Saturday, October 15, 2016

Romancing Our Shadow


Stillness in the Storm: “Wikileaks Releases Another 850 Podesta Emails In Part 8 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 11,019” plus 9 more

Wikileaks Releases Another 850 Podesta Emails In Part 8 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 11,019

Scientist concludes: There is Evidence of Ancient Nuclear Weapons on Mars

Earthquake, Solar Killshot Misses, Electric Effects | S0 News Oct.15.2016 - Suspicious0bservers

Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad

How To Create A Toxin-Free Home

Gaia Portal -- October 14th 2016: Presence of Higher Cosmics is elevated to hu-consciousness | with Interpretations by Justin

Controlled Demolition – A Peer-Reviewed Scientific Analysis of the World Trade Center Collapses by Europhysics News

Fascism - The United Nations Makes a Shocking Admission about Syria and
Western Corruption - Commentary and Links Included

Asgardia -- an
Open Recruitment for a Breakaway Civilization Begins | A "Second Brain
Drain" and the Disclosure of Secret Space Programs?

Dear Elon Musk: "We're Already on Mars," Claims Alleged SSP Whistleblower Corey Goode

Wikileaks Releases Another 850 Podesta Emails In Part 8 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 11,019

Posted: 15 Oct 2016 09:17 AM PDTRelated Wikileaks Articles and UpdatesSource - Zero Hedgeby Tyler Durden October 15th 2016Another
day, another data dump. In what has become a daily routine, one which
forces the Clinton campaign to bring up ever starker (most sexual)
scandals involving Trump to provide a media distraