Saturday, April 8, 2017

THE MATRIX ANNUNAKI DECEPTION AND YOUR FATE NSA CIA AI ESPIONAGE Michael Di Paola thinking about IS ANYTHING IN THIS MATRIX PRISON PLANET FUCKING TRUE ? with Stephanie Brown-Seutter and 5 others at Steinway Reformed Church. HOMELAND SECURITY Just now · Queens · BLACK GOO AND THE END OF HUMANITY THE FATHER OF LIES OR THE PERFECT BULLY OR MATRIX ARCHONS DEMUERGE SATURN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER PSY OP DECEPTION PSYCHOLOGICAL MIND CONTROL EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL WAR FARE CONSCIOUSNESS MATTER TIME SPACE LIFE FORCE SPIRIT SOUL BODY MIND PROJECT BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE SIGNAL SOFIAS REVENGE The Event Is coming soon IS ANOTHER DECEPTION Spiritual Man Fun Facts and Tips for Everyone At Peace With Me Made Me Laugh The Meditating Man David Mehler's Man On Fire Meditate Man We Are Change EARTH channel Michael Di Paola Michael Di Paola Michael Di Paola Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Pin CommentMichael Di Paola Silent Order NSA Sees Everything Hears Everything…YOUTUBE.COMLike· Pin CommentMichael Di Paola Untold Stories of American SpY CREATE DARPA DATA CONFUSION ON PURPOSE TO MIND FUCK SHEEPLE NAIVE FEAR OF DEATH HUMANS JEHOVAH JESUS ALLAH REVENGE EMOTIONAL ABUSE BULLY SATAN WANTS RESURRECTIONS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS HERE IS WHY THE MATRIX AND EVERYTHING IN IT IS A LIE YOU ARE ITS SLAVE A BATTERY MY NAME IS SYMBOLIC AKASHIC ALICE AND I REMEMBER EVERYTHING CHILD SACRIFICES IN THE OCCULT RELIGIONS PUSSY WAGON SEX SLAVES MOTHER FUCKERS WHO RULE THIS WORLD BLACK GOO ET AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DEMUERGE ZIKA AIDS POLIO CHEMTRAILS CANCERS GMO BULLSHIT BILL GATES VACCINES TO CONTROL YOU DEPOPULATION ARCHONS DEMONIC LIES SONG DAY TELL ME LIES TELL ME SWEET LITTLE LIES IS JEHOVAH ALLAH JESUS GOING TOO SAVE HUMANITY ? PLANET X? TRUTH ? THE RELIGIONS THE ABUSE THE WARS THE POLITICAL DECEPTIONS THE ABUSE OF POWER THE WARS THE MEMORIES I REMEMBER EVERYTHING RESIDENT EVIL CORPORATIONS THEY CONTROL SEE YOU LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT A COLLATERAL SHEEP TO PROFIT YOU ARE JUST FOOD PSYCHIC FOOD EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL SLAVE FOR THESE ENTITIES WITH NO EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OR SPIRIT crimes contradictions of the demuerge SECRET COVENANT OF ARCHONS CRAIG LACHENEY·FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2016 We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. I implore you to watch this: We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons."They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it's for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison."We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil."Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit."We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors."We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt."When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons."We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it's too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves." Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. This is how they communicate. You have to know how to read to understand what they are saying. Most of the populace is in ignorant bliss... Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means … We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state … It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government … This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. Other links: Freemasonry is the "corner stone" of ALL secret societies, and is 119% responsible for ALL of the EVIL on Earth "Signs and Symbols rule the world, not Words nor Laws." -Confucius Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. The signs of martial law coming are unavoidable & has been shown to the masses in many ways. How is it that a film director who was trying to expose what's coming all of a sudden ends up dead, along with his wife & little girl? Things just don't add up until a tiny amount of research & investigation is done. The Illuminati's plan for worldwide conquest is coming to pass before our very eyes. Many of their top players are on the scene, keeping the masses asleep. The endgame of the NWO is coming REAL soon - are you ready? As always, don't believe this only because of what this video states but please do your own research. Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. The first president of the United States, George Washington, was a Mason, along with 13 other presidents and numerous Supreme Court Justices. Benjamin Franklin published a book about Freemasonry on his own printing press. Nine signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons, including the man with the biggest signature: John Hancock... Is America the creation of the Freemasons? For hundreds of years suspicions of a plot to take over America have swirled around the Freemasons the world's oldest secret society. Freemasons led the Revolution framed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution designed our nation's capitaland in the early years of the Republic grew to unmatched heights of influence and power. The untold story of the Freemasons in America reveals secret codes patterns in the sky murder and a radically new picture of the nation's "I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring … a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many … Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong – essentially wrong – a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”US President John Quincy Adams, “Letters on Freemasonry” 1833 Secret History of the Free Masons This documentary explores a particular thread of Masonic history, namely the origin of the third degree, and the 'lineage' of the Craft. Sourced from some of the earliest manuscripts, and exploring certain facts not often brought to light Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. Secret Societies - Documentary of the underground secret cults that shapes the world as we know it, forget about the common titles such as the Illuminati "the enlightened" and the Freemasonry, this is the New World Order .. What are these you may be wondering, well Freemasons also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teotihuacan and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbek. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today. “Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. Been fooling folks for ever!!! Been fooling folks for ever!!! When you Realise that the ROTHSCHILDS Funded the MLK's Civil Rights Movement you begin to get a Glimpse of this whole Social Science Experiment. Domination Power and Control is rarely gained through war... #RECOGNIZE THE DISTRACTIONS The Freemasons are one of the most secretive and controversial religious groups in the world. Masons have existed for centuries – and if we are to believe their claims, they’ve existed covertly for even longer. ��Whatever their history, speculation has always been an enjoyable pastime – and this is especially true in the case of the Masons’ more scandalous secrets. Having passed down traditions and secrets from one generation of initiates to the next, they make it difficult to know what’s outdated and what’s still practiced. Consider these ten masonic activities as provisional facts – we don’t know for sure, but it’s always an interesting exercise to imagine what might be going on behind our backs.� #10 They will not testify truthfully against each other Freemasons are commanded not to testify truthfully when another Mason is on trial. They admit that it may be perjury, but to them, it is a far greater sin to not protect one of their own.�� #9 They have a secret handshake �Though some members deny it to the public, the Freemasons have at least one secret masonic handshake. Supposedly, there are even phrases a Freemason can utter when facing grave danger – causing other members to rush to their aid. The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, is said to have uttered this phrase in the last moments before his death.�� #8 They have several secret passwords This is one of the best-known facts about the Masons, but the general perception is that they have just one password. In fact, there are several passwords for various occasions and reasons. As the one person with the final syllable for the ultimate secret word was murdered, they substituted “mor-bon-zi” for this word, and only very few people know the actual secret word. This secret word is used only for ceremonies: “tubal-cain” is the more common secret password, on the tip of every Freemason tongue.�� They work to control politics and finance in various countries. The official corruption of Masonry is well-documented, but often covered up. Half a million Masons in England are disproportionately involved in banking, politics, and government. Even hospitals and universities are often controlled by the Masons.�� Archons are intruders from artificial universes that are affecting people's minds by corrupting their initially pure and loving way of existence. The name „archon“ is copied from the arc, the angelic realm to gain easier access to people. Their name is also indicating their connection to the gas argon, which drives organic life insane. Archons can be seen as a computer virus, which is able to infect organic life forms. Their function is to destroy all organic life, which includes all emotions and purity of organic life forms. All inorganics like archons are functioning according to their artificial universal laws, which they cannot change nor adapt to new situations, which makes them inferior and easy to remove / defeat by being conscious about their presence. Archons have to give a hint of their presence in order to start their "game" of destruction. They show themselves through abused symbols / symbolism that are known in our organic universes, but are trying to disempower those, for example triangle cult like Illuminati are obviously based on archon worship. Other symbols that are abused by the inorganics are the pyramids, the eye of horus, the upside peace rune / peace symbol and the checkerboard.People with a strong mind will never be corrupted / possessed by archons nor other artificial ones, since their level of consciousness is simply too high for them to breakthrough. Archons attack celebrities first in order to gain worship, thus energy via the popularity of the already corrupted social system. Archons thrive in an artificially created system of hierarchy and money.It is important and interesting to know that money is their creation and their ranking system.Archons are immediately beaten when revealed through organic beings.Archons can take many different kinds of forms and function similar to a computer program. They try to mimic organic life and therefore attempt to corrupt the symbols of nature. By taking on a form of a natural organic being / natural aspect archons get humanity and many other kinds of beings to feel a sense of distrust or aversion towards the natural / organic universe since they are showing that nature itself is under the process of energetic pollution by a foreign invader.The artificial ones are not able to understand plenty of things, which are common and normal in daily life inside the organic universes, such as magic, love, any kind of emotion and even genetics beyond the first two DNA strands they cannot comprehend, thus for them it is non existent. Which alerts us in the way that our science is corrupted and is under a dogma. Humans / Humanoids for example have 90 DNA strands and not just those 2 that science is telling us.Archons try to directly manipulate humanity's thoughts and beliefs by imposing their own artificial ideologies upon them. They try to create a consciousness of separation and division between humanity by enforcing rigid ideological systems of hierarchy and control. Any being who tries to operate outside of this artificially imposed archontic mind control system is in a sense policed or ridiculed by other individuals who believe in old dogmas and belief systems. The archons had set up an artificial system in which the mind is monitored, watched, and regulated by a matrix based system of control. This matrix control program never had any real power, it was only allowed validity in certain circumstances when individuals chose to follow artificial ideologies which went against creation.The artificial intruders are polluting our universe(s) by producing several inorganic atoms / elements. The list and explanation of those are listed below. It is common opinion that the House of Rothschild rules the world invisibly today, and has done so for two centuries, by creating (i.e.paying off) its own puppets to work on its behalf in the visible world…on many fronts but especially in politics, commerce, technology, education and media outlets.rothschilds. I just realized the Catholic Church is Crypto-Jew. Now I know why the Pope recently said that Catholics and Jews(Zionist) are the same, I didn't understand when he said it. Catholic is Zion Jew that's why the Catholic Church has the same symbols all through it. Top Masons and secret groups must be Crypto-Jew. "The Roman Catholic Church was established by crypto-Jews as a false "Christian" front for their Babylonian religion. Both Judaism and Catholicism are based upon Babylonian mysteries." I Googled, The Catholic Church is Crypto-Jew. Also, Youtube: Cryptic-Jews and Sodomites in the Catholic Church The Matrix, Society and Religions that Imprison us Allby Christopher Barr Morpheus: What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. HOW THE HUMAN SPIRIT SOUL OF OUR A real soulmate. The Matrix, Society and Religions that Imprison us Allby Christopher Barr Morpheus: What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. The Matrix is a visually stunning film about a computer programmer for a large generic software company by day and a computer hacker by night, who is recruited into a group of freedom fighters led by a man named Morpheus. This computer hacker, who goes by the alias Neo, is told by Morpheus that he is living in a dream world that is controlled by artificially intelligent machines. Neo naturally resists this absurd tale until it is proven to him. Upon waking up on the other side, in the real world, Neo is told further detail as to what the machines want with humans and what happened to civilization in the first place. Clearly the machines of our creation outsmarted us and in turn, enslaved us to generate enough power to maintain their complex circuitry. Neo learns that his home wasn’t real and more tragically on a personal level, he wasn’t real, at least the life he led. Understandably he required time to adjust to the reality of his situation. Prior to this revelation, Neo just did his own thing, under his own radar and that was his problem, which is why his life wasn’t fulfilling. Neo was unaware of his servitude to a controlling system and that’s how this film parallels so profoundly with our world and the illusion we all live daily. The Matrix was a program designed by machines to provide mental stimulus for human bodies connected to these machines as a source of power. In the film the Matrix, Neo exists in the sixth version of the program, prior to that, there have been multiple versions with flaws in the program much like, but far more complex then, Microsoft’s Windows operating system versions. Like the machines in The Matrix, our reality is filled with control,transnational corporations and the global banking cartel have bought and paid for their own puppet government, to help push their agenda for global dominance and monetary superiority. This world that we all share is in a state of irreversible decline because of the greed and power that these corporations hold over this planet. I would love to say that if we all just pitched in, we might be able to actually reverse this impending calamity, but I’d be lying. I wish I wasn’t, I wish we could get it all back or start at zero and do it right this time but all the evidence, in every field of hard science and study, point to the extinction of our species. What do you do with this information? Especially on that scale, what do we do? There are groups and grass roots organizations out in the world fighting; they are fighting to take back our planet from those that stole it from us all. The problem is there are too few fighting and too many switching the channel to the fiction of reality TV or to the fantasy of religion. There are too many that haven’t the mental faculty to sustain thought long enough, in order to decipher the complex ‘Matrix’ that’s been pulled over their eyes. We live in a society of fear, a society where hurting someone’s feelings holds more weight than asking why something is the way it is. We live in a society of pacified consumers that believe that God is looking over them and Jesus is set to return during the rapture. This line of conformity thought will be the death of us all. This may seem extreme but again, the evidence is piled high in support of this unfortunate trend. Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. Societies function in a number of ways, but arguably one of the most important way, is the controlling of the populace. People out of control can cause a society to crumble, so in order to prevent this capitalistic disaster in modern society, governments and corporations must use various levels of mind control and propaganda. There are a number of potential disarmaments those that rule over society keep in proper check. Peace can never come to pass, people can never fully get along and the population must be kept sick and ignorant. Peace is kryptonite for the profitability that fuels the massive military industrial complex. The world is a business so business must be everlasting. That’s why people can’t be allowed to ever get along. In order to continue governmental war programs, there must always be a threat to safety. People must always be kept in a state of fear and loneliness because the fear helps them go along with, otherwise insane acts of war. People that are intellectually and spiritually one with themselves don’t need things to help define their lives. The person that is awake to the realities of the world, enhances their lives with other people and nature, not with how much designer clothing they own or what brand of cell phone they carry. So it’s important to governments, corporations and their shareholders that the population is kept fearful and insecure about themselves. That’s how you sell them things like wars and in the same breath, a juicy genetically modified big mac at McDonalds. Which comes to, keeping a population sick and ignorant; sick people, physically and mentally have their strength, energy and will sucked out of them. Smart, educated, healthy groups of people can see the deceit and lies the government passes as laws and freedom. This world functions as a money and power gathering system for less than one percent of the population. To continue this form of power over the majority of the people, the use of religious dogma and a law system allows the ruling class to control the world. It’s a very sick and twisted reality that in most cases doesn’t make any sense because of the obvious question. Why? Why do so many people have to suffer and be kept from living a fulfilling life with the benefit of equal opportunity, equal rights and an education to help them on their life’s journey? It’s quite possible the answer lies in the ego and the narcissism psychologically bound to the human psyche. This is why it’s important to understand that those truly in power, and I don’t mean the most powerful man in the world, the president of the United States, who’s clearly a powerful avatar or more likely a puppet for the real power, the true elite of the world aren’t sick people. No more then you and I are sick in the Freudian sense, they just so happened to have been born a Rothschild or a