emotional vampires. If you’ve ever thought you have met your soul mate but were baffled by magical omens, paranormal activity, and high emotional drama, you may first want to do a background check on Cupid’s evil twin. No, it’s not your imagination. Cupid may very well exist, but he also has a dark side. In The Dark Side of Cupid, Eve Lorgen, M.A., shares her expertise of what may really be happening when lovers are brought together by supernatural sources. These love connections can lead to obsession, and may even cause the lovers to question their own sanity. Supernatural interference may be anywhere from a nudging sense that “this love connection feels like it’s being orchestrated elsewhere” to a hard-hitting realization that the lover is an outright psychopathic, demonically overshadowed, psychic vampire. Cupid can take the form of extraterrestrials, angel watchers, troll spirits, or reptilians. Through several case histories, identifiable signs and symptoms, and a questionnaire, the author introduces the reader to a new understanding of mystically connected love relationships gone wrong. She challenges readers to enhance their awareness of the possibility of relationship interference and manipulated psychic connections. She offers practical tools for recognizing, dealing with, and healing from these traumatic, fools-gold soul mate connections. Hour 2 — with Eva Lorgen covers MILABS, spirituality, the overview of abductions, species of ETs, genetic experiments, and insights into recovery and healing from trauma-based events. ~Randy Maugans Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments Filed in Matrix Articles by MichelleWalling on October 16, 2015 Share Button [Pin It] [Email] [Print] inShare Discarnate entities by Tom Montalk via Wake Up World Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality. The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy. Etheric Parasites Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae. Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type. These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent. To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these parasitic energies budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms. The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thoughtforms, they appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs, spiders, black globules, etc… Again, the fact that clairvoyants can see these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just internal psychological processes. Discarnate Human Attachments Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes. Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them behind. According to Rudolf Steiner, it is also possible for demonic entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship. These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Some of this was portrayed in the movie Ghost. Without a physical body, satisfying remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even more easily than humans. Attachment to humans is easiest when parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has suicidal tendencies. Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce homosexual tendencies in straight males. A young woman who was always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran, and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor. Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents. Alien Entity Attachments Some attachments are worse than others. Alien entity attachments are worse than human ones because they are placed into a person intentionally for purposes of monitoring, energy feeding, and manipulation, whereas human entity attachments merely create human personality overlays and common vices. Alien entity attachments function as energy parasites and may be used to torment or butter up an individual to play into an alien agenda, like believing themselves to “have the soul of a Grey” when really it’s the etheric Grey attachment that produces in them those behaviors and tendencies. It’s mostly abductees or people in some way engaged or interacting with the alien phenomenon who receive these, or perhaps people in positions of power and influence who are useful to the alien agenda. Demonic Attachments The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the lower astral planes. Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that something evil compelled them. Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them. Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring those, which in the long run is a bad deal. But just as people get themselves into a hole through credit cards, some do likewise spiritually through the “credit card” of black magick. Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide, depression into a total lifestyle. Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission than other types of attachments. That is because demons target the astral body and spirit, meaning they are hooked in very deeply. Permission can be given consciously through rituals or inadvertently through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and feelings. Getting Rid of Attachments Entity attachments can be removed by starving them out and/or dislodging them directly. Starving them out means identifying what thoughts, emotions, and behaviors they persistently aim to induce, and cutting these off, transmuting or replacing them with their positive opposites. Sooner or later the entity learns that an attempt to induce this action creates the opposite effect and they have no choice but to cease and hopefully leave. This is the standard approach for dealing with astral attachments, for the astral body has to do with passions, emotions, feelings, and impressions. Dislodging them directly is more difficult. Traditionally this involves getting an exorcism, visiting someone practiced in shamanic journeying and de-possession techniques, or getting a Spirit Releasement Therapy hypnosis session. If you have access to these and can afford the service, look into a reputable practitioner. Beware of remote healers or those with icky vibes; some are charlatans and others are disease vectors for even worse entity attachments. It can be done yourself provided you can enter a lucid state of consciousness other than waking, particularly that twilight state in between waking and sleeping. While awake, the astral and etheric bodies are stuffed into the physical and somewhat enchained by it. In this state, which Robert Monroe calls “mind awake, body asleep” you are etherically empowered compared to your waking state. Not only can you see/feel an entity attachment, but you can take various actions to get it off you. This state is characterized by complete sleep paralysis, the sensation of disembodiment, hovering, vibration, and so on. It’s when your etheric body is naturally decoupled from the physical, which science would call the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state. See my article on Active Dreaming for more information. If it’s a simple etheric attachment, it should be localized to a part of your body. You can employ Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways technique to shuttle energy back and forth in that area, which can uproot the entity and make it drop off. Bruce also recommends taking an hour-long bath in water that has a cup of epsom salts dissolved in it, though a swim in the ocean works too. Saltwater has the effect of discharging such attachments. But keep in mind that physical tricks like these only address the most rudimentary of attachments. For astral and more powerful etheric attachments, you have to resort to internal / psychic methods. All such actions ultimately come down to intent, and it’s the vehicle of intent that varies from system to system used. In occultism there is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram which can be traced with one’s etheric arms. Catholics have their pectoral crossing gesture. Robert Bruce talks about removing Core Images (traumatic memories) by visualizing them as photographs being pulled away from your inner field of vision, held at arms length, flipped over, and then visualizing the critters attached to the back of the photo being burned. These techniques serve as a graphical user interface that tells your subconscious or higher self / higher mind to address the problem. In the case of Core Image Removal, it sends the command to remove the crack in your psyche through which an attachment has sunk its roots. Robert Bruce’s technique and other simple positive rituals may be effective while awake (but focused), although for extra punch I believe one does have to be in an etherically empowered state (mind awake, body asleep). That’s because the gap between the conscious and subconscious minds is smaller in the hypnagogic, hypnopompic, and dreaming states. Note, however, that a talented psychic or shaman will not require such states if they etheric/astral bodies have well-developed nonphysical organs that create a 24/7 two-directional uplink with the higher mind. But for the rest of us, a “mind awake, body asleep” state is a temporary means of achieving similar. For dealing with astral entities I prefer charging myself up with divine power, honing in on the feeling of the negative overlay, encompassing my being around it from all sides, then gripping on tightly while accelerating my vibes and confidence in order to completely overwhelm and “electrocute” the thing. It’s my instinctual response and has been used with success several times. I have called upon the power of Christ and whatever else fills me with righteous power. All this is done in that “mind awake, body asleep” state where it’s most effective and the results more noticeable. This works best on demonic or negative entities who carry an anti-divine signature. You may feel the entity resisting the process, which can manifest as an uncomfortable electrical tingling or pulsation (like gripping onto an electric fence) and perhaps the feeling of writhing and sounds of shrieking and growling, or perhaps the projection of ghoulish faces at you to terrify you. It’s important to feel neither fear, weakness, or malice while doing this. In fact, the more positive and empowered you make yourself feel, the better and more effective the process. You are aiming for the intent of separation and the changing of vibrational rate through an elevation in your emotional state / level of confidence. This technique given in the previous paragraph is for non-human entity attachments of a malicious kind and works also against psychic attackers. I would not use it against human entity attachments and haven’t yet needed to. The latter I’m assuming could be spoken to, reasoned with, and peaceably guided into the afterlife. But for negative entities of the astral parasite, Grey alien attachments, demonic and sub-demonic types, I don’t play softball. Resources: Now, I am no expert on etheric/occult practical methods, nor am I clairvoyant, so this research article is just a quick overview. I’ll now point you to several other sources that may be of help to you if this issue presses on your mind: Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual – by Dr William Baldwin – a classic manual on using hypnosis to perform entity releases. This is more a practitioners manual. Remarkable Healings by Dr. Shakuntala Modi. Very interesting and comprehensive book on demonic attacks, entity attachments, discarnates, soul fragments, and healing. Recommended. CEVI: Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind – by Dr William Baldwin – excerpts from the previous book focusing strictly on alien entity attachments. A fascinating and overlooked book in alien research. Practical Psychic Self-Defense – by Robert Bruce. Techniques for removing negative entity attachments based on real life experience by Bruce himself. Fun ideas for experimentation on clearing living spaces of ghosts and oneself of dark entities. Psychic Self-Defense – by Dion Fortune – this book is more a collection of anecdotes from Fortune’s experiences in occult circles and how she dealt with negative thoughtforms, entities, and psychic attackers. Active Dreaming – excerpt from Cry of the Eagle by Theun Mares – one method of achieving the “mind awake, body asleep” state mentioned earlier. In this link the method is referred to as “active dreaming.” Saltcube – by Matt Jones – If you need a video tutorial and don’t mind paying for the instruction, this one is really good for getting into the “mind awake, body asleep” state. Dream Views Forum – community focused on lucid dreaming. Look up the term WILD or “Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming” and you will find many techniques and experiential accounts useful for attaining that state mentioned above. About the author: Tom Montalk is an author, researcher, and musician dedicated to empowering others with practical esoteric wisdom and technical knowledge. His published works include an extensive website and the books Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and Discerning Alien Disinformation. Tom was born in 1980 in central Germany. In early childhood, paranormal phenomena and harrowing alien encounters taught him that reality was strange and mysterious. At age twelve he obtained a library card and began reading all and everything he could find on UFOlogy and spirituality to make sense of his experiences. He also became interested in fringe physics and suppressed inventions after stumbling upon recurring references to alien propulsion systems in UFOlogy literature. After majoring in physics and electrical engineering for several years, Tom left university to pursue a more independent path of knowledge. Combining his research and personal experiences with those of others, he now dedicates his life to solving the deepest riddles of metaphysics, gnosticism, UFOlogy, hyperdimensional physics, and spiritual warfare. He strives to communicate his findings in a clear and concise manner so that as many people as possible can put such knowledge into practice. 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In “Matrix Articles” Fringe Knowledge For Beginners By Tom Montalk October 21, 2016 1 Edit Post THEY WANT TO TURN HUMANITY INTO MATRIX ROBOTS BIO WEAPON DIVISION TO BRING THE ELITE DEPOPULATION CONTROL HUMANITY AGENDA 21 FOR DUMMIES BIO WEAPON DIVISION TO BRING THE ELITE DEPOPULATION image-5hyper-dimensional-interference14203398_657613544397569_8609664298884298024_ntumblr_maozq6fp471rd5rz4o1_50014203398_657613544397569_8609664298884298024_ntumblr_m76wy5dayl1qgke8jo1_50014192017_1110003895734231_4196581792735808381_n-copy14184444_10154923244680016_9084326835045535512_n14184339_1665925470392560_1292733412945502962_ngiphy-3tumblr_m231n6jzvj1qavt3eo1_500-copy14203129_10210063763607361_3289142208977677655_n14202779_1109031825831438_4564188614441458032_n14184498_1109509969116957_546242147038827913_ngiphy-4HUMANITY Stillness in the Storm: “Wikileaks Releases Another Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World Real or Fake-1Makia Freeman, Guest Waking Times Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world. Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today: 1. Fake News Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.). Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stuntwhere they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)? 2. Fake Journalism Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore. There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson. However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs. The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good. Additionally, theGovernment admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government! 3. Fake Entertainment On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world. Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna orKaty Perry). Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophiliaare rife throughout Hollywood. Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control. 4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology. Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs? Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none. 5. Fake Medicine Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them. With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. A 2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found thatallopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US. Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes: – 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries; – 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals; – 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals; – 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and – 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines. Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes: – 37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures; – 32,000 deaths related to surgery; – 98,000 deaths from medical error; – 115,000 deaths from bedsores; – 88,000 deaths from infection; – 108,800 deaths from malnutrition; – 199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and – 106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions. Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery. 6. Fake Scientific Research Backing the Rockefeller’s Western medical Big Pharma cartel is a massive pile of fake scientific research. Like anything fake, the veneer looks shiny and leads you to believe what lies inside is trustworthy and reputable, when in reality it’s reams of biased and concocted research with a peer-reviewed stamp on it. Former Big Pharma reps, esteemed medical journal editors and even insider governmental scientists have all confessed the shocking truth that a large amount of the published scientific data out there is fraudulent and simply can’t be trusted. Check out the top 10 tricks used by corporate junk science. 7. Fake Acquired Immunity Another piece of fakery is the idea that vaccine-induced immunity or acquired immunity could possibly be identical to natural immunity, which one receives after having successfully warded off a disease (e.g. like chickenpox). Vaccine proponents even go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting their shots (the herd immunity argument) – which defies logic, since if vaccines really worked, there would be no need for the vaccinated to worry about catching anything from the unvaccinated. In my article Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom? I discuss how the human immune system is vastly more complex and sophisticated than we understand, and is made up of specific and non-specific parts. A vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity in many ways, including only engendering a specific response, having a completely different point of entry, not conferring lifelong immunity, etc. Besides, vaccines are full of toxins and carcinogens, including fetal tissue. The elite have admitted vaccines are being used for depopulation. The real issue is not herd immunity but rather viral shedding, whereby the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated. Vaccines are yet another example of supreme fakery in today’s fake world. 