LatinMuscleMan75 8:32pm
how re u feeling stud

Vabeam103 8:32pm
good bud, how about you
LatinMuscleMan75 8:33pm
raising my penis vibration lol

Vabeam103 8:33pm
you sexy man
LatinMuscleMan75 8:33pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:33pm
escapism aol talking with u

Vabeam103 8:33pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:34pm
u like rugby sports at all?

Vabeam103 8:34pm
i do
LatinMuscleMan75 8:34pm
me 2
LatinMuscleMan75 8:34pm
ever heard ben cohen?

Vabeam103 8:34pm
i have
LatinMuscleMan75 8:35pm
what best sport u play

Vabeam103 8:35pm
guess it would have to be football
LatinMuscleMan75 8:36pm
i played 2 x
LatinMuscleMan75 8:36pm
i was rough n uncordinated
LatinMuscleMan75 8:36pm
i played nude volley in the nude beach few was somewhat decent

Vabeam103 8:36pm

Vabeam103 8:36pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:36pm
i am good at bowling

Vabeam103 8:36pm
bet that was hot
LatinMuscleMan75 8:36pm
but the bowling aleys are dimishing seems

Vabeam103 8:37pm
i play tennis occasionally
LatinMuscleMan75 8:37pm
nexty time wear sock in the junk never ever get nut cock sunburn

Vabeam103 8:37pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:37pm
u like resaident evil franchise films

Vabeam103 8:38pm
have never watched
LatinMuscleMan75 8:38pm
i used to play it to9 escapoe reality
LatinMuscleMan75 8:38pm
but hey cnnn is like resident evil someties right
LatinMuscleMan75 8:38pm
u dig anderson cooper cnn reporter at all

Vabeam103 8:39pm
it can be a bit sci fi

Vabeam103 8:39pm
i do

Vabeam103 8:39pm
i heard he's a real freak
LatinMuscleMan75 8:39pm
in bed
LatinMuscleMan75 8:39pm
pron like most men
LatinMuscleMan75 8:39pm
unless u a born again jesus save me not realy fear of sex to be
LatinMuscleMan75 8:40pm
u a freak

Vabeam103 8:39pm
yes in bed
LatinMuscleMan75 8:40pm
whats ur definition of a freak

Vabeam103 8:40pm
i can be with the right person

Vabeam103 8:40pm
someone who enjoys taking it to the limits
LatinMuscleMan75 8:40pm
i used to love love that sing super frea super i told my old friend hey am not a fre am a super super super freak

Vabeam103 8:41pm
are any of the pictures you send me of you?
LatinMuscleMan75 8:41pm
ever heard plato says
LatinMuscleMan75 8:41pm
memories n time is only meaning to our existance
LatinMuscleMan75 8:41pm
u ever saw the gay movie with colin ferel angelina greek guy who conquered the world
LatinMuscleMan75 8:42pm
alexander the great

Vabeam103 8:42pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:42pm
is as great movie

Vabeam103 8:42pm
what's it called?
LatinMuscleMan75 8:42pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:43pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:43pm
he was bisexual
LatinMuscleMan75 8:43pm
mesy relationship
LatinMuscleMan75 8:44pm
u bi or str8
LatinMuscleMan75 8:44pm

Vabeam103 8:44pm
bi but lean toward gay

Vabeam103 8:45pm
really enjoy dick
LatinMuscleMan75 8:45pm
me 2

Vabeam103 8:45pm

Vabeam103 8:45pm
so are any of those pics of you?
LatinMuscleMan75 8:45pm
but lean towards enjoy mind spirit with ass n dick lol
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm
very rare
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm
i think am like a gay outcasted ghost
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm
u ever see the film with nicole kidman the others

Vabeam103 8:46pm
are any of those pics of you?
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm
older ones sure
LatinMuscleMan75 8:46pm

Vabeam103 8:47pm

Vabeam103 8:47pm
Kevin here
LatinMuscleMan75 8:47pm
its just a body trying to ego attach happy to external but a pic is not complete soul
LatinMuscleMan75 8:48pm
mike miguel here

Vabeam103 8:48pm
hola papa
LatinMuscleMan75 8:48pm
papa noel is my bigest ego fear
LatinMuscleMan75 8:48pm

Vabeam103 8:48pm
you're crazy
LatinMuscleMan75 8:48pm
u ever think society conditions us to judge fear even natural aging process at time right
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LatinMuscleMan75 8:49pm
i just bought just for men i look like dracula dont ever fall sleeep with just for me on on ur beard
LatinMuscleMan75 8:49pm
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