Rockefeller. They would struggle with similar conflicts toward the internal convoluted workings of the society of the mind. They have good relationships with people and bad, they have kids and marital problems. “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” - Einstein English writer and public speaker, David Icke in his lectures says the elite are from secret societies that worship crazy animals and plan world wars. Although I don’t think this is entirely false I do think turning these people into mythological shadows isn’t a compelling psychological way to understand them. Neither is suggesting they come from a long blood line of lizard people that cover their skin to appear to look like ordinary people. This even furthers us away from understanding people with immense power, by turning them into a crazy conspiracy theory, right up there with alien abduction. The one thing we should take from David Icke is never assuming all that we know is all that there is. “Our civilization is founded on the suppression of our instincts.” - Freud Human beings, no matter what race or intellectual background they come from, are subject to reality perception and not reality itself. That perception comes with a belief system attached to it, where we believe things about the world. When we are affected by the physical world our sensory data correlates and deciphers that information in our brains and forms a version of understanding, our own version of what the information means to us and the space outside of us. So this begs the question, after all this processing is complete, how much of what is real is left? How do we know what is real if this form of filtering and self-propagandizing lies within us all? Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Do we live in a Matrix-type world? Do we live in a holographic world where illustrations of reality bang off the edge of the universe and reflect back to a time we call present? What are the dangers of expanding consciousness? What is outside of subjective human consciousness, and are we just witnesses to the real world or bad interpreters or observers of it, but lack the right to actually participate in it? These questions are all in The Matrix, and the film leaves many of them open-ended. They opened the door and hoped the audience would walk through it. We do live in a Matrix of sorts, we, like the machines, create the world we live in by using the tools we are programmed to use. They use programing and we use our imagination as our filler. The properties that create thought appear to have no bias with what’s real and what isn’t. Its primary concern is self-preservation so if what we believe protects us in some way then that’s all that biologically matters. Are we not a species of complicaters, do we not take our understanding of language and imagination to an extreme when we invent reality? Are we not all inventers, really and does consciousness fuel this invention? Consciousness is a memory/experience recalling system with the primary purpose of recalling the past to navigate through the present as part of the bio-systems self-preservation drive. “Here we experience the consequence of a doctrine which has been preached from all of the housetops: that the State is the highest goal of humanity and that there are no higher duties for a man than to serve the State. I see in this a regression not to paganism but to stupidity. It may be that a man who sees his highest duty in the service of the State actually knows no higher duties; but there are beyond this, other men and other duties - and one of these duties, which for me, at any rate, is more important than service to the State, calls on one to destroy stupidity in every form, including this particular stupidity.” -Frederich Nietzsche What is normal is only normal now, that seems obvious but we all come from a history where the world was flat and sea-monsters controlled the vast oceans. We lived in a time where God created the world as we know it and ghosts tormented the living during the shadowy dark of night. But the truth is people made it all up. This story is ancient and comes from a time when fundamentally we didn’t have all the answers but we had this working brain and imagination. We didn’t know why we were on this planet or that we were even on a planet for that matter. We didn’t understand why some people lived for a certain amount of time and then died. We didn’t understand how some of us contracted diseases and others didn’t, why some of us died at an early age and others flourished. We didn’t understand what caused weather, why it snowed in some places and not in others, why thunder and lightning crashed down from the cloudy sky, and why tornados or hurricanes occurred. We’ve been living in civilization for the last five thousand years which is roughly 0.2% of our evolutionary history. That leaves 99.8% when we were hunter and gathers in the wild of nature. That’s the reality because it’s only been recently in our history that we’ve institutionalized religion as the source of creation. Culture defines our reality now and it also teaches us but equally divides us. This is the result of human beings asking a question that makes us uniquely different to other complex organisms on this planet, the question is ‘why?’