8. Fake Food True immunity is derived from lifestyle and diet, including what quality of exercise, sleep and nutrition you get. This brings us to the topic of food. Our food today has become so processed and packaged, so full of preservatives and plastics, that it has become fake food. It gets churned out of a factory rather than grown on a farm or field. It’s full of artificial flavors and synthetic tastes – some of them even derived from aborted fetal tissue as Pepsi was forced to admit. Some of it is so refined and over-cooked it barely has more nutrition inside of it than a piece of cardboard. When you add the monstrosity of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) into the mix, you get a final product that Dr. Rima Laibow calls “phude” rather than “food”, because the final engineered, processed product is so far removed from what our ancestors knew as real food. By the way, GMOs, in case you hadn’t heard, can lead to organ failure, infertility and cancer, and are genetically modifying you as GM proteins bypass digestion and go directly into your blood (as is their ultimate purpose). GMOs by their very nature are engineered to withstand massive doses of chemical and hazardous pesticides. GMOs are basically a way for chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow to sell more chemicals, because people need them to grow Big Biotech’s fake food. The WHO recently declaredMonsanto’s glyphosate and Dow’s 2-4,D pesticides as probably and possibly carcinogenic, respectively. 9. Fake Water Just as we have fake food, we also have fake water. Real water is flowing and alive, as you can find in a river or mountain stream. Unfortunately, most of our drinking water today is dead, having passed through 90° right angles in a pipe, having been treated with chlorine and fluoride (both toxins), and containing remnants of antibiotics, glyphosate and Big Pharma drugs. It may do just enough to keep us alive, but it’s not allowing us to thrive. Water has memory and carries past information, as the pioneering research of Masaru Emoto showed. It absorbs what you are thinking and feeling, and changes its structure accordingly. If we as a society keep using synthetic drugs and flushing them down the waterways, the water will remember that, and future drinkers of it will get the “memory information” of drugs in their system, regardless of whether they actually take pharmaceuticals or not. Not all water is equal. How beneficial it is depends on how it is structured. It is heartening to see people promoting structured water, which returns the buoyancy to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms making up the water molecule. We are water. Whatever we do to our water we do to ourselves. One way out of the deception and conspiracy is to take control of your water, and find a pure source, or ensure you both filter and structure your water to make it as life-giving as possible. 10. Fake Choice The US (and other Western nations) like to pride themselves on being free, open and offering so much choice to the average citizen. But do they really? What kind of choice is it when you can choose from over 1000 channels on cable TV and 25 flavors of frozen yoghurt, but when it comes to running society, all the major candidates for political office have identical policies on the things that count? Is there any real choice when one US politician is slightly tougher on immigration, but both support the current parasitic monetary system (privately owned Rothschild central banks like the Federal Reserve), the continuation andexpansion of the US Empire through constant war and military base acquisition, and crony capitalism where politicians reward corporations at the expense of ordinary people? Real choice is the power to have a say in the direction of society, not what material variety you have as a consumer. 11. Fake Money We’re all using the fake funny money of the banksters. fake-funny-money-300x179A nation can never truly prosper as a free, fair and egalitarian society as long as it has a rigged monetary system. Today’s money is a privately-controlled creation. The controllers, who own a government-sanctioned central bank in almost every country on earth, long ago convinced the government to adopt their funny money and rule that it be made legal tender. This funny money is fake money, because it carries no intrinsic value. It’s just pieces of paper with ink – and now, increasingly, just digits typed into a computer. It’s fiat currency. The word fiat means “by Government decree”, so funny money gets its value just because the Government says it does! The founder of the Rothschild empire, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, once said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws”, while his son Nathan Rothschild said, “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.” Our world is unlikely to change until people realize the power of money creation, and demand to have it restored to public control, either under the Government or in another more decentralized way. The first step in all of this is for people to realize how fake our money is. 12. Fake Economy Don’t you love the way US Presidents get up in their State-of-the-Union addresses and claim with a straight face that the state of the union and the economy are strong? Anyone who has looked at the rapid and almost hyperbolic rise of US debt and borrowing in the last 10 years knows the US is in deep trouble. It owes a staggering $18 trillion, and many other nations worldwide (like the UK, Spain, Italy) are also in debt to the international banking cartel. What kind of economy relies on constantly borrowing money from tomorrow just to stay afloat today? I’ll tell you – a completely fake economy that is bound to crash sooner or later when the debt gets called in. 13. Fake Free Markets The NWO elite love to talk about the importance of free markets – when it suits them, of course. By free markets they actually mean markets where they are unfettered by governmental regulation to exploit whomever and whatever they want, or conversely where they rely upon the Government to enforce something that ordinarily people would not choose. Take for example California’s recent ruling of mandatory vaccinations, and the US Federal Government’s refusal to restrict GMOs or even allow GMO labeling. The Government willingly destroys free markets around healthcare (Obamacare) and vaccines to benefit its Big Pharma masters, while simultaneously refusing to protect the public against the dangers it was created to guard against. We have convenient and fake free markets, not true ones. 14. Fake Free Trade Agreements Another aspect of fake free markets is the spate of “free trade” agreements which is more Orwellian doublespeak for restricted trade agreements – that is, restricted to anyone except giant corporations. Just look at the fallout from NAFTA, CAFTA and other free trade agreements which outsourced middle class jobs to China, India mad other developing nations and destroyed many American jobs. The latest round of secret treaties (the TPP, TTIP and TISA) will be more of the same. As I documented in “How the TPP is Going to Affect You“, the TPP, if passed, will result in consequences like the weakening of the minimum wage, more censorship, more copyright, less freedom of expression, private corporate courts like the ISDS which supplant national sovereignty, stronger patents, more control for Big Pharma and less environmental protection. 15. Fake Accounting Underpinning the fake economy is fake accounting. Remember on September 10th, 2001, when then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (the same guy who gave the sweet killer aspartame to the world) announced that $2.3 trillion was missing and unaccounted for. That’s right – he couldn’t find $2.3 trillion! The public has a short memory, and the very next day (conveniently) we were hit with the mass ritual and false flag attack of 9/11, so it all got swept under the carpet. Even that figure, as preposterously large as it is, doesn’t compare to the $9 trillion allegedly “missing”, as explored here by Alan Grayson, one of the few US Congressmen with any principle or backbone. Of course, the digitalization of money allows for every greater amounts of fakery than just fiat paper currency … and massive amounts of money are being siphoned off for black military operations (black ops) and the Secret Space Program. 16. Fake Welfare The elite owners of multinational corporations, many of whom are millionaires if not billionaires, like to complain about the US welfare system and programs like SNAP or food stamps as it is colloquially called. Meanwhile, corporate welfare is rakes in billions of dollars in governmental contracts, subsidies and tax cuts due to the corrupt and indue influence they wield (chiefly through lobbying). The point of welfare is to help the poorest and neediest – not the wealthiest. The preponderance of corporate welfare and the power ofcorporatocracy is another sign that the US is a fascist society – fascist in Mussolini’s sense that the ruling class control affairs through the merging of State and Corporate power. 17. Fake Government fake-government-300x174The figurehead of all this fakery is Government, so it’s no surprise that Government itself is also an entirely fake creation. In the US, many legal documents such as theState Constitution of Arizona state that Government only exists ” … to protect the rights of the governed”, while documents such as the Declaration of Independence affirm that a Government only derives its powers with the consent of the governed. Current Governments around the world are fake – they exist to exploit rather than protect the public. Governments are not de jure entities but are rather de facto. They secretly incorporated (such as the US Government incorporating itself in 1871) and are now, legally, corporations whose sole purpose is to maximize profit. Appropriately, the fake Government is headed by fake leaders or rather misleaders, who with the exception of a rare few, are puppets whose souls have been bought and paid for by the true ruling force behind the scenes. 18. Fake Republic The US was set up to be a Republic, not a Democracy. What’s the difference? The difference is that a republic contains protections of individual and minority rights, so that no mater who is in power, these basic rights can never be infringed, while a democracy runs on majority opinion, so that if a majority (whose emotions can easily be swayed by controllers who own the media and understand psychology) votes to impose its rule on the minority, that’s how it goes. The US has been deliberately turned from a constitutional republic into a corporate democracy. It is a fake republic now. 19. Fake Democracy The above points about republics and democracies was talking about the technical or legal definition of those terms. In the broader sense, however, people use the word “democracy” to mean a system where the common people have a fair say in public affairs. The US loves to boast how it is delivering democracy to the world, but most invaded countries see – and it’s a long list of aggression from the end of World War 2 until today, from Iran to Guatemala to Cuba to Chile to Panama to Kuwait to Libya to Iraq and many more – is not democracy but rather tanks, fighter jets, missiles and bombs. True democracy has nothing to do with invading other sovereign nations and stealing their resources to please corporate puppeteers. 20. Fake Elections Elections in many societies have become a farce with the introduction of rigged electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail. If you can’t trust that your vote will be counted properly, how can you possibly think an average person could have any say at all in public affairs? Stalin is rumored to have said that “the people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” The situation has become so absurd that in the 2012 US presidential race, it was candidate Mitt Romney’s company who actually purchased voting machines! The film Uncounted did a great job exposing how rigged and dysfunctional the Diebold voting machines are. In addition to rigged voting machines, consider how the fake debates we get shown on MSM TV, where elite-favored candidates are fed softball questions while anyone challenging the establishment is sidelined, given less air time and hit with personal attacks, unfounded accusations or hard questions. 21. Fake National Security National security is the favorite justificatory term invoked by the elite to hide their documents and actions under the cloak of secrecy, while invading other sovereign nations abroad and taking away people’s rights domestically. However, national security has nothing to do with making you more secure; it’s about making the elite more secure (by entrenching military secrecy and contracts) and you more insecure (by taking your rights and liberties away). Think of the immense amount of information kept classified and under lock and key – everything from UFOs to ETs to cancer cures to free energy devices – which the public deserves to know and has the right to know, yet fake national security is preventing them from accessing it. 22. Fake Defense In the US and Australia it’s the Department of Defense/Defence. In the UK it’s the Ministry of Defence. In Canada it’s the Department of National Defence. Israel has its IDF (Israeli Defense Force). Pick your country, it doesn’t matter: the war departments always adopt the PR language of defense, since it’s so much easier to justify than attack. Yet take a close look at what these nations do. They routinely attack other nations on the flimiest of pretexts to gain moregeopolitical influence, install puppet dictators, steal land and pillage natural resources. Israel loves to talk about its right to defend itself, but when has Israel ever been under a real threat of attack – apart from in their own imagination? Perhaps they were worried that a few Palestinians with rocks and sticks might be able to penetrate their billion-dollar defenses, generously donated by US taxpayers. When has the US ever been in real danger of being attacked? Never. Pearl Harbor was an inside job – they knew it was coming. It was an excuse to get the US into WW2. Since then (and even before then too), the US military has always been about unbridled aggression, preemptive strikes and attack, thanks to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex. There’s nothing defensive about it. 23. Fake Education True education is the drawing out of the inherent beauty and talent inside of us. This makes sense, since etymologically, it is derived from the Latin words “e” or “ex” meaning “out of”, and “ducare” meaning to lead or draw. True education stands in stark contrast to indoctrination, which as the word suggests is all about putting dogma, belief systems or doctrines into someone’s mind. Unfortunately, our education system today is one of fake education or indoctrination, having been set up the elite in the early 20th century. They in turn based it on the earlier Prussian industrial school model which was designed to produce obedient citizens, workers and soldiers – not creative free thinkers who would challenge the system. Many people such as Norman Dodd have exposed how powerful tax-exempt organizations, such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations, have hijacked the US Republic. They especially focused their efforts on influencing the curriculum and using it to mold the minds of the impressionable young. John D. Rockefeller is widely quoted as saying, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” 24. Fake Law Just like many other aspects of our society, we are also surrounded by an entire system of fake law. Our legal system has been overtaken by admiralty jurisdiction or maritime jurisdiction, which was formerly used as the main commercial jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes among merchants sailing with goods on the seas between ports and countries. However, the average man or woman is at a big disadvantage walking into commercial jurisdiction (rather than common law jurisdiction) where many rights don’t apply, because things are run on contract. Much of today’s “law” is not true law but fake law: statutes, regulations, rules, policy, by-laws and codes. These are all commercial terms which only apply to commercial entities – such as your legal person or strawman, the capital letters name/version of yourself, which functions as the joinder or bridge to cross over from common law into commercial law. The Government and Law Society rely upon deception to trick you into accepting their presumptions of law as facts of law. These presumptions become unrebutted facts unless you challenge them. The truth is that all of these statutes do not apply to you unless you agree to be part of some society or organization, and this includes unwittingly admitting you are a citizen or resident of a country, which legally means you are a member/employee/franchisee of the United States Inc. or any other privately-incorporated Government. The same goes when you admit you a “taxpayer” to the IRS. You can learn more about how to escape all of this trickery by educating yourself with sovereignty resources. 25. Fake Rights We are all born free. We are all born with real, natural, unalienable, God-given, inherent human rights – choose whatever word you want to describe them – regardless of where you were born geographically. Yet instead of honoring theseinherent rights, governments like to give us fake rights instead, which are really just privileges in disguise. The thing about privileges, of course, is that they can be revoked at any time by the governing authority. As I discussed in the article “We All Have Inherent Rights – Regardless of Whether a Nation’s “Authority” Recognizes It“, we have been given “civil rights” and UN “human rights” which are not the same thing as stand alone, inherent rights. These fake rights have the effect of making us more like servant-slave, rather than master-creator, in relation to Government. 26. Fake Consent Just as we have been tricked with fake law and fake rights, we have also been tricked with fake consent. Many of the contracts we sign with Government or the big corporations are adhesion contracts, meaning a contract where one side is heavily favored by the terms and where the other party is severely restricted. These include but are not limited to contracts with the DMV (driver’s licenses), IRS and SSA, as well as those concerning voter registration, bank accounts and credit cards. By law, to have a valid contract, all parties must enter knowingly, willfully, and voluntarily, with full disclosure of all of the terms; if not, then the contract is considered unconscionable and an act of fraud. There are ways of revoking adhesion contracts, but most people don’t even realize they unwittingly gave consent in the first place. 27. Fake Morality I have already covered how utterly fake the MSM is in part 1 of this series. Yet, for all their fakery, they love to claim the high moral ground and pretend they are being ethical and proper, all the while deliberately deceiving you and lying to your face. The MSM will happily condone the bombing of 3rd world countries and paint war in a good light at the behest of its military-corpoate owners, but will act all outraged because someone walked around naked or said the word “fuck”. It then goes to great lengths to censor certain words like this – f*ck – while going on it merry way, e.g. supporting the Zionist Israeli destruction of Palestine by pretending that Israel is not the aggressor or is in serious danger. 