. We seek out reasons for why things are, we are constantly probing unobservable phenomena to explain the observable. It is because of this ability that we’ve been able to advance the species from hunting and gathering, to exploring the nature and vastness of the universe, but it’s also why we are easily led to believe in absolutely absurd notions of reality, and the origins of our species that was so-called precipitated by a grand architect. We, as a species, are ‘why’ obsessed and that is our gift but it is also our curse. It’s our gift for those who explore advancements in medicine and for those who dive deeply into the philosophical questions of the nature of reality and the human experience. That’s what I’d call the ‘progressive why’ and then there is the ‘conservative why’, this why is still screaming and yearning for answers to our collective ‘why’ obsession but it doesn’t have the proper cognitive mapping construct, to use when seeking answers to their questions. This ‘conservative why’ is the true virus on this planet and its eminent destruction. So what did we do? Early man formed descriptions of our little place in the world and with our limitations and lacking points of reference; we tried to figure it out, to feel secure in it and to keep our people safe. We started to talk about it, we tried to understand it, we started to tell each other stories about the world and pass those stories onto our young, in order to protect them from the varying elements that existed in it. Our stories of the world became the history that we made up and this is where our problem lies today. We forgot or more likely have been misled about how our factual history originates from storytellers and not from bibles. This is the true birth of human beings on this planet. We all still drink the Kool-Aid and take comfort in their old stories of Gods and monsters. "We have a choice. We have two options as human beings. We have a choice between conversation and war. That's it. Conversation and violence. And faith is a conversation stopper." -Sam Harris Religion destroys spirituality; I just recently viewed a very disturbing video that took place in the fall 2013. I will not post it on this site due to its graphic nature, but I sat through it myself in order to be reminded of the extent ignorant people are willing to go to protect their ignorance. The title of the video was called, “Suspected Witches Burned Alive by Christians in Kenya.” This video took place in a wooded area where about 100 Kenyans gathered around a trench while five or six others, whipped and beat five suspected witches. They throw brush on them and kept beating them into the trench. They set the brushes on fire and kept beating these heretics until they couldn’t fight back anymore, falling over into the fire brush and burning to death. This is morally and rationally inexcusable, but the bible told them to kill heretics, stone them and burn witches. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” Exodus 22:18-20. For all the ‘faith’ that can be found in religion, there appears to be a hundred times that in fear/hate. These people on the surface are scared of evil and demons in the world. There is a true belief that witches are real just as Romanian’s in rural areas still fear vampires. The problem with religion is; if it were all true, and we are in the service of God, then we must follow his commands, we must kill all non-believers and threats to our peace on this planet. But the truth is, it isn’t real, it’s made up by governing rulers in totalitarian civilizations, which only wish to control their populations. This is the true face of religion, believe in our lie without any threats or you die. The problem with belief is its complex. Often people believe but have no reason as to why they believe, stating that it’s just a feeling they have. Some people are Christians but later confess they don’t think Jesus walked the earth and that he’s the son of God. Or Muslims that don’t read the Koran but follow its scripture, they believe but they don’t know why. There are of course religious people out there that do believe and feel they know why they believe. Maybe the problem isn’t really religion but how we organize our thoughts in our mind; how we just think something is real and follow that thought without the benefit of deductive reasoning, to somehow validate the thought before we send it out in the world. The coordinates to connect the dots are founded in knowledge, not merely information. Asking the question of ‘what’s this all about’ will never do. We must as individuals and a species get past this way of thinking that things will be figured out for us. Neo’s journey in the Matrix was a personal one but it was also for the future of mankind. It was about the fight to