28. Fake Spirituality religion-isnt-based-on-truth-300x254True spirituality, which is the awareness of one’s own divine nature and one’s own connection to the Infinite, has been usurped by organized religion, which has inserted its own set of middlemen (priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.) between you and the Infinite, and started to charge you a fee for “divine translation services”. From one perspective you can say that all religions contain a kernel of truth, and that is true; however, from another perspective, you can say that all religions have become bogged down in dogma, doctrine, fantasy and ridiculous belief, are recycled Sun and Saturn worship, and are selling people down the garden path with a mixture of disempowering beliefs and Satanic elements. David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and others have highlighted how religions have borrowed and stolen elements from previous versions, how the Middle East is a religion factory (see embedded video above) and how religion has ultimately been given to us to deceive us. 29. Fake Clouds As the geoengineeringagenda races onward unabated, people are still in denial about the existence of chemtrails, preferring instead to believe the fake argument that they are contrails – despite the fact that experienced pilots have confirmed that contrails disappear in 10-12 seconds, while chemtrails linger for hours. These days geoengineering has changed its name multiple times (including SRM [Solar Radiation Management] and Climate Remediation), probably in an attempt to confuse people and cover up the horrific reality of its activities. Sadly, today as you gaze up into the sky, there is no guarantee any more that you are seeing real clouds. With the intense amount of aerosol spraying and cloud seeding going on, there is always a good chance you are seeing the fake clouds of geoengineering, which continues to spray toxic sulfates and iodides of barium, strontium, aluminum, iron and silver. Geoengineeing has been implicated in the decline of the bee population. Meanwhile, Big Biotech owns the patents on aluminum-resistant GMO crops – which I’m sure is just a coincidence. Nothing to worry about; move along please! chemtrails criss cross Fake clouds = chemtrails 30. Fake War on Terror When it comes to fakery, the utterly fake War on Terror is close to the top of the list. As Aussie comedian Steve Hughes says, how can you have a war on something which is the consequence of war? Terror is a consequence of war. Terrorism is one of the most deceptive and effective tools of the NWO (New World Order) to trick people into allowing centralization of control, and allowing Government to pass laws, encroach upon rights and grab power when it otherwise would not have been able to do so. Look at the Patriot Act another horrendous pieces of legislation which gutted the Bill of Rights, passed in haste because scared politicians wouldn’t stop to read it, and a scared population went along with it. However, we were warned about fake terrorism. Recall Aaron Russo’s accountof his meeting with Nick Rockefeller, who was trying to bring him in to the inner folds of the NWO, and revealed to him that the elite were planning false flag attacks and a global war on terror way before 9/11 occurred. Recall alsoCarol Rosin’s account, who learnt from Nazi/NASA insider Werner von Braun who predicted that the game plan was to fool people with fake communism, fake terrorism, fake asteroids and a fake alien invasion. 31. Fake Lone Nutter Killers This is another favorite tactic of the elite – kill game-changing activists and public figures who have the power to change the world (JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK, John Lennon, etc.) with mind-controlled patsies. Then, control the MSM so that you can paint a false narrative about a random, unconnected, lone nutter who just happened to have a personal vengeance against the victim or was out of his mind. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Mark Chapman have all been exposed as innocent patsies and expendable victims who were unwittingly part of a grander conspiracy. 32. Fake Boogeymen Finally, on a similar note to above, just as the elite controllers give us fake lone nutters to take the fall, they also provide us with fake boogeymen to scare us. Some of these boogeymen have really scary beards and turbans, and are able to overcome the most advanced air defense (NORAD) of the most militarily sophisticated nation on Earth (the USA) from a cave in Afghanistan. Cue Osama Bin Laden, close friend of the Bushes, one of America’s grandest criminal families. Thanks to Prescott Bush (who traded with the Nazis), George Bush Sr. (former CIA head and US President involved in JFK’s death, serial rapist and pedophile, member of the Carlyle Group), George Bush Jr. (mentally impaired US President who presided over 9/11 and the fake War on Terror) and now candidate Jeb Bush, CIA-trained and funded Osama is in great company. I suppose it’s just a coincidence that the Bin Ladens were having lunch with the Bushes the day before 9/11 occurred … “According to the Washington Post, the Carlyle Group met at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in NYC one day before 9/11. In attendance at this meeting were former president George H. W. Bush and Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama …” 33. Fake False Flag Events The rate of staged false flag operations, whether they be false flag shootings or false flag bombings, has been increasing. It almost seems like there’s one that goes by somewhere every month. It’s Another Day, Another False Flag. Maybe this is due to how effectively the elite can fool the general population, and scare them into giving up their rights and supporting the centralization of power. Yet, at the same time, there is also a growing awareness of a critical mass of people who see right through these events. After all, we have been exposed to a lot of them. In the last 15 years, here is a brief and incomplete list of 21st century false flag ops: – 9/11 of 2001 – the Bali bombings in Indonesia of 2002 – 7/7 of 2005 – the Norway shooting of 2011 – the fake Sandy Hook (Sandy Hoax) shooting of 2012 – the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 – the LAX shooting of 2013 – the Santa Barbara shooting of 2014 – the Malaysian Flight 17 of 2014 (falsely blamed on Russia) – the “Sydney Siege” in Australia of 2014 – the French Charlie Hebdo shooting of 2015 – the Tunisia shooting of 2015 – the Charleston shooing of 2015 and so on. There are many more that didn’t make that list. Paul Watson of InfoWars pointed out a few years ago how even the military term false flag had begun to permeate in the mass consciousness and had cropped up way more as a search term online. Remember how InfoWars reporter Dan Bidondi asked a Boston official, on live TV just as it was unfolding, whether the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag event? It would appear with the rising consciousness that the elite are going to be hard pressed to keep using false flag operations – unless they take it to a whole new level with perfect, undetectable holograms. 34. Fake Crisis Actors Related to the fakery of false flag operations are the fake crisis actors used by the MSM to attempt to deceive you. The alternative media has done a great job exposing the extent of fakery here, including exposing crisis actors at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, the Charleston shooting and many other events. On several occasions, the lying MSM even used the same crisis actors (seehere and here) for different false flag events! 35. Fake Pandemics While the threat ofbioweapons, including those that are constructed to target certain ethnicities, races or segments of society, is quite appealing to an elite cabal bent on depopulation, the fact remains that the recent pandemics we have witnessed, especially theebola pandemic, are exaggerated and fake. Kudos to Len Horowitz for his years of research in documenting the rise of bioweapons and fake pandemics, and also to Jon Rappoport who kept a cool head and questioned every aspect of the ebolapsy-op, while many others were taken in by the propaganda. Wasn’t it telling and almost surreal the way the ebola phenomenon just suddenly dropped off the map, after the US Government allegedly gave the order to the MSM to stop reporting on it? 36. Fake Moon Landing fake-moon-landing-300×225 The fake moon landing. Credit: The moon landing is another stunning piece of fakery that has gone down in the official history books as fact. Perhaps the best pieces on the issue are Jay Weinder’s analysis,Secrets of The Shining: Or How Faking the Moon Landings Nearly Cost Stanley Kubrick his Marriage and his Life and also in this interview. Weidner presents a compelling argument that the elite convinced Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing in exchange for secrecy and future film budgeting. Kubrick himself was very well acquainted with the Satanic underbelly of the New World Order, and produced one of the most striking films which ever exposed it (Eyes Wide Shut), with its famous scene of a Satanic ritual orgy and sacrifice in a mansion of the elite. Kubrick died from a heart attack before the release of the film despite being reported to have been in good health with a strong heart – just another coincidence, I’m sure. It is quite possible we went to the moon – just not in the way we were told. If you study the origins of NASA, you will realize it came out of the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) of Jack Parson, black magician and follower of Aleister Crowley. Later, Nazi scientists joined NASA who were smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip. Additionally, there are many Freemasons at NASA, including many of the astronauts on the 1960s and 1970s missions. 37. Fake International Space Station and Fake Space Walks The fakery about space is not limited to the moon landing. There are numerous videos regarding the ISS (International Space Station) which look obviously faked, including one where one of the astronaut Chris Cassidy slips up andadmits they are shooting the video in a US town on the ground. The Chinese also released a very suspect “space walk” where a bubble can be seen going past the astronauts’s head! There is another video showing someone with scuba gear aboard a supposed space craft. So what’s really going on in space? It’s hard to know, but these examples of fakery are easy to spot. The chronicle of events is written by the victors, thus becoming fake history. The chronicle of events is written by the victors, thus becoming fake history. 38. Fake History It has been said many times that history is written by the victors. If these victors have an agenda to dominate or set up a system of control with their newly won power to ensure they remain at the helm for many years to come, they can easily rewrite history or give us fake history in order to legitimize themselves. George Orwell wisely observed that “Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future.” What he meant by that is that if you are currently in power, you have the means to censor information (e.g. internet firewalls, data deletion, book burning, etc.), and then, by controlling what people thought happened, you can shape the past in a favorable way so as to ensure you remain in power for the future. An obvious example is the way the Zionist-dominated press reported on World War 2 and the events leading up to it. This is why revisionist history is so important; we need people to actively reexamine our past and work out what happened, so we can see the patterns and learn from our mistakes. As George Santayana said, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. 39. Fake Authority An overarching theme of all the fakery I have listed is that humanity has given it power all to fake authority. We have been tricked into giving over unquestioning obedience to authority, without stopping to think critically, question sources and biases, and make decisions for ourselves. It’s all too easy for someone to don a black robe, white jacket or shiny badge and appear to be somehow above you. Yes, some people have gone through a lot of hard work and training to become a judge, priest, scientist, doctor or cop, but they are still human. They still don’t know everything. What if they just memorized a lot of facts and procedures themselves without ever truly questioning it or understanding it, then just repeated and parroted it over to you? 40. Fake Universe Finally, it seems the very universe in which we live is, also, not exactly “real”. The recent upsurge and popularity of the flat earth movement(who have highlighted many interesting anomalies that can’t be explained by the globe earth model) shows that we still have some investigation to do in determining exactly what kind of place we live on. On a more fundamental level, however, we live in a fake universe in the sense that it’s a giant hologram or simulated reality. People from all walks of life have hinted at this deep truth, whether it be ancient Hindu teachings that the world is maya (illusion), researchers such as the late Michael Talbot who wrote the great book The Holographic Universe, or cutting edge scientific studies trying to prove that the holographic model of reality fits the data better than the standard models of physics. These days there are many Western scientists putting their energy into cracking the code of our holographic reality. Mainstream media outlets are exploring the fake universe topic too. Take a look at the following: – A study by Nick Bostrom in 2003 which proposed “at least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.” – A study by theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena in 1997 proposed that “an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.” – A study by Daniel Grumiller et al in 2014 proposing the holographic model of the Universe: “These field theories are the putative holographic duals to theories of gravity in three-dimensional asymptotically flat space times” Conclusion Everything is fake, and seeing that helps us return to what is real. About the Author Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Sources: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *“whats-a-false-flag”-google-trends-shows-search-term-spike.html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Like Waking Times on Facebook. 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October 16, 2016 0 Edit Post THINGS THAT MUST SHORTLY TAKE PLACE MATRIX DESTRUCTION 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know By Preston James, Ph.D o by Preston James For almost 100 years there has been a Secret Ruling Cabal of Banksters and Industrialists from the City of London Financial District that has been running the USG and setting the policies of America which are based on Big Lies and Major Deceptions. This cabal has spent many billions of hard earned American dollars which they have confiscated through a crooked tax system to pay “talking-head” major mass media “newscasters” to limit what you can know and to make sure almost everything the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is lies and dispensed propaganda, which helps keep this super-elite deviant Ruling Cabal in power and keeps important truths from the public. The Cabal knows that they must keep truth from the people in order to continue in power, and now the advent of the worldwide Internet is posing their greatest threat ever, and their demise may be right around the corner. Some of the oldest most senior members of the Cabal believe that the only way to stop this erosion of their control over truth that the Internet now presents is to elicit a major nuclear WW3 that will radically depopulate the earth and convert the political structure back into a Middle Ages type feudal King/Serf system. The advent of the worldwide Internet is proving to be the undoing of this Cabal’s previous near complete lock on the truth. They have controlled the history books, the school teaching agendas and limited higher education to their approved subject areas. The worldwide Internet is now proving to be the New Gutenberg Press and has the same power to completely dethrone the Cabal and restructure society. It is an engine for the spontaneous and widespread emergence of a new worldwide populism, a new worldwide Conscience-Collective that can and will erode and displace the CMMM. Without the CMMM’s constant uncontested dispensing of lies and propaganda, the ruling Cabal’s power, authority and legitimacy will be progressively eroded, and eventually this Cabal will be exposed and eliminated. This process appears to be well under way now thanks to the advent of the worldwide Internet “Truth Movement”, a new type of spontaneously emerging world populism. Karen Hudes, former high ranking counsel for the World Bank, has disclosed that at least five of the six American major mass media are owned by the six largest banks which means that they control public opinion by controlling what the major mass media dispenses to the public. Thanks to the Internet this is quickly coming to a screeching halt right before our eyes in real time. No greater litmus test has been more clearly apparent for the CMMM than the recent false flag attack in Syria by Al Cia Duh. Watch the CMMM house of cards start to fall as the truth is fully exposed by the alternative media on the Internet. This is called “driving the news” and when a certain critical mass is reached in the alternative Internet media, the CMMM is eventually forced to cover the story and in a way that has moved toward the alternative version. Eventually the full alternative version completely displaces the original cover-up story and these truth nuggets of horrible USG crimes and abuses written abuse benignly and accepted in the CMMM like they were just an everyday normal occurrence. The Ruling Cabal knows that major stories have a short decay cycle and if they can delay the truth for a certain period of months or years, it just doesn’t matter if the public finds out because it is old, stale news by that time and not considered relevant to most. If you ever felt that you were being manipulated by the major mass media you were very perceptive because that is what has been happening and it is because the Banksters use the major mass media to dictate public opinion to meet their needs, which makes the major mass media almost completely controlled. that is why it makes sense to refer to it as the a Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM). The CMMM is based through and through on lies, deceit and propaganda that most American subjects have believed as Gospel truth until very recently. This blanket acceptance and trust of the CMMM by the naive, mind-kontrolled “asleep at the wheel” public is similar to the King’s New Clothes fable, but it is now being eroded almost daily as the Alternative News on the Internet grows in popularity. This is extremely vexing to the Ruling Cabal because they know unless they act soon to suppress this growing erosion of their mind-kontrolling/dumbing down mechanism (the CMMM), they will become fully exposed and the curtain will be pulled back showing the Wizard of Oz to be a weak old man with no real power except for his power to deceive, manipulate and mind-kontrol. This newly emergent worldwide Internet Truth movement is cutting through these ruling Cabal lies like a hot knife through butter and its ability to do so and drive the alternative news into mainstream news is increasing almost daily. So far all attempts to slow this or stop this have failed or resulted in an ever increasing emergence of Internet provided truth accepted and believed by the masses. The Ruling Cabal’s ability to continue withholding the truth from its subjects is waning by the day as the Alternative media has now outpaced the CMMM in popularity. You cannot easily find any young people going to mainstream mass media TV network news for information, they all go to the alternative news sites on the web like,,,,,,,,, (danger room), and so many more fine newsfeed websites like these that it would fill pages. And few believe the network news radio reports anymore either. Since these network radio news are also Cabal controlled and part of the CMMM, their constant parroting of what the network TV talking head spout is increasingly also ignored. And those sites that are run out of the Pentagon or the Fusion centers, or zio fronts are usually quite easily identified or at least perceived as tainted, and many folks are now rejecting them for the most part because their lies and distortions are becoming so plainly obvious. Real truth cuts through the Cabal’s CMMM dispensed lies like a hot knife through butter and once the cat is now out of the bag, these gold nuggets of truth will circulate forever on the net until they have completely eroded the Ruling Cabal’s strength. It’s like kryptonite to superman. Here is a list of some of the major truth nuggets that are now being circulated in the alternative media on the worldwide Internet which seem to have real teeth and many of these have come from high level connected intel sources. These are facts, disclosures and information that the Ruling cabal never intended for you to ever find out about. Skip over the items that you are already familiar with or not interested in. Contrary to what USG officials keep parroting through the CMMM, the United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy and the Founding fathers specifically designed the Constitution to prevent America from ever becoming a democracy by creating what was to be a permanent separation of powers between Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive (Administration including the President). The system was designed to prevent the President from becoming a petty dictator, but that is what has happened under Bush 1&2 and Clinton, and now Obama. This has occurred because Congress has allowed these presidents to start and fight undeclared, unprovoked, unConstitutional, illegal wars without impeaching the President. And the judiciary has been blackmailed into submission by Cutouts of the Cabal using secret wiretaps from the NSA. A Democracy is mob rule, that is, simple majority rule which is what the Ruling Cabal wants since it has been able to easily mass mind-kontrol the public by controlling the major mass media. The Ruling Cabal was able to change the process for electing US Senators from appointment by the state legislatures to popular vote, which was not what the Founding fathers wanted, either, and makes Congress even more easily controlled by the Cabal “money-men” who have unlimited funds for K-Street lobbyists and other various types of support to Congresspersons before and after they are elected. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign owned private central bank which creates imaginary, fiat money out of thin air only, is no more federal than Federal Express shipping company, has no reserves, and is basically an unconstitutional “sleight of hand” fraud operation which charges American citizens interest illegally to use what should be their own money. Its twelve stockholder/owners are kept secret. the federal reserve Act was supposedly passed to prevent depressions but has been used to create them on behalf of the Ruling cabal so that they can pick up more assets at huge discounts. This fraudulent system generates mass debt slavery through pernicious usury, considered by the Muslims to be a very great sin and used to also be considered the same by the Catholic faith. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 is one of the greatest frauds in history and was actually “stealth legislation” passed without a true quorum, right before Christmas break when few Congress-persons were present. The Internet has been exposing this “big lie” in spades and more and more Americans are catching on and hopping mad because they are realizing for the first time that this illegal Central Banking has allowed the Ruling cabal to steal their hard earned income and asset strip the wealth of everyday citizens as well as America the Republic. The Internal Revenue Service is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is the private collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank. It too is completely illegal but is able to steal the taxpayer’s money by use of brute power, a hijacked and compromised justice system and brutal police state style “boot in your face” power. Obama’s affordable Health Care was designed by top Cabal members who control the insurance industry as a means to bring all taxpayers and citizens together under the massive daily control of the IRS who are designated to be the enforcers of Obama care and will have access to everyone’s bank accounts and can size assets at will even if in error. And of course there is a somewhat recent “smoking gun” letter from a certain Midwest senator that instructed the IRS to get real tough with Tea Party groups which will probably be released to the public sooner than later and could easily prevent any re-election of that individual. All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialist run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are luciferian based and this Ruling Cabal. Others have discovered a long term association with these Ruling Cabal members and alien or ET entities, and believe these cabal members are actually infected with alien/ET demonic parasites who demand and promote mass death and destruction upon the Earth once they gain control over the Cabal member who has lost his soul or been “soul-snatched”. Some researchers have labeled this Ruling Cabal Babylonian Zionism, or the “Synagogue of satan” and claim that it’s wealth and power is based on the use of “Babylonian Money-Magick” which is the use of fiat money lent at pernicious usury in order to create massive debt slavery, massive asset stripping and provide complete but hidden control. Others attribute it power to the anointing of Lucifer and their use of the evil “black arts” which include deception, slight of hand and human sacrifice. If the cabal can issue or print all the money it needs, it can buy up almost every single politician it wants as long as it keeps the effects of all the excess money mitigated to prevent complete collapse of the monetary system. Of course experts know that the creation of the US Petro Dollar which required all oil sales to be made in money converted to US dollars first was a stop gap effort to delay reality until the Ruling Cabal could use America to subdue the whole world on the behalf of these City of London Bankster’s before the system eventually crashed. The reason why the US Dollar is now only worth only about 2 cents of what is was worth when it was originally issued is because the Federal Reserve Bank has been issuing more and more money to buy politicians and support their secret black operations designed to develop alien technology to keep complete control over “we the people” and this Ponzi system is eventually doomed to failure. The following video clip is a classic by Michael Rivera of It is 45 minutes long and most folks can get the main message which is very important in the first 5-10 minutes if time is limited. For those that have the time and want hard core specifics, the rest of this clip is perhaps the best description of how Banksters cause wars ever published. YouTube – Veterans Today – This secret Ruling Cabal has existed for hundreds of years and has planned to create a Globalist NWO system located in Jerusalem and is allegedly powered by the mass suffering, death and bloodshed of humans as a “blood-sacrifice” and/or a “soul-sacrifice”. The plan has been to elicit zionism and Muslim extremism movements to battle it out and destroy each other so that Jerusalem and the surrounding Arab areas can be demoed, allowing a new temple to be made for the New World order luciferian ruler, the “New Caesar of the Ages” to be seated so he can assume world rule. In order to do this all the main powers of the world must be destroyed through war, starvation and pestilence, to allow supremacy of the NWO as it sets up world government in the New Jerusalem Temple of lucifer. The Ruling Cabal’s obsession to setting up a Roman style NWO world government in Jerusalem dates all the way back to the Crusades when the European Royalty expressed this obsession to take and hold Jerusalem to gain the secret gold stache and the ark of the covenant, both allegedly buried under the old temple ruins. These City of London Banksters and their Wall Street franchisees set up and financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1915 with its brutal Red Terror and also designed Nazi National Socialism as a fascist counterbalance. Thus both Bolshevism and Nazism were two sides of the same zionist coin, and not all Zionists are Talmudic Judaics which is a surprise to those that discover this. The Nazi faction still exists as a secret, covert fourth Reich controlling some of the large Wall Street Banks and many of the major oil companies, Big Pharma and defense contractors and some American intel factions. The zios run the Central Banking and pernicious usury to create massive numbers of debt slaves, run the FBI and have hijacked much of the high military command and the NSA and other intel agencies, and have been in the initial stages of moving the essence or central control of these entities to Israel in privatized form. This is now being exposed and blocked within the military high command and Intel at also at many other levels of American Society which means that Zionism is now likely in its death throes and will be thrown under the bus soon. But this also makes them very dangerous too until they are thrown under the bus and they seem to be Hell-bent on starting a nuclear WW3 first. It seems as if the Cabal and its Cutouts are seemingly under the spell of some evil soulless mind-kontrolling entity, perhaps best described as a cosmic or demonic parasite that feeds off intense acute or prolonged human suffering and mass death. And it seems as if this suffering is purposefully caused by traumatic harm and death to humans from the intentional social engineering of massive crime, chaos, social breakdown, starvation, and war 24/7 in order to provide a near constant “shedding of blood”, which is also alleged to provide energy and life to these parasites who appear to crave their own private near constant mass-human sacrifice. Ufo’s are real and are advanced inter-dimensional Anti-Gravity Craft (AGCs) and have been recovered by the American Army Air Corps (now the USAF) after crashing, and have contained alien/ET pilots.These craft have been back engineered, and the USG has entered into several top secret treaties with certain alien groups to obtain ultra-high technology in return for access to human and animals for biological sampling as long as certain rules are met. It turns out that these alien/ET are liars and deceivers, have broken the agreements and some have used humans for food. The secret Shadow Government (SSG) has taken over the majority of these alien/ET treaty issues and has entered into joint programs with these aliens to build underground bases where they have set up hybridization labs to help the alien/ETs develop new hybrid/human beings with Psi-power and super-soldier characteristics.So far these experiments have failed and the aliens have not been able to synthesize the human soul which is what they are after. It is alleged that other major nations like China and Russia have entered into exchange treaties with various alien/ET entities also. Numerous researchers believe that alien beings have been able to mind-kontrol top SSG and cabal leaders by infecting them with a cosmic parasite which transforms them into power obsessed individuals, filled with blood lust and desire to engender mass death and destruction, and best described as completely self-serving and the “ultimate evil”. This occurrence would explain why the top world leaders and those who run the SSG act the way they do. These individuals are believed to be infected with a cosmic parasite that seeks energy they can somehow capture provided by intense and mass human suffering and traumatic death. This parasite makes them act like a power mad, blood thirsty mass murdering parasite against the human race, all the while believing the delusion that their eugenics and mass death is an attempt to purify and save the human race. Thus this cosmic parasite’s apparent script is to manipulate and mind-kontrol world leaders of the cabal to produce as much human suffering, shedding of blood and traumatic mass death as possible in order to extract energy from suffering humans and humans that are dying traumatically. Sick beyond words and yes, it’s demonic and pure evil if true. And some intel insiders have alleged that it is “rumored” that DC is by far the most psychotronically mind-kontrolled geographical space in the whole world, being constantly bombarded with scalar/torsion/standing waves/ultra low ELF, and pulsed beam microwaves from stationary triangulated ground transmitters surrounding DC and satellite based nuclear powered transmitters from high tech large orbital space platforms. Thus not only are DC politicians and officials perhaps the most sexually human compromised, bought off/owned/bribed or blackmailed groups in history, but also perhaps the most cosmically parasitized individuals in recent history, causing them to personally function as the worst criminal psychopaths and parasites on humanity as well as the American citizens that have ever existed. Some insiders have leaked rumors that the “beyond black” psychotronic technology is used to “hive” the susceptible subjects who have weak character or are psychopaths–this involves the aerosol spraying of something called “nano smart dust” from CIA or DOD contract aircraft; this dust is magnetic, has CPU properties when properly flashed after being inhaled and migrating to the brain across the blood brain barrier, and tends to create hived behaviors rendering top politicians, police and intel as mentally subject to the psychotronics of the central hive, usually mounted on towers or space platforms. These particular nano particles were discovered from electron microscopy and chemical analysis of the magnetic particles in the brains of birds, bees, and other insects which appear to be externally navigated and controlled to serve their hive which transmits inter-dimensional signals via particle entangelment. Don’t expect the USG to confirm these rumors soon, because if true it is the glue that keeps their criminal psychopaths on script and one of their deepest secrets at the same beyond-black unacknowledged program level of their triple helix, self-healing hybrid super-soldiers with focused Psi-power and mild to moderate spontaneous remote viewing. These researchers believe that individuals cannot become infected with this Cosmic Parasite or demon unless they have been somehow compromised to believe that it is okay to violate the Golden rule. Those born with a lack of conscience, extreme narcissists or psychopaths can obviously become infected quite easily if this is true. So as this narrative goes, the Cabal recruits by searching for those that are easily compromisable. If someone has strong character, deep integrity and refuses to harm others unless in self-defense, the cabal is not interested in these folks. Cabal wannabees must be comfortable pedophiling and sacrificing young innocent children and creating mass-murder and mass suffering through the pre-arrangement and provocation or wars and mass death and destruction. Take the very richest men in America and the world, the top Banksters and Industrialists and you can assume that most of these folks were only able to get this massive wealth and power by “selling their souls” to Lucifer in a very strange transaction to obtain “untold wealth, power and prestige” that some who later left the “cult” have spoken about. Until recently, unless some former members who refused approached or later rejected these contracts had come forth, such secret rituals would still be unknown. However that last couple of years some younger Rock stars who “sold out” have come forth, admitted it publicly and bragged about it like a badge of honor. Formerly these “blood contracts” were kept secret due to fear of rejection from general society. Apparently nowadays such is no longer a worry since society has been transformed into being so pluralistic. If anyone wants to climb the Cabal’s food chain and obtain higher status and position, they must be “players”, be known luciferians, have proven themselves to be comfortable attending Bohemian Grove human sacrifice rites and worship of Moloch, be able to function as criminal psychopaths and be able to do all kinds of horrible things to other innocent people, things they would never want or expect to be done to themselves. Thus these folks have a complete disconnect between their operating ideology which is completely sociopathic and all the harm and suffering they cause and are responsible for. It is also considered standard procedure to have been “adequately” human compromised in deviant acts that have been video recorded and held as later possible blackmail to be sure folks will do what the cabal wants. In years past some new and married “action officers” in various upper level privatized intel groups were tested early on by being offered very expensive “call-girls” for an adventure away from home. If they accepted, the “meetings” were video recorded and these men were moved up in the command structure. If they refused, the were not fired but were never promoted and kept away from the cabal’s deep secrets. Later on the tests offered them could involved perversions, pedophilia or some other highly deviant act of evil. If the person took the carrot, they then were propelled to the top and identified as a real player worthy of trust. Top insider Zbigniew Brzezinski has admitted as much that the NWO is failing because of the spontaneous emergence of a new worldwide populism and this is especially troublesome for the NWO Globalists. (1) The cabal and it main stateside agent the SSG has declared a covert war against “we the people” and intends to use their cutouts the neo-Bolshevik zios and NeoCons to set up the Department of Homeland Security to serve as the main attack force used to instigate a large internal American civil war and thus serve as a New American Cheka to mass-murder up to about 80% of Americans and institute a massive Red Terror inside America. DHS is buying up billions of how point rounds, 2700 tanks and 30,000 armed drones to attack and murder American dissidents with. The USG official lists of potential and suspected terrorists is growing so large and inclusive almost 75% of all Americans qualify for at least one list. (2) There is a force higher up the Pyramid of Power than the Ruling Cabal run out of the City of London. It is the Old Black Nobility (OBN), also known to some insiders as the European Circle of twelve and this is comprised of the old luciferian black nobility families of Europe that control the Vatican, German banking and all world Central banking including the City of London Banksters and their stateside franchisees the federal Reserve/Rockefeller bunch and have been considered the top of the hierarchy. Actually, however, the OBN is not at the very top, but the “Third Force” is. The Third Force is reputed to be Lucifer himself, the god of this world, the prince of the “power of the air”, the master of the alien/ETs and Ufos and “alien technology”. As this narrative goes, as hard as he tries, he cannot usurp God Almighty, cannot match his might or creative power nor can he create human life and breath the soul into it. He is not omniscient and is using the SSG and all its various high tech spy agencies to attempt to create omniscience. He knows there is a final battle coming between his forces and God Almighty’s and he believes he can win if he gets control of the whole world, consolidates it into a NWO order uses it to build a collection of the highest tech space weapons possible. This Third Force is allegedly limited and constrained by the “Cosmic Rules of Play” required by God Almighty which requires that he must make sure the public is at least minimally informed ahead a time of his plans, has the right to refuse to cooperate, and must agree to be compromised before any cosmic parasite or demon can be internalized. NSA and almost all American intel has allegedly been hijacked by zio Israeli-firsters and infil-Traitors but there has been a recent awakening near the top of these orgs and traitors in charge are being exposed and will be dealt with. Most of these individuals who control these agencies have either been mind-kontrolled, or are criminal psychopaths, or have been bought off by Bankster financial zio espionage fronts like Aipac, or have been human compromised and are being blackmailed into submission. Human compromise ops employ sophisticate honey traps and frequent use of scopolamine derivatives and are typically video recorded and kept on file for later coercion. NSA and other American intel have been providing secret information obtained from wiretaps and other means to the Ruling Cabal to use to blackmail and coerce politicians, judges and officials to do what they want. This has been rumored to include two top US Senators, one a closeted homosexual and one Supreme Court Justice, another closeted homosexual. The FBI is basically a cover-up mechanism for the Ruling Cabal, also engages in espionage against truth exposure such as with Cointelpro type activities and has run numerous illegal murder ops out of its notorious Division 5 to cover-up numerous illegal USG activities and to murder numerous intel whistle-blowers. The FBI runs cover-up operations for the elite pedophile human kidnapping/compromise operations run out of military bases like those run out of Offutt in Omaha. About 95% of all the illegal narcotics are trafficked into America authorized by the USG by the CIA or under their protection in joint efforts. The world’s largest crime syndicate, the zios are also allowed to bring in massive amounts of these illegal drugs as long as the proper higher ups receive their cut which is currently 10% off the top. The DEA is involved in these massive controlled deliveries which come into almost every major international airport in America and many small ones and are allowed supposedly in stings designed to catch the “Mr. Big drug dealers”, but alas they never succeed and these deliveries just keep a coming. Numerous experts now claim we live in a police state. No, that is not exactly correct, we live in a Gangster State which uses a massive internal security mechanism to crush dissenters. Correctly stated, Washington DC should have a big sign upon entering DC:“Gangsters ‘R Us”. The USG is a big table of gangsters with plenty of room for any new gangster that ponies up the bucks for entry, and this includes the large drug cartels which are technically “joint ventures” with some small American Intel factions. Actually it’s like this: we have the WORST government the MOST money can buy, or the biggest collection of gangsters who have the necessary money to buy a seat at the table of control. Any criminal group can buy a seat the table of government inside America if they can pony up the necessary funds. So it is all about money and this is where the 70,000+ K Street Lobbyists come in. They funnel the money to the politicians in terms of campaign contributions, lucrative speaking honorariums, revolving door job promises, lucrative consulting contracts for relatives and business partners, special mortgage rates, offshore account gifts, free use of lavish condos all expenses paid as guests, etc. Doubt this, then just examine the net worth statements of politicians after a few terms in office, especially those who are owned by Aipac and serve a zio mouthpieces, folks like McCain and Graham. And a recent study of top paid Ceo’s suggests rampant corruption. (3) The CIA has run secret Mind-kontrol experiments and massive psychotronic harassment campaigns against dissenters and whistle-blowers along with certain groups in miltel and gotten away with it for many years. Except now folks on the inside are staring to talk and leak and it won’t be long until these operations are fully exposed and those responsible will be hounded, harassed and eventually dealt with. Almost every major psychotronic operation is being exposed now through high level and mid level leaks. Yes, even the sensitive programs now being established in large urban public schools and retail chains with HD cameras and mikes directly connected in real time to local fusion centers where complex face and voice recognition software is run along with the administration of pulsed beam microwaves to shape and modify subject’s behaviors are being leaked and disclosed. And they are all highly illegal because they provide no informed consent which is required by federal and state law. By the way the use of these devices by local Fusions centers are major Felonies, since they damage some children and can cause cancer and leukemia clusters. Nationwide, the police have been mind-kontrolled by the deployment of high tech pulsed beam microwave, constant-on shoulder held radio systems which are known to be able to entrain aggressive attitudes in many police officers and can cause parietal lobe or temporal lobe psychomotor seizures during arrests which can make the officers get temporarily enraged, some with transient psychotic “rage blackouts” at the time of their acting-out, when they go nuts and beat or murder victims unjustifiably and use excessive force, engaging in abject police brutality of the worst kind. Cancer clusters are now starting to form and most police have no idea that after many years of use their brains are being changed and in many cases their souls are being snatched. In time it will be shown that like the hand held radar guns police used to set between their legs between cars, these units are cancer causing. This cancer from these shoulder held radios as it starts to appear, of course, will be minimized and covered up. Every American Intel agency has had its own execution squad. At present there are 37 American, DOD and/or privatized defense Contractor intel agencies and counting, many of these un-admitted due to being part of the black, special access or the beyond black “un-acknowledged programs ‘. Each of these agencies has had its own execution squad for terminations with extreme prejudice after a signed intelligence or executive finding is made and signed. The Administration has had J-Soc (Joint Special operation Command, supposedly still takes some orders from chicanery, who heart is fine and all that was an act to provide sympathy and an easy “faked death that is believable” in case folks attempt to prosecute him for war crimes). The US military has had SoLic Special operations, Low Intensity Conflict to do its dirty work when necessary. The FBI has had Division 5. Most assassinations, especially those related to military contractor whistle-blowers have been routinely set up to be “arkensides”, these are the Dixi mob Arkansas style obvious murders diagnosed as suicide to create a strong and obvious message to other potential whistle-blowers that “we can do what we want and get away with it anytime we want, so you better not cross us”. If you like Chicken you will understand who and what the Dixie mob is which used to be known as the Enterprise. Of course you can always ask John Cathey, he will be happy to clarify this for you. Traditionally anyone disclosing real, documented Ufo secrets or secrets about underground bases or beyond black” space war projects, was quickly “terminated with extreme prejudice” (TWEPed). The last few years this has been almost completely stopped in regard to UFO disclosures, thanks to the Disclosure Project by Steven Greer, MD, and the efforts of many others on the inside, and a rumored deep split in MJ-12 between the younger members and the “old guard” who want no disclosure. TWEPs are still used in those cases involving those who investigate and uncover current criminal operations which could form a direct threat to the continued office-holding of those in high political, military or intel officials. Two examples of these USG “signed findings” murders are the DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, or the Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings who was onto a story so hot it would have likely brought down the current administration. Senators Paul Wellstone, Gov. Carnahan and John Tower were also murdered by the USG with “signed findings”, some refer to as “signed classified intelligence findings”, which are technically an authorization, an executive extra-judicial order to murder as authorized by Potus or a top intel Official. Extensive mass mind-kontrol is now actively being used against the American people to dumb them down, entrain an accepting mood of an underlying anxiety, false beliefs and an inability to get involved in changing the USG, that is, decreased political activism. These measures include massive deployment of psychotronics as the pulsed beam microwaves of cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, new top secret designed street lights, aircraft sprayed chemtrails which dispense smart-dust which is comprised of magnetized nano particles which are breathed in, and eventually cross the blood-brain barrier after which they can be flashed and activated to entrain desired brain patterns, and these aerosol compounds are highly toxic providing a secondary eugenics effect too (4). Many vaccines now are alleged to contain nano-particles of hive-behavior-producing “smart-dust” which can be remotely activated it crosses the blood-brain barrier. It has been hypothesized but not yet proven that these particles can serves as a means to id individuals after they have been “set”, serving as an internal RFID nano-chip. Hollywoodism and much of the youth music culture is occult based and run by the Ruling Cabal as a means to compromise America’s youth and uses luciferian/satanic symbolism to prepare the way for infection of the “cosmic parasite”. The Ruling Cabal has engaged in massive efforts to destroy normal male and female sex roles in order to destroy marriage, create unisex and a whole new increasingly large population of homosexuals which will help lower the birthrate. This is being done through the administration of gender bending chemicals to the masses, aka endocrine disruptors deployed in certain plastics, detergents and foodstuffs. In the 1950’s the CIA and the US military experimented with the “gay bomb” concept, the idea of dropping bio warfare agents which were comprised of powerful gender bending agents mixed with hallucinogens like BZ to render the enemy useless as defenders and tested this bio-weapon on unknowing subjects in numerous cities. The Cabal has deployed neo-Bolshevik methods such as multi-culturalism, diversity, political correctness, feminism, and teaching that perversion is normal and good, or even desirable to grade-schoolers as a first stage in compromising young Americans and making them more susceptible to the “cosmic parasite” later on. The goal here of the cabal is to destroy the fabric of America by eliminating its borders, language and culture. Obviously loose southern borders which are un-enforced allowing massive illegal aliens, and massive immigration of legal aliens helps to destroy what America is, and make it easier to Globalize it and eventually “balkanize” it. Almost all cell phones contain RFID chips so they can be pinged by satellite to give one’s near exact location even if the cell phone is off and un-powered with no battery. Almost all cell phones can now be used to listen in and their cameras can be activated without the cell phone being turned on. Most cell phones can now be remotely turned on and off by fusion centers at will. Electronic telephones and many Cable TV and Satellite boxes can be used for real time spying by Intel agencies. How come no one is ever given informed consent about this when they discuss arrangements for service? Some video games have embedded mind-kontrol programs that entrain violent mental images which can be later activated to help strip away the subjects very soul and make them more susceptible to the cosmic parasite. Many large public school and retail chains are “rumored” to now have “experimental” HD camera systems and mikes with facial recognition software hooked up to local fusion centers and interfaced with WI-fi or other proprietary top secret pulsed beam microwave mind-kontrol systems run by the NSA. Don’t expect the NSA to soon confirm this publicly either. And don’t expect any informed consent either which is required since it is illegal to experiment on or deliver any medically active events to patients without informed consent. It is alleged by insiders that many current vaccines contain DNA or RNA fragments and compounds which are either eugenic population controls or mind-kontrol, or dumbing-down mechanisms.Many contain catalytic virus and bacteria which can be later activated by cross pollination with designer cold viruses. Some of these can be activated to become lethal in the young, old or those with current health issues. Some contain nano-particles (smart-dust) which have psychotronic properties when properly flashed by pulsed beam microwaves. As with the early polio vaccines, many vaccines still carry certain cancer causing viral fragments such as SV-40 monkey virus going all the way back to the original monkey cell lines. Some current vaccines are also based on cell lines obtained from aborted fetuses. The wall street Banksters are making untold Billions off of the mortgage scam through a complex pattern of criminal fraud, MERS and illegal packaging and reselling of mortgage investments without properly transferring titles.They are double and in some cases triple dipping due to Govt mortgage insurance and various crafty tricks with repossessions. Expect to see this scam fully exposed in the future as but one other way banks scam money from vulnerable uniformed citizens and share the funds with the SSG for “deep black, off the book” covert operations, like another S & L scam or an another Enron. The BP oil spill and Fukushima are both Cabal staged biological warfare “death star” attacks on humanity, designed to create massive depopulation in the years to follow. Massive aerosol “chemtrail” spraying by DOD contract aircraft out of a southern Arizona CIA and DOD contractor airline service and some other locations is loaded with various toxic chemicals designed to aid in mind-kontrolling and dumbing-down the masses and dulling their emotions as well as increasing the death rate and creating future droughts and famines. These chemtrails are dual use and one use is a quantum mechanics related space-war use which are highly classified in one particular unacknowledged “beyond-black” program. The massive deployment of custom engineered “eugenicized” GMO seeds is just another covert method of eugenics designed to drastically thin the herd while boosting Big Pharma and big medicine. The Bankster engineered worldwide debt crises is about to enter its final death spiral at home inside America. The master controller, the Third Force is about finished with its Bankster/zio cutouts and is going to throw them under the bus, soon thereafter followed by the NWO system. This will all be accomplished by the spontaneously emerging new worldwide populism thanks to the Internet’s world wide penetration and formation of a new worldwide conscience-collective. As the Bankster/zio system fails the Third Force will attempt to hijack this new worldwide populism and use it to set up his own world kingdom run out of Jerusalem. Of course the complete exposure of Israelis to be the fake Jews of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 will be universals as they are thrown under the bus.Zionism will be fully exposed for its crimes and will be eradicated as will their Bankster system. The US Petro Dollar system appears to now be failing and the BRICS nations trade agreements and others like them seem to mark the end of Big oils hegemony through the City of London Banksters using America as its enforcer. With the advent of the new populism emerging worldwide and a whole new commitment to truth-telling by various USG, Military, Intel and alphabet agents as well as some fairly high ranking DHS folks, every single deep secret is now getting leaked and exposed. Often starting with rumors, and later followed up by actual docs. And now with the advent of the new parallel Russian computer circuitry being jointly developed with China as well as the new inter-dimensional quantum computers experts predict a complete end to cryptography and intel secrets, that is, the eventual complete end to government secrecy. This of course is very alarming to the SSG and various high ranking USG and Intel officials who are dirty and infected with the cosmic parasite, and it is becoming quite clear to some insiders and top experts that the coming end of secrecy is like a runaway freight train that cannot be stopped. 