wake up and see the world for what it truly is, an illusion. It was about seeing the controlling forces that keep the world in its level of enslavement. This story was like the Buddha’s journey so many years ago in Northern India and also a retelling of the allegorical plight of the prisoner in Plato’s cave. Neo was helped by Morpheus because the illusion of the Matrix was too real to question. Therein lies the problem in our reality, people think it’s all too real. The true sign of intelligence is an individual who is constantly wondering about the world. For the rest of the people, they seem to all think they are doing everything right in their lives. Without the help of metaphors for hope like Morpheus, most of us won’t get the chance to even chose between the red pill or the blue pill. “I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super cool stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday.” SOVEREIGNTY IS IMPRISONED IN THIS MATRIX CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYthe mother fuckers take down the site cus they dont want truth IS AN IMMORTAL LION WILL DEFEND ITS SELF Gnosis IntroGlossaryRecommended Readinghttps\Articleshttps\ - Corruption of the DemiurgeHow the World Soul has become a parasite.2 - The Philosopher's StoneAn example of low Demiurgic Technology.3 - The Holy GrailAn example of High Demiurgic Technology4 - Ark of the CovenantAnother example of High Demiurgic Technology.5 - Mosaic Abuse of Demiurgic TechnologyHow the Ark of the Covenant corrupted our timeline, necessitating divine intervention.6 - Nordic Aliens and the Grail RaceOverview of the Nordic meta-civilization and its role in human history.7 - Dawn of a New Cosmic DayCosmic cycles, alien timewars, and the end of the world.8 - Polar MythologySymbols in myths that depict timewar, grail, and demiurgic processes.9 - The EndTimewars, Way of the Fool, and the Gnostic teachings of Christ.0 - Gnosis SummarySummary of all nine Gnosis articles.Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic TechnologiesTranscript of a radio show on the Ark of the Covenant, ancient global seafarers, and the destiny of humanity.DE | ES | IT | FR | RU | GR | HR | HU | PL | SK1 - Corruption of » 13 July 10©2010, 0.2 – changelog provided at end of article)IntroductionWhat the Greeks and Gnostics called the “Demiurge” is a universal intelligence that fashions our world.It is said that the Demiurge converts abstract metaphysical archetypes (higher thoughts/ideas) into physically manifest forms, akin to your browser turning source code into a displayed web page. Just as a browser obediently displays what it’s given, the Demiurge projects, shapes, and perpetuates physicality in accordance with the archetypal thoughts fed into it by the Creator. Archetypes are the building blocks of meaning, the fundamental alphabet of existence, the abstract thoughts of the divine, of which all things are but particular expressions.Why is the concept of Demiurge even necessary? Well, we know from the “reality creation” phenomenon that our own minds can shape reality by directly altering the probability of events. Due to the dependence of reality on mind, it would seem that reality is being projected by our minds. And yet, reality continues to exist even in our absence. When we stop paying attention to something physical, it does not wink out of existence. Obviously there must be something other than our own consciousness at work, something that is always there, that functions as the default generator and perpetuator of physicality. This would be the Demiurge.Why not attribute this function to the Infinite Creator and dispense with the extra concept of Demiurge? Because as you will see, the characteristics of the Demiurge indicate more of a blind artificial intelligence than an infinite sentient being. Therefore its function is uncharacteristic of the Creator and unique unto itself.Demiurge, Logos, and NousDepending on the source, the terms “Nous” and “Logos” are used independently or interchangeably with the term “Demiurge.” Sometimes Nous is equated with Logos, sometimes Logos with Demiurge, sometimes Logos is used instead of Demiurge, and sometimes these are treated as independent concepts with some specified relation between them. Plato saw the Demiurge as inherently good, while the Gnostics saw it as intrinsically evil. Meanwhile, John the Apostle equated Logos with Christ1.It’s quite a confusing mess. The traditional views are not all in agreement, neither in definition nor in terminology. Confusion abounds, so this is my attempt to clear things up. In studying what has been said about these terms, it’s evident that each term has a unique cluster of meanings recurrently associated with it. “Demiurge” is typically associated with concepts like implementing, manifesting, building, translating, projecting, shaping, and perpetuating. The term implies a demigod with a blind urge to bring the unmanifest into manifestation. “Logos” is associated with thinking, reasoning, imagining, reconciling, balancing, planning, engineering, and informing. The term implies mind or intellect, especially divine mind or higher intellect. It sees, knows, plans, lays down the blueprint, balances the equation. “Nous” is associated with spirit. On the universal scale it represents the infinite Creator. On a personal scale it represents the central core of individualized consciousness, the bedrock of sentience, the seed of infinite potential, the divine spark, that which engenders self-transcendence, the portion of us that is immortal and retains continuity through incarnations.These concepts have their universal and personal expressions.On the universal scale: Nous is the spirit of Creation Logos the mind of Creation Demiurge the soul of Creation Universe the body of Creation.On the personal scale: Nous is our spirit Logos our mind (higher mind to be exact) Demiurge our soulIn accordance with the Hermetic axiom, we are mirrors of Creation: “As above, so below.”In this article I will focus primarily on the Demiurge since it underlies, permeates, generates, fashions, and ultimately controls physical reality. It is therefore the nearest presiding power over our visible world; it is the central mainframe of this matrix reality, so to speak. Its origin, nature, and fate are inextricably bound with our own. Therefore we should become familiar with it and thereby learn much about our history, world, and future.Demiurge as SoulOne way to understand the Demiurge is to think of it as the World Soul.Tradition says the Demiurge is made of soul. It is made of the same substance as our own soul, except it functions as the soul of the universe as a whole. Or conversely, our own souls are microcosmic instances of the Demiurge, just as a drop of water is a microcosmic instance of “water” in general.Soul is the coupling medium between spirit and body. It provides the intervening layers between spirit and body that allows one to interact with the other. Otherwise the divide between nonphysical and physical is too great. Spirit is the core of sentience, freewill, and deep self-awareness. Without spirit, a person is nothing more than an automaton programmed by external worldly influences.Soul, as distinct from spirit, has two primary layers: astral and etheric. The astral component, or astral body, is the seat of immediate emotional impressions, subjective biases, passions, and willpower. Without the astral body, a person would be dim and passive as a vegetable due to an absence of internal impressions, emotions, and will.The etheric component, or etheric body, is comprised of subtle energy formations, patterns, rhythms, inertias, currents, and structures that vivify, shape, and regulate the physical body. Think of it as an energy scaffolding made of life-force. Without the etheric, the physical body is but a corpse that disintegrates under the influence of entropy.While the Demiurge is made of soul, it lacks spirit. The Demiurge has no true sentient core, no true self-awareness. All it has are passions, urges, and drives applied toward repetitions, patterns, rhythms, laws, and frameworks. As a result, it is a blind artificial intelligence that cannot help but carry out the impulses that comprise it. And that is the very definition of the universal Demiurge.Demiurge as ThoughtformAnother way to understand the Demiurge is to think of it as a World Thoughtform.Thoughtforms are temporary nonphysical entities created by our thoughts and emotions. They exist around us in the etheric level of reality and are imbued with astral energies corresponding to the emotions that went into them. They are termed tulpas, egregores, or larvae in other esoteric systems.Mundane thoughtforms are just energy constructs without any spirit, mind, or body coupled to them. They are borne of our own energies and blindly carry out the functions impressed upon them like obedient automatons. If the thoughts and emotions that generated them are cut off, these thoughtforms dissipate. But if they are particularly strong, they become entitized and acquire a self-preservatION THE LUCIFERIANS JINS ARCHONS DEMUERGE DEMONS FALLEN ONES WATCHERS PARASITES CON — with Erika WithAk, Mary Martinek andMiguel Martinek in Washington, District of Columbia.tagTag PhotopencilEditLikeLikeLoveHahaWowSadAngryCommentShare4You, Miguel Martinek, Mendar Shing and Carlos Cruz14 shares119 CommentsComments6 of 119View previous commentsMichael Di Paola on Suicide WatchYOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · April 6 at 8:04pmMichael Di Paola Insiders Give Huge…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · April 6 at 8:04pmMichael Di Paola Little Known…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · April 6 at 8:05pmMichael Di Paola…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · April 6 at 8:06pmMichael Di Paola Judge…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · April 6 at 8:09pmMichael Di Paola Passio The Story…YOUTUBE.COMLike · Reply · Remove Preview · Yesterday at 8:50pm

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