35.The Ruling cabal’s greatest secret is that they are unable to infect and control those Americans who refuse to violate the Golden Rule (except in self-defense) know and keep a strong commitment to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and refuse to be compromised or accept the lies and evil of the Ruling Cabal or its representatives or agents. They know that if more 12% of the people fully wake up they are finished, and we are at 10% now pushing 11%. Yes, research suggests 12% is a major societal tipping point and once reached, it’s bye-bye time for the ruling cabal eventually, one way or another. Conclusion: This recent flap over the big government lie that Assad used poison gas against the Syrian people is a great opportunity to see this newly emerging world populism work.The CMMM has been broadcasting 24/7 that Assad did it. And yet most of the alternative media on the Internet has claimed just the opposite, that US, Israeli & Saudi financed and supported Al Cia Duh has been responsible. This is actually a titanic struggle between the CMMM and the Cabal (old guard) on the one hand, and the newly emerging worldwide populism fueled by Internet based truth from the alternative news services of the Internet on the other hand (the new guard). This is an epic struggle and even if the old guard wins this battle, its win will be turned back on itself and will magnify the opposition aganst it from this newly emerging worldwide Internet based populism, the new guard. Ron Paul has exposed the lies and deceit behind the USG’s and the CMMM’s position blaming Assad. Watch his remarkable presentation. YouTube – Veterans Today – In England the alternative media won this battle and Parliament voted against armed intervention in Syria because the majority of the British people believed that alternative media wholeheartedly. Obama has said he blames Assad for the gas attack but will attack Syria only if he obtains approval from Congress when it returns September 9, 2013. Aipac has traditionally owned almost all the US Senators but less of the Congress-persons. You can bet Aipac and all the zios as well as the top controllers in the FBI and NSA will be engaged in an extensive “influence” campaign to manipulate Congress to approve this strike on Assad even through Israel, Saudi Arabia and the CIA are responsible for setting up this false flag intended to start another big Mideast war to take down Syria and Iran on Israel’s, the Banksters and Big oil’s behalf. (5) This means numerous pressured phone calls and perhaps even some middle of the night “not to worry” FBI visits, like those mention in G. Gordon Liddy’s book, Will. these master controllers, blackmailers and manipulators will be pulling in every mark they are owed by Congress-persons, bet on it. And even them they may fail. This is a perfect test of the will of the new emerging populism created by the worldwide Internet. It will be very interesting to see how this whole matter turns out, because if Congress back down from all these zio manipulations and blackmail, it means that Zionism is actually in its final death throes and will take down the NWO with it. It also means that these neoCons and zio madmen may institute another major 911 false-flag type terror attack inside America, this time a major nuclear false flag inside a large American city, perhaps Chicago. In Chitwon it would be easy for them to institute martial law and manage DHS and FEMA to their specifications in order to reprime the “War on Terror”. Every day more and more Americans are finally starting to understand that the “war on terror” is a phony concoction used to justify all these perpetual, illegal unconstitutional, un-provoked, undeclared foreign wars of acquisition of behalf of Big oil, the city of London Banksters, Israel and zionism. This phony “war on terror” is being used to justify a huge internal police state buildup by DHS which is now accusing almost any good American Patriot and American-firster of being a domestic terrorist, especially Vets, returning Vets, Catholics and Evangelical Christians, folks who could never be terrorists. And even the US Army and Fema has been teaching their staff that the Founding fathers were domestic terrorists and would not be allowed in the services today. This is truly disgusting and must be immediately exposed and stopped. YouTube – Veterans Today – And it is becoming exceedingly clear that not only has the average American has come to strongly distrust the USG on any matter related to the Mideast conflicts but is now questioning the mainstream major mass media as never before. Soon mainstream American will understand that 911 was an inside job, a false-flag staged gladio style terrorist act by the NeoCons and zios and by elements within the Top USAF command, and American and Israeli administrations. The jig is darned near up for these 911 perps and it won’t be too long and they will be chased down to the ends of the earth and made accountable to a people’s court of some sort. Many top military officers now understand who did 911 and that it was an inside job and are hopping mad at the treason and Israeli espionage committed by zionist infil-Traitors, and treason and sedition committed by traitors in the Executive and high military command at the time. For the USG to claim that any use of gas in Syria is an outrage and somebody must be bombed with cruise missiles is one of the greatest acts of hipocrasy imaginable. The USG has deployed biological warfare agents in Vietnam (agent orange) and such massive amounts of depleted uranium (DU) in the Mideast that at least 50% of American soldiers deployed are seriously poisoned, and millions of Mid-easterners are also poisoned, with massive increases in serious birth defects due to genetic damage. High USG and SSG officials bear complete responsibility for this and in years to come those still alive will be held accountable one way or another as the world demands eventually justice. And of course the USG and the UN have deployed covert eugenics agents in vaccines in Africa for years and also deployed their custom gene spliced HIV virus made at Fort Detrick in their first hepatitis B vaccines in New York, Miami and San Francisco and then Africa. Right now it looks like there is a fair chance Americans will wake up and begin to take their country back from the Cabal who hijacked it in 1913 over this latest Syrian flap. But actually, it’s only a matter of time. And when it happens it will be due to the energizing influence and massive daily barrage of “truth nuggets” provided by the alternative news and the hundreds of Internet truth-tellers. The alternative media is providing truth to the masses worldwide and creating a growing tide of spontaneously emerging world populism that cannot be stopped, a grass roots populism that is now demanding an end to the secrecy and massive corruption in government and large corporations accompanied by truth, justice and peace for all. References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World image-5tumblr_mb18oyxqwh1r07p0do1_50014203354_1110018752399412_5210771783016255784_n14203230_1663389330643552_6576953314821133489_n14203355_1076245469090019_8083606222308065779_ntumblr_mb6wvkhmew1rawb5do1_500tumblr_m7885kspfh1rvirmqo1_500tumblr_m634bszf6q1qlye8go1_500101-the-matrix-quotes509dc2c1c70f6570cecdd1a1020a3e98-copy911truth4peace952962dcf2b32e4dd6bb41a72856b44d04a2012-02-23-artificial-womb1919839313_small39322_small62270714064191_331779067166095_2848637258328034808_n14067581_332178503792818_5424950003004194891_n-copy14067701_330798730597462_6753497859745994994_n14079510_331087120568623_2637077881319512893_n14089192_110184952769573_3457651889171966949_n14089280_331206613890007_3824715824879020044_n-copy-214089280_331206613890007_3824715824879020044_n14095974_1110013619066592_4796153764537990803_n14095995_1814716442081948_5483510330752034108_n14192666_1445480045462109_1202577430851504629_n-copy14199152_10154343327767906_1683169958566911359_n-copy14199164_10153626313215916_941682664001070703_n14199402_1052717041494059_7574063156721379557_n14199498_330801703923156_5398455415274970345_n14199499_1108719412529346_6556226632401825776_n14199548_1666374347014339_7239410359718182816_n-copy14199615_1109792425755378_3616821974920125655_n-copy14202504_1207046252649803_8583482918031668803_n-copy14202547_1109030939164860_7690154189212516951_n-copy14202779_1109031825831438_4564188614441458032_n14203110_1110002639067690_8157365776020389910_n-copytumblr_mcof9cgley1qg462ao2_r2_500tumblr_mcpn7jniur1qekaf5o1_500tumblr_md61pxonnu1rjblsbo5_250tumblr_mdd2belzlu1qe54oho1_400tumblr_mdq4gspaee1qb0gzno1_540tumblr_me5tcfieki1qdku85o1_500tumblr_me5tcfieki1qdku85o2_500tumblr_me5tcfieki1qdku85o3_500tumblr_mgpqmeuutg1rnpb7vo1_500tumblr_mh0f0l8p1p1qh1fe9o1_500tumblr_mi0b9garyt1qahv20o1_500tumblr_mj4akqufyf1rrvnt6o2_500tumblr_mk6ipxdvx21rb0fqao1_500tumblr_mkt2h1v9uo1r0ffxro1_500tumblr_ml0201soel1qcn441o1_540tumblr_mm6rc64yi31rmqifho1_500tumblr_mm22dibwf41r440v0o2_r1_540tumblr_mmvxit1wqd1ryxfxoo1_500tumblr_mmw3y14fuy1sq9qm2o1_500tumblr_mn7iucwwfh1qentvio1_500tumblr_o65z4nz7fo1s4qgcno1_500tumblr_o122m55n5o1uok23ao1_500tumblr_o678i6qb9e1rlsf54o1_500THREE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE KEPT HIDDEN THE SUN THE MOON AND THE TRUTH REVELATION 21 22 AND ALL LIARS WILL BE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE THE EVENT HOT AS HELL THREE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE KEPT HIDDEN THE SUN THE MOON AND THE TRUTH REVELATION 21 22 AND October 11, 2016 0 Edit Post HOW CAN WE TRANSCEND THE MATRIX TRAPS 14192017_1110003895734231_4196581792735808381_n 0a8c16496092523a3a9967b8ff4e577c.jpg 6-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.gif 7-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.gif 7eaf6d1738635ff49b02118d47c7d195.jpg 8F1XS-900x508.jpg 9f11428e21e6aa09136662acc94dc04f.jpg 12-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.png 13-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.png 36e03a006fe835c0d97cd54ef4581e89.jpg 60b90383ee1e209cad25a6d4e57c85fa.jpg 89e6894acc55830311adbc949c80927e.jpg 201-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.png 501-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.gif 502-Cloud-Atlas-quotes.gif 720c79cdb269127dc651c544ad28b6dc.jpg 1377ed6181e37607a1c1e10585d50bee.jpg 1660ab8f245902bf770fc200e3c73199.jpg 29798-Cloud-Atlas-we-cross-and-recro-HuoE.jpeg 88842a8beadff6f1332c8c2fc009c55f.jpg 92648cc6e0b6b38ee5937e11532552bd.jpg 314610c717753b0ea942c145d5a2cd1d.jpg a1cfbc8bd18998500f73a0f763f07a85.jpg b37da1415966a38732176d80b1bdb82b.jpg ba88a9efd4a1bb9e7bd28d3ddf444ad9.jpg bc990485125d1a1983e3b30cbf5f5937.jpg c vc.jpg CA_Poster_Adam_Ewing.jpg cb vgf.jpg cloud_atlas_poster_7.jpg cloud_atlas_quote_by_david_mitchell-630950.jpg cloud_atlas_quotes_by_david_mitchell-630961.jpg cloudatlas.jpg cloud-atlas-chinses-poster__130122111311-200x286.jpg Cloud-Atlas-Promo-Posters-cloud-atlas-2012-34612296-800-1147.jpg cloud-atlas-quotes-ocean-217.gif CloudAtlasVisualizer02_Website.jpg d2fb39e125f93e549e99ebb3f91972e3.jpg EmilysQuotes.Com-amazing-life-bound-connected-past-present-crime-kindness-future-birth-inspirational-wisdom-David-Mitchell-Cloud-Atlas.jpg ianmalcolm.png Spot_Cloud_Atlas.jpg stash-1-5095d55db880a.jpeg th.jpgu bi gay Subject: Fwd: Subject: Miguel Martinek 43b0b-825-iclei10-agenda-21-surveillance.jpg 14089192_110184952769573_3457651889171966949_n.jpg 14291678_10154565447293293_2397480113934232567_n.jpg tumblr_obnn4fi8nA1sazou9o1_540.jpg tumblr_n0gq7nOCc91sfqq6yo1_500.jpg tumblr_odew4vZvyc1uxjmu4o1_540.png 14445940_1104138779641699_3344279846834959072_n.jpg tumblr_mzq0q8CcuE1qzsq0xo1_500.gif 14291678_10154565447293293_2397480113934232567_n.jpg tumblr_n2oodmsERy1szylh2o2_400.gif tumblr_n2oodmsERy1szylh2o3_400 - 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You are here to discover and awaken the sleeping consciousness within you. ~The Feudal System Never Left & You Are Chattel Owned~ THE MATRIX PRISON LEARN THE RULES ~ The Way into the Becoming ~ We Are Seeds Transmuting the Physical Body into Our True Immortality in the Great Becoming ~ ~ Every Choice is Critical and the Path Must Be Consciously Walked with Integrity in Truth. Every Choice is Critical No Matter How Small they seem, they comprise the Universe. ~ IS EVERYTHING IN OUR HUMAN HISTORY ONE FUCKING Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Sovereignty? The Hijacking – Original Fall There is much healthy discussion taking place in determining the ways that manipulating forces have invaded, hijacked and concealed Light Truth. For those on such a quest in their awakening state, a far more sophisticated level of ensnaring is surfacing on account of this power; a power occurring within the Universal Wave, which is inside us as much as throughout the Universe. Now more than ever we are navigating through a minefield of not only misinformation, disinformation and spiritual interference, but also a whole new level of seduction that seeks to blind and bind humanity deeper within the earthen prison matrix- especially against those waking up and unlocking Keys. The aim of the ‘game’ is to snare humanity utilizing powerful truths. If one is connected to their True Source, through one’s inner kingdom, and not via external sources, then they will not seek to gravitate to anything parasitic with attaching hosting forces, designed to lead one astray. Their means of snaring are conducted with enough pearls of truth to seduce ones soul (not Spirit as the Spirit cannot be lied or seduced to), to not only be harvested, but also invaded, possessed and bound unto all manner of trappings. Such effects will only lead one away from “SELF”, which is derailing from the true path. Whatever one calls these forces is irrelevant, for there are many, and so many in fact that most would find it difficult to fathom. These ‘tools’ that were taught to humanity via different mediums through rituals, esoteric arts, channeling etc, were just ways in which all these ‘beings’, ‘entities’, dark matter could invade and harvest under the guise of spirituality and truth seeking. Whatever gifts and knowledge bestowed was to serve their hidden objectives of our enslavement to ‘them’. The purpose was to fool the soul so that people would not connect to their ‘Spirit Being’ or ‘Universal Frequency Template’. In so doing, they were and have been able to hijack humanity and keep them away from the Center of their BEING, wherein everyone bears the Vital and ability to access everything without obstruction, corruption, manipulating forces nor astral interference. All of the differing tools used are essentially instruments for channeling the many ‘forces’, ‘principalities’, Archontic, reptilian, alien/parasitic hierarchies etc. This information is not from the True Source in my experience, but rather a part of the programming matrix, which is to keep everyone deeply locked inside ‘their’ elaborate prison farm, that is not just the world we live in, but the most powerful prison being layered upon minds and heart. In this way we are truly trapped if we continue to believe the holographic prison matrix and accept the version of reality that they are and have been controlling the masses to believe, see, smell, hear and live. They had to find ways to keep people trapped whom are waking up. They knew they could not stop the Universal energies in consegrity when such occurs, so what better way to keep the prisoners breaking out than to give them ‘spiritual esoteric gifts’, tools and instruments so as to keep them ensnared with even more hijacking attachments that would serve to keep them from the very truth they are seeking. This is the ouroboros, where upon no matter how much you seek, you will never truly get anywhere except more laden with attachments and new agreements of entrapment, so as to never escape the snake that is feasting upon you. The information will lure you further into deeper centers where hosting and invasion are a set up waiting. The seduction is in how the information makes a person ‘FEEL’, which is the key to how they operate. One must ‘know thyself’ in order to discern the difference between the True Universal Source and the false light and manipulations of the invaders, hijackers and overseers. There are many drug-like affects they can induce upon us with everything, and language is one of the greatest spells cast to keep us rigged inside the web, even and especially when we are truth seeking. These inducements/attachments will keep one digging further and further inside the snake while simultaneously separating the seeker from ‘Self’, therefore the ‘True Source’. This of course is designed to keep us away from the very thing ‘they’ fear the most which is Yourself = the Kingdom of the Universes. When many of these magical things are ‘created’ to be a conduit of information transference under the guise of helping mankind connect to ‘Spirit’, then not only is the information corrupted, but it is corrupted because it comes with quantum levels of attachments, agreements and invaders, whose sources operate under ulterior hidden agendas. Such have nothing to do with helping us to become emancipated out of this harvesting prison recycling hell. I don’t know if you have seen archontic parasites which are one example of the hordes at work here, but they love hosting people by making people feel a false sense of ‘god’, protection, guidance, psychic gifts, downloads, spiritism, blessings, euphoric holy spirit feelings, feelings of love, of things we ourselves ‘feed’ from (list is too long), though in reality they are nothing but attachments that are only interested in vampirizing us eternally inside the great Harvester Ouroboros. The more we look outside ourselves and give into others realities, the more lost we will be until finally our Spirits will be so disconnected in that division of Being, that the soul will no longer have True Source discernment because it simply will not recognize ‘itself’ in order to shatter the matrix of captivity. “The Kingdom of God is Within You Not Outside of You” The Untangled Gathering: AI & Mind Control Symposium: Know thy adversary Are You Ready To Integrate Your Origins in Being? The Energy Signature of the Universe ~ Overcoming Trauma The earth is an illusion, including our earthen bodies. We ourselves are Toroidal energy like the earth (EA). Both function as a magnetic field that has a specific pattern, flow and design. This is a primary pattern that can be found in literally everything in the Universe, and is the most ancient of symbols cast within the mysteries of civilization. It is the prime design which is repeated in every aspect in both the micro and the macrocosms, from cells, seeds, animals, galaxies, cosmos, planets,humans, fauna, water and the design of how energy flows, sand, storms,fractals, the flower of life, flow of water, dreams and even how feelings energetically resonate in form and literally is withing the design of everything in the Universe. The inner and the outer are equal in mirroring their own reflection. It is a self-sustaining energy which is the Key that Issa (Jesus) tried to teach, in order to try and reclaim that which we lost through the ‘fall’- for those that can understand and disengage from the ‘illusion’, which traps the energy inside trauma, keeping us from the natural flow of the torus of life inside due to the captivity which has essentially hijacked this energy from our consciousness and instituted the endless programs of entrapment. All the while this self-sustaining ‘force’ continues to manifest our illusion. (ill – us- ion). Language is a spell, so sometimes readers will note me breaking down words to reveal the deeper truths associated with them. In this way they can serve as an unlocking subconsciously. Few have entered this paradigm with the signature frequency, working with the self-sustaining endlessness of its power and altered time and space, but with the fall came the imbalance inside its own Force. This toroidal energy is what this world actually looks like because earth is an illusion. In its pure form this Force should enable us to harness, regenerate and transmute dying matter (our flesh and the condition of the fall of our consciousness, memory and Sovereignty) if we know how to utilize it. This energy is hugely symbolic and an indication of what we are, in eternal self sustaining never ending energy. All Creation is made out of the same substance….There is an equal flow to the inside and outside. The ideas we have about the earth and ‘bodies’ however consist of the illusion that masks ‘this energy’ at work. We are each surrounded by our own Toroidal energy, which explains why some of us are so charged and can affect technology around us, along with time and space. Each of our signatures is distinct, though simultaneously connected to the WHOLE (HOLE) of infinity, or rather the entire Sea of Energy that consists of the Universe/s. We are Kinetically (Kin – ET- Ic) relating to everything in this Universe whether we are aware of it or not, and because of our loss of ‘self’ and amnesia we are not aware of how we are affecting time and space around us in co-creating this matrix. This is where it gets interesting because of what and whom we are co-creating this reality with. It is a result of the hijacking and the care-takers that stepped in, which comprise of all the keepers and rivaling factions of warring principalities. Hence many were exiled from the majority of the Universe as a result of their destructive power unleashed, creating many wars, which essentially united the universal planetary systems to oust and keep them from consuming and destroying more worlds. They found their way here due to the extraordinary nature of our small but endless ‘universe’ matrix paradigm (US), and due to the condition of our will and ‘fall’, they legally and illegally hijacked us. I’m simplifying what is utterly convoluted because we haven’t mentioned the ‘black living consciousness’, or anything beyond the topical, although these are entirely different topics for now. The Torus field’s origin is the Heart and creates an arc out from the heart and boomerangs back to its origin in a continuous flow of this toroidal energy. I call this the axiom of heart and it extends from the pelvis to the head. Think of the Vitruvian Man and the chakra points which are the Tree of Life and the star of the Tetrahedron. The entire field is holographic with an outline in frequency. What this looks like is a shimmering outline containing the energy within. The outline is the ‘field’ of what ever is housing the object. It can be literally read like mathematics if one can ‘see’ it without the illusion of the hologram matrix superimposed. The torus creates sacred geometry and all physical anomalies that need to be deciphered like a mathematical equation, or is similar to listening to music. The energy flows and can be manipulated through the chakra system or Kundalini or rather the Serpent which is a key in symbolism that isn’t always negative. The Serpent is the Flow design of the energy at work through living matter. The Serpent flow holds the secret ‘flow’ of the torus in Creation, and is the origin of that ‘flow’ of Life. The Serpent energy has been hijacked and this ‘reality matrix’ with it. The chakras lock in ‘experiences’, which in turn create your aura, which in turn resonates a specific frequency of law and attraction. The field of energy and the Serpent flow connected to the chakras and psychic glands or (universes) are comprised of the original division that took place to create this current Universe and paradigm – that is the male and female. Therefore the torus fields typically have conflicting energies simultaneously, which are the male and female aspects of the Whole or Hole in opposition, one flowing in one direction while the other one flows in the opposite direction, both spinning towards the Southern polarity of consciousness or the Head. Now here is the key to the original imbalance- the Head or Southern polarity vs the pelvis or Northern polarity, relates to the male dominance imbalance and the female suppression creating the current imbalanced paradigm. This has created a vortex energy flux. As creators and co-creators, we have manifested the present ‘illusion’ in what is our current Universe, and has to do with the loss of our Sovereignty in the imbalance of the feminine and masculine. A general loss of our identity occurred, whilst yet retaining the powers unconsciously of Creators. The Torus Field is a testimony of our creative powers in the eternal Energy and manifestation of worlds upon worlds, even though this is a holographic reality. Therefore healing must come from the Heart Center – the meridian between both sexes. This knowledge largely stems via experiences from my childhood, slipping inside the true matrix structure of the hologram- although I was too young to know or understand what I was seeing and experiencing. These experiences in essence served to be teacher of the matrix and the holographic nature of this paradigm, the true nature of our ‘reality’. These are concepts very difficult to explain in words with their limitations. I find it challenging, though I try my best to relay in translation. This is about overcoming trauma in every single way we can possibly imagine, because everything is energy. This is a key in understanding our Power, and how everything works within and outside of us. It is one and the same. Power is knowledge, though it is meaningless unless we use our Hearts in Love to grasp and seek the Universe (U- verse) which is within us principally in understanding and BEING. Only from there can we begin to break through the shards frozen inside the torus fields locking us up. We can never obtain truth from the origin of the divided ‘self’, which is where and how the enemies invade. This is the head where the many enemy forces rule, manipulate our E-Motions and implant thoughts. The heart however is where our Sovereignty and the Universe are One BEING, Unified in Love and operating the Flow of this endless self-sustaining Energy that is in and of ITSELF the key. Targeting & Meta-Destruction It is interesting to receive confirmation of what we have each been targeted and tortured in, within a lifetime of enduring and endurance. These are years upon years of suffering multiple attacks on various levels, dimensions whilst living in the ‘dream’ of this physical life, which is the illusion masking everything ‘they’ are doing to us. I do believe that our genetic markers determine how we are utilized and to what depths they are able to stretch us into simultaneous realities, as we are hyper-dimensional beings and have an unlimited energy that is directly linked to the Source which ‘they’ lack. These praying-mantis’ (preying on man) shape-shift through our own perceptions, literally placing inside our brains what ‘they want us to see’, thereby hiding themselves from us and the nature of the reality we are truly living. In this way, they not only hide from us, but have robbed us of our identities, memories, lifetimes and ‘BEING’. They literally have the ability to place us within a spell in such a way that we literally ‘see’ what they position inside our minds to see, giving us cover memories, including years of manipulating our version of ‘reality’ and what we are perceiving on many levels. The clarity of what we are each remembering is a true marker of us shifting out of the ‘dream’ illusory world/s of their manipulation. I do not believe fear is natural to our Eternal Being, rather it is utilized as their principle modus operandi, to keep us locked inside the prison of continuous trauma, so as to prevent our own awakening out of their ‘spell’. This is largely what they implement against humanity, as well as manipulating set ups in the opposite to fear, rigging ‘love’, addictions, euphoria, co-dependency, and anything that is out of balance either positively or negatively. They inject fear into our being and try to make it our own as they are capable of inducing a “Love Spell” or ‘LoveBite’as Eve Lorgen brilliantly exposed . When we peel away the layers, we see the illusory worlds cast upon our conscious and subconscious minds…….to realize the lifetimes that have literally been stolen- a life lived inside the web of that thievery. This is likened to the movies ‘Stepford Wives’ meets the ‘Thirteenth Floor’, and in infinite ways far worse because we have been living ‘something’ else’s lives. In that equation, we have been kept within a fractal prison/prism locked away from our own consciousness in truth. Behind the Mantis there is yet another ‘force’ even greater, and behind that is yet another. When we discover the truth of it all, there will be a crossroads; a spectrum where two choices will manifest those realities once and for all, and for all time in timelessness. This ouroboros labyrinth, aka the human hijacking invasion take over appears infinite for we are infinite. Therefore how they have been using us/puppeteering us is in itself infinite. Such is a terrifying thought, as we step outside the illusory spells of invasion, wonderland and the literal parasitic condition of our ‘life force’, soul, Spirit, ‘being’ and endless Lives that have been trapped inside the horror of this twisted cannibalism and total mindwarp spanning aeons. The goal is to return to what and who we are completely, without manipulation, to see realities that don’t exist in order that we serve as automated batteries and slaves. How profound to have a world of ‘Creators’ seduced within the spell of ill-us-ion whilst creating for our enemies the many realities, all of which trap us inside our own enslavement. Recalling these memories are vital for our struggle to integrate and burst through ever deepening layers of this diabolical invasion and complete hijacking of not just our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, Spirits, DNA, Lineages, past lives, but going into the far reaches of many dimensions, levels and the complete manipulation of time on all levels. I believe that we are serving to help one another in such a way, that we are accelerating such breakthrough’s upon this internal journey of healing and integration. Still though, this isn’t what we think it is, even in what we are made to believe in these breakthrough’s. The Spell is deeply woven within multi-dimensional levels of our unique BEING. We are helping one another through this Universal excavation of our entire Being- inside the vortex reality of the Matrix. Isis and Osiris – The Ritual Sacrifice in Civilization The Phallus, Vagina and Dragon symbols are extremely prevalent across continents. Several examples are demonstrated in the Vatican, with many placed within various basilicas. The power grids and mind control underlay and overlays are right in front of our eyes,in all areas of society. The secret mystery schools are at the forefront of the world they have built for us- and through their symbols of captivity, we subliminally give power to them. This is equivalent to our being ritually sacrificed in our daily lives by virtue of existing within its matrix of power, and through agreements of entrapment. Whether consciously, unconsciously or through omission, we set and perpetuate our own imprisonment within their ritual energy vampiric ley lines of human consciousness and harvesting soul energies. We don’t even realize we are making these agreements that are entrapping us, because ‘they’ have literally embedded these symbols in society all around for thousands of years. We have literally inherited the inability to see what is right in front of our eyes from endless lifetimes and generations in subjugation of these mind controlling images and sacred ritual frequency invasive hooks. The world’s paramount preoccupation with sex is evident, not to mention Rome’s. The Vatican displays unabashed vaginal and phallic symbols within it’s principle design in architecture. Roman Catholic art is ubiquitous throughout history in its displays of art and architecture. There is no limit to the story within it’s imagery and the secrets it holds of pedophilia, rape, subjugation and sodomy are only but some of their very favorite things. Open your eyes. ~…/ Deep Love for each and every One of you Precious Infinite Powerful Beings. ~ ~ Sovereignty Is Your Right & the Key To the Universe ~ It is YOU They Fear! ,JMHJGR.gif 2-The-Matrix-quotes.gif tumblr_ngfweliUBu1u3rmioo1_500.gif maxresdefault.jpg tumblr_mzmp4qgJEl1rtwkiho2_500.jpg tumblr_o9grpxELtY1t5z210o1_500.jpg tumblr_ob4wu9ky1r1r55d2io1_500.jpg tumblr_ocu6omQKFh1qinrtgo1_540.jpg 509dc2c1c70f6570cecdd1a1020a3e98.jpg tumblr_ododuzqenY1vruxzuo1_400.jpg ZU5P2IJ.jpg tumblr_ng43g0tbyd1qai5yeo1_540.jpg BFHGR.jpg tumblr_ltbfedhHeT1qhd96go1_500.jpg tumblr_inline_odtz8kKgUG1tmd0r8_500.gif matrix-redpill.gif 14054166_1439490459394401_9154861485430644347_n.jpg tumblr_n0uihtrXR11rf94xjo1_540.jpg 51GyfW7aekL.jpg tumblr_mm6rc64YI31rmqifho1_500.jpg tumblr_nv1gcmlzy11uok23ao1_500 - Copy.jpg tumblr_mseplchbdu1qc4y06o1_500.jpg Space-X-UFO-Bird.jpg tumblr_mqdgwkQaVr1st19cho1_400.gif tumblr_my2666JlCl1sj7yv6o1_500 - Copy - Copy.jpg tumblr_n5fr69k1xB1smsesio1_500.jpg 1c2aa-sesion-foro_-dafo.gif tumblr_n4pw67E1xp1rkoqc4o1_500.jpg MJHYGT.jpg th.jpg CV.jpg tumblr_nd3it0iLbz1repoz9o1_500.gif OMAUjX8t_400x400 - Copy.jpg 13925332_10153689110106316_348417331492625604_n.jpg tumblr_o4mym9NBi81ul9etjo1_400.gif 14115478_1665970487054725_4513829098434677384_o.jpg tumblr_mb6wvkHMEw1rawb5do1_500.jpg Master The Laws Learn The 5 Steps To Master Your Life. It includes information about the Universal laws. Join our Free Webinar by clicking here. The 12 universal laws An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book “The Light Shall Set You Free”(1998). 1. The Law of Divine Oneness The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. 2. The Law of Vibration This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. 3. The Law of Action The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words. 4. The Law of Correspondence This Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below” 5. The Law of Cause and Effect This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.” 6. The Law of Compensation This Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. 7. The Law of Attraction This Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. 8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy This 8 out of the 12 universal Laws is a powerful one. It states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. 9. The Law of Relativity This Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative. 10. The Law of Polarity This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. 11. The Law of Rhythm This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. 12. The Law of Gender This last out of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God tumblr_ncxlsaPQ4S1txsoggo1_400.gif Miguel Martinek Miguel Martinek —–Original Message—– From: JRColon777 To: LatinMuscleMan75 Sent: Sat, Oct 8, 2016 10:07 pm Subject: (no subject) 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It includes information about the Universal laws. Join our Free Webinar by clicking here. The 12 universal laws An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book “The Light Shall Set You Free”(1998). 1. The Law of Divine Oneness The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. 2. The Law of Vibration This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. 3. The Law of Action The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words. 4. The Law of Correspondence This Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below” 5. The Law of Cause and Effect This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.” 6. The Law of Compensation This Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. 7. The Law of Attraction This Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. 8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy This 8 out of the 12 universal Laws is a powerful one. It states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. 9. The Law of Relativity This Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative. 10. The Law of Polarity This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. 11. The Law of Rhythm This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. 12. The Law of Gender This last out of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God October 9, 2016 0 Edit Post THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS HIDDEN IN THIS MATRIX post-30210-neo-woah-gif-whoa-mind-blown-t-ikvqpreview_mr-robot-season-2tumblr_n52a1bmrze1r09qfio4_r1_250tumblr_n56r638dmq1qkwdrko1_1280tumblr_n56r638dmq1qkwdrko2_500tumblr_ngfweliubu1u3rmioo1_500tumblr_nglmawa0hz1qls03po1_500tumblr_nglv4nbpvf1qm0yhvo1_500 tumblr_od4bls3xc51ufbvyio3_500 tumblr_od3cjnr4m31toj73to1_1280 tumblr_od3cjnr4m31toj73to2_1280 tumblr_od3gj2dvya1uxjmu4o1_540 tumblr_od3cjnr4m31toj73to3_540 tumblr_od4j1fvlmf1s5syojo1_540 tumblr_od4sf4jamy1she330o1_540 tumblr_od1dlza36a1u48arlo2_500 tumblr_od1keqo1fj1rt6ii9o1_500 tumblr_od02svdt5a1ul9etjo1_500 tumblr_od1ubj47ag1unlm3do1_500 tumblr_od1q41yo4g1v5s6jpo1_400 tumblr_od1q3gbxuk1v5s6jpo1_540 tumblr_oclvp7tovp1ul9etjo1_540 tumblr_o7v2u7ikos1t4xpblo1_400 tumblr_ny7878cbyc1rcutnqo1_500 tumblr_ny39q9mlsa1uqfs50o1_400-copy tumblr_ny4x8md1ox1tmj3tqo1_r1_500 tumblr_nx85dns9fz1shbwlio1_500-copy tumblr_nx6o2zhyko1uxbcg9o1_500 Subject: JUST FOR TODAY THIS ENTITY HIJACKING OUR EARTH HAS NO CAPACITY TO FEEL TRUE LOVE SO ITS SAPS OUR BODY TO KEEP ITSELF ALIVE THE TRUTH HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM YOU THERE IS A WAR NOT ON FLESH AND BLOOD BUT ON SPIRITUAL DARK FORCES DECEPTIVE ENTITIES CUNNING BAFFLING EGO MANIPULATORS TAKE THE SHIELD OF POWER FAITH STUDY MEDITATE PRAY TO SOURCE CONNECT TO SOURCE ALSO RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY Everything you think you know has been fabricated to keep you seduced and asleep. You are here to discover and awaken the sleeping consciousness within you. ~The Feudal System Never Left & You Are Chattel Owned~ THE MATRIX PRISON LEARN THE RULES ~ The Way into the Becoming ~ We Are Seeds Transmuting the Physical Body into Our True Immortality in the Great Becoming ~ ~ Every Choice is Critical and the Path Must Be Consciously Walked with Integrity in Truth. Every Choice is Critical No Matter How Small they seem, they comprise the Universe. ~ IS EVERYTHING IN OUR HUMAN HISTORY ONE FUCKING Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Sovereignty? The Hijacking – Original Fall There is much healthy discussion taking place in determining the ways that manipulating forces have invaded, hijacked and concealed Light Truth. For those on such a quest in their awakening state, a far more sophisticated level of ensnaring is surfacing on account of this power; a power occurring within the Universal Wave, which is inside us as much as throughout the Universe. Now more than ever we are navigating through a minefield of not only misinformation, disinformation and spiritual interference, but also a whole new level of seduction that seeks to blind and bind humanity deeper within the earthen prison matrix- especially against those waking up and unlocking Keys. The aim of the ‘game’ is to snare humanity utilizing powerful truths. If one is connected to their True Source, through one’s inner kingdom, and not via external sources, then they will not seek to gravitate to anything parasitic with attaching hosting forces, designed to lead one astray. Their means of snaring are conducted with enough pearls of truth to seduce ones soul (not Spirit as the Spirit cannot be lied or seduced to), to not only be harvested, but also invaded, possessed and bound unto all manner of trappings. Such effects will only lead one away from “SELF”, which is derailing from the true path. Whatever one calls these forces is irrelevant, for there are many, and so many in fact that most would find it difficult to fathom. These ‘tools’ that were taught to humanity via different mediums through rituals, esoteric arts, channeling etc, were just ways in which all these ‘beings’, ‘entities’, dark matter could invade and harvest under the guise of spirituality and truth seeking. Whatever gifts and knowledge bestowed was to serve their hidden objectives of our enslavement to ‘them’. The purpose was to fool the soul so that people would not connect to their ‘Spirit Being’ or ‘Universal Frequency Template’. In so doing, they were and have been able to hijack humanity and keep them away from the Center of their BEING, wherein everyone bears the Vital and ability to access everything without obstruction, corruption, manipulating forces nor astral interference. All of the differing tools used are essentially instruments for channeling the many ‘forces’, ‘principalities’, Archontic, reptilian, alien/parasitic hierarchies etc. This information is not from the True Source in my experience, but rather a part of the programming matrix, which is to keep everyone deeply locked inside ‘their’ elaborate prison farm, that is not just the world we live in, but the most powerful prison being layered upon minds and heart. In this way we are truly trapped if we continue to believe the holographic prison matrix and accept the version of reality that they are and have been controlling the masses to believe, see, smell, hear and live. They had to find ways to keep people trapped whom are waking up. They knew they could not stop the Universal energies in consegrity when such occurs, so what better way to keep the prisoners breaking out than to give them ‘spiritual esoteric gifts’, tools and instruments so as to keep them ensnared with even more hijacking attachments that would serve to keep them from the very truth they are seeking. This is the ouroboros, where upon no matter how much you seek, you will never truly get anywhere except more laden with attachments and new agreements of entrapment, so as to never escape the snake that is feasting upon you. The information will lure you further into deeper centers where hosting and invasion are a set up waiting. The seduction is in how the information makes a person ‘FEEL’, which is the key to how they operate. One must ‘know thyself’ in order to discern the difference between the True Universal Source and the false light and manipulations of the invaders, hijackers and overseers. There are many drug-like affects they can induce upon us with everything, and language is one of the greatest spells cast to keep us rigged inside the web, even and especially when we are truth seeking. These inducements/attachments will keep one digging further and further inside the snake while simultaneously separating the seeker from ‘Self’, therefore the ‘True Source’. This of course is designed to keep us away from the very thing ‘they’ fear the most which is Yourself = the Kingdom of the Universes. When many of these magical things are ‘created’ to be a conduit of information transference under the guise of helping mankind connect to ‘Spirit’, then not only is the information corrupted, but it is corrupted because it comes with quantum levels of attachments, agreements and invaders, whose sources operate under ulterior hidden agendas. Such have nothing to do with helping us to become emancipated out of this harvesting prison recycling hell. I don’t know if you have seen archontic parasites which are one example of the hordes at work here, but they love hosting people by making people feel a false sense of ‘god’, protection, guidance, psychic gifts, downloads, spiritism, blessings, euphoric holy spirit feelings, feelings of love, of things we ourselves ‘feed’ from (list is too long), though in reality they are nothing but attachments that are only interested in vampirizing us eternally inside the great Harvester Ouroboros. The more we look outside ourselves and give into others realities, the more lost we will be until finally our Spirits will be so disconnected in that division of Being, that the soul will no longer have True Source discernment because it simply will not recognize ‘itself’ in order to shatter the matrix of captivity. “The Kingdom of God is Within You Not Outside of You” The Untangled Gathering: AI & Mind Control Symposium: Know thy adversary Are You Ready To Integrate Your Origins in Being? The Energy Signature of the Universe ~ Overcoming Trauma The earth is an illusion, including our earthen bodies. We ourselves are Toroidal energy like the earth (EA). Both function as a magnetic field that has a specific pattern, flow and design. This is a primary pattern that can be found in literally everything in the Universe, and is the most ancient of symbols cast within the mysteries of civilization. It is the prime design which is repeated in every aspect in both the micro and the macrocosms, from cells, seeds, animals, galaxies, cosmos, planets,humans, fauna, water and the design of how energy flows, sand, storms,fractals, the flower of life, flow of water, dreams and even how feelings energetically resonate in form and literally is withing the design of everything in the Universe. The inner and the outer are equal in mirroring their own reflection. It is a self-sustaining energy which is the Key that Issa (Jesus) tried to teach, in order to try and reclaim that which we lost through the ‘fall’- for those that can understand and disengage from the ‘illusion’, which traps the energy inside trauma, keeping us from the natural flow of the torus of life inside due to the captivity which has essentially hijacked this energy from our consciousness and instituted the endless programs of entrapment. All the while this self-sustaining ‘force’ continues to manifest our illusion. (ill – us- ion). Language is a spell, so sometimes readers will note me breaking down words to reveal the deeper truths associated with them. In this way they can serve as an unlocking subconsciously. Few have entered this paradigm with the signature frequency, working with the self-sustaining endlessness of its power and altered time and space, but with the fall came the imbalance inside its own Force. This toroidal energy is what this world actually looks like because earth is an illusion. In its pure form this Force should enable us to harness, regenerate and transmute dying matter (our flesh and the condition of the fall of our consciousness, memory and Sovereignty) if we know how to utilize it. This energy is hugely symbolic and an indication of what we are, in eternal self sustaining never ending energy. All Creation is made out of the same substance….There is an equal flow to the inside and outside. The ideas we have about the earth and ‘bodies’ however consist of the illusion that masks ‘this energy’ at work. We are each surrounded by our own Toroidal energy, which explains why some of us are so charged and can affect technology around us, along with time and space. Each of our signatures is distinct, though simultaneously connected to the WHOLE (HOLE) of infinity, or rather the entire Sea of Energy that consists of the Universe/s. We are Kinetically (Kin – ET- Ic) relating to everything in this Universe whether we are aware of it or not, and because of our loss of ‘self’ and amnesia we are not aware of how we are affecting time and space around us in co-creating this matrix. This is where it gets interesting because of what and whom we are co-creating this reality with. It is a result of the hijacking and the care-takers that stepped in, which comprise of all the keepers and rivaling factions of warring principalities. Hence many were exiled from the majority of the Universe as a result of their destructive power unleashed, creating many wars, which essentially united the universal planetary systems to oust and keep them from consuming and destroying more worlds. They found their way here due to the extraordinary nature of our small but endless ‘universe’ matrix paradigm (US), and due to the condition of our will and ‘fall’, they legally and illegally hijacked us. I’m simplifying what is utterly convoluted because we haven’t mentioned the ‘black living consciousness’, or anything beyond the topical, although these are entirely different topics for now. The Torus field’s origin is the Heart and creates an arc out from the heart and boomerangs back to its origin in a continuous flow of this toroidal energy. I call this the axiom of heart and it extends from the pelvis to the head. Think of the Vitruvian Man and the chakra points which are the Tree of Life and the star of the Tetrahedron. The entire field is holographic with an outline in frequency. What this looks like is a shimmering outline containing the energy within. The outline is the ‘field’ of what ever is housing the object. It can be literally read like mathematics if one can ‘see’ it without the illusion of the hologram matrix superimposed. The torus creates sacred geometry and all physical anomalies that need to be deciphered like a mathematical equation, or is similar to listening to music. The energy flows and can be manipulated through the chakra system or Kundalini or rather the Serpent which is a key in symbolism that isn’t always negative. The Serpent is the Flow design of the energy at work through living matter. The Serpent flow holds the secret ‘flow’ of the torus in Creation, and is the origin of that ‘flow’ of Life. The Serpent energy has been hijacked and this ‘reality matrix’ with it. The chakras lock in ‘experiences’, which in turn create your aura, which in turn resonates a specific frequency of law and attraction. The field of energy and the Serpent flow connected to the chakras and psychic glands or (universes) are comprised of the original division that took place to create this current Universe and paradigm – that is the male and female. Therefore the torus fields typically have conflicting energies simultaneously, which are the male and female aspects of the Whole or Hole in opposition, one flowing in one direction while the other one flows in the opposite direction, both spinning towards the Southern polarity of consciousness or the Head. Now here is the key to the original imbalance- the Head or Southern polarity vs the pelvis or Northern polarity, relates to the male dominance imbalance and the female suppression creating the current imbalanced paradigm. This has created a vortex energy flux. As creators and co-creators, we have manifested the present ‘illusion’ in what is our current Universe, and has to do with the loss of our Sovereignty in the imbalance of the feminine and masculine. A general loss of our identity occurred, whilst yet retaining the powers unconsciously of Creators. The Torus Field is a testimony of our creative powers in the eternal Energy and manifestation of worlds upon worlds, even though this is a holographic reality. Therefore healing must come from the Heart Center – the meridian between both sexes. This knowledge largely stems via experiences from my childhood, slipping inside the true matrix structure of the hologram- although I was too young to know or understand what I was seeing and experiencing. These experiences in essence served to be teacher of the matrix and the holographic nature of this paradigm, the true nature of our ‘reality’. These are concepts very difficult to explain in words with their limitations. I find it challenging, though I try my best to relay in translation. This is about overcoming trauma in every single way we can possibly imagine, because everything is energy. This is a key in understanding our Power, and how everything works within and outside of us. It is one and the same. Power is knowledge, though it is meaningless unless we use our Hearts in Love to grasp and seek the Universe (U- verse) which is within us principally in understanding and BEING. Only from there can we begin to break through the shards frozen inside the torus fields locking us up. We can never obtain truth from the origin of the divided ‘self’, which is where and how the enemies invade. This is the head where the many enemy forces rule, manipulate our E-Motions and implant thoughts. The heart however is where our Sovereignty and the Universe are One BEING, Unified in Love and operating the Flow of this endless self-sustaining Energy that is in and of ITSELF the key. Targeting & Meta-Destruction It is interesting to receive confirmation of what we have each been targeted and tortured in, within a lifetime of enduring and endurance. These are years upon years of suffering multiple attacks on various levels, dimensions whilst living in the ‘dream’ of this physical life, which is the illusion masking everything ‘they’ are doing to us. I do believe that our genetic markers determine how we are utilized and to what depths they are able to stretch us into simultaneous realities, as we are hyper-dimensional beings and have an unlimited energy that is directly linked to the Source which ‘they’ lack. These praying-mantis’ (preying on man) shape-shift through our own perceptions, literally placing inside our brains what ‘they want us to see’, thereby hiding themselves from us and the nature of the reality we are truly living. In this way, they not only hide from us, but have robbed us of our identities, memories, lifetimes and ‘BEING’. They literally have the ability to place us within a spell in such a way that we literally ‘see’ what they position inside our minds to see, giving us cover memories, including years of manipulating our version of ‘reality’ and what we are perceiving on many levels. The clarity of what we are each remembering is a true marker of us shifting out of the ‘dream’ illusory world/s of their manipulation. I do not believe fear is natural to our Eternal Being, rather it is utilized as their principle modus operandi, to keep us locked inside the prison of continuous trauma, so as to prevent our own awakening out of their ‘spell’. This is largely what they implement against humanity, as well as manipulating set ups in the opposite to fear, rigging ‘love’, addictions, euphoria, co-dependency, and anything that is out of balance either positively or negatively. They inject fear into our being and try to make it our own as they are capable of inducing a “Love Spell” or ‘LoveBite’as Eve Lorgen brilliantly exposed . When we peel away the layers, we see the illusory worlds cast upon our conscious and subconscious minds…….to realize the lifetimes that have literally been stolen- a life lived inside the web of that thievery. This is likened to the movies ‘Stepford Wives’ meets the ‘Thirteenth Floor’, and in infinite ways far worse because we have been living ‘something’ else’s lives. In that equation, we have been kept within a fractal prison/prism locked away from our own consciousness in truth. Behind the Mantis there is yet another ‘force’ even greater, and behind that is yet another. When we discover the truth of it all, there will be a crossroads; a spectrum where two choices will manifest those realities once and for all, and for all time in timelessness. This ouroboros labyrinth, aka the human hijacking invasion take over appears infinite for we are infinite. Therefore how they have been using us/puppeteering us is in itself infinite. Such is a terrifying thought, as we step outside the illusory spells of invasion, wonderland and the literal parasitic condition of our ‘life force’, soul, Spirit, ‘being’ and endless Lives that have been trapped inside the horror of this twisted cannibalism and total mindwarp spanning aeons. The goal is to return to what and who we are completely, without manipulation, to see realities that don’t exist in order that we serve as automated batteries and slaves. How profound to have a world of ‘Creators’ seduced within the spell of ill-us-ion whilst creating for our enemies the many realities, all of which trap us inside our own enslavement. Recalling these memories are vital for our struggle to integrate and burst through ever deepening layers of this diabolical invasion and complete hijacking of not just our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, Spirits, DNA, Lineages, past lives, but going into the far reaches of many dimensions, levels and the complete manipulation of time on all levels. I believe that we are serving to help one another in such a way, that we are accelerating such breakthrough’s upon this internal journey of healing and integration. Still though, this isn’t what we think it is, even in what we are made to believe in these breakthrough’s. The Spell is deeply woven within multi-dimensional levels of our unique BEING. We are helping one another through this Universal excavation of our entire Being- inside the vortex reality of the Matrix. Isis and Osiris – The Ritual Sacrifice in Civilization The Phallus, Vagina and Dragon symbols are extremely prevalent across continents. Several examples are demonstrated in the Vatican, with many placed within various basilicas. The power grids and mind control underlay and overlays are right in front of our eyes,in all areas of society. The secret mystery schools are at the forefront of the world they have built for us- and through their symbols of captivity, we subliminally give power to them. This is equivalent to our being ritually sacrificed in our daily lives by virtue of existing within its matrix of power, and through agreements of entrapment. Whether consciously, unconsciously or through omission, we set and perpetuate our own imprisonment within their ritual energy vampiric ley lines of human consciousness and harvesting soul energies. We don’t even realize we are making these agreements that are entrapping us, because ‘they’ have literally embedded these symbols in society all around for thousands of years. We have literally inherited the inability to see what is right in front of our eyes from endless lifetimes and generations in subjugation of these mind controlling images and sacred ritual frequency invasive hooks. The world’s paramount preoccupation with sex is evident, not to mention Rome’s. The Vatican displays unabashed vaginal and phallic symbols within it’s principle design in architecture. Roman Catholic art is ubiquitous throughout history in its displays of art and architecture. There is no limit to the story within it’s imagery and the secrets it holds of pedophilia, rape, subjugation and sodomy are only but some of their very favorite things. Open your eyes. ~…/ Deep Love for each and every One of you Precious Infinite Powerful Beings. ~ ~ Sovereignty Is Your Right & the Key To the Universe ~ It is YOU They Fear! — at New York Sports Clubs. jmhjgr 2-the-matrix-quotes 8c6 13912537_1636529656676458_8186493685890517625_n 13925332_10153689110106316_348417331492625604_n-copy-copy-copy 14034732_1084038141671937_8720630964279449812_n 14039978_330565287287473_4220009002909229368_n 14054166_1439490459394401_9154861485430644347_n-copy 14064055_10157489955255294_1852663922098814200_n 14064184_657256334452262_7533515997248020862_n 14064191_331779067166095_2848637258328034808_n-copy 14067674_331326907211311_3922362303622536153_n 14079510_331087120568623_2637077881319512893_n 14079552_1445299645480149_5020322340015285040_n 14079914_1122269577820743_3096335949161953293_n 14088434_10157481455490294_1642457473810214141_n 14088491_1442999415710172_8914858685321400768_n 14088502_1122269574487410_6034704966277264359_n-copy-copy 14089280_331206613890007_3824715824879020044_n 14115478_1665970487054725_4513829098434677384_o 14117814_1815048368715422_141000109194836685_n 14141761_1153003478090984_6402993401326281394_n 14141873_10210060959097250_2116737947994818668_n extraterrestrial-treaties-with-majestic-12-dating-back-to-1958-the-tau-ix-treaty-conference-for-the-preservation-of-humanity fbdfwqw fbgf fe3w-copy fgdfs gfhfa globalist-agenda-watch-2016 hyper-dimensional-interference image-5 judge-joker-97494 justic-d l_peek_through_the_matrix_by_lilli_blue-d4e4shc love-bite-plus-blog1 magnetic-storm matrix_animation_by_fredthelifeguard-d37qpne matrix_by_pan11235-d5xdrth matrix_gif matrix-gif matrix-o matrix-redpill-copy-copy matrix-spoon maxresdefault-copy-copy mjhygt-copy-copy mr-robot-wallpaper-awesome-photos-033k1w6i mv5bmjezmtu5oty0ml5bml5banbnxkftztcwmda0nja3mg-_v1_ux182_cr00182268_al_ mv5bmta4njyzmdc4ndfeqtjeqwpwz15bbwu3mdewnzy1ndy-_v1_uy268_cr60182268_al_ mv5bmte0mjc1mtk2mjfeqtjeqwpwz15bbwu4mdk2nzi4mdyx-_v1_sx640_sy720_ omaujx8t_400x400 onesheet tumblr_n0uihtrxr11rf94xjo1_540 tumblr_n1s3c667b81trfdz1o1_500 tumblr_n2nreouuld1tv5zk1o1_400 tumblr_n3oit7p7sa1txp8nwo1_500 tumblr_n3zii6nfen1r8lutfo1_500 tumblr_n4ltpdpnin1trwgjao1_500 October 8, 2016 1 Edit Post Blog post title Placeholder Image This is an additional placeholder post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. October 8, 2016 0 Edit Post Blog post title Placeholder Image This is an additional placeholder post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. October 8, 2016 0 Edit Post Create a free website or blog at Up ↑ “I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super cool stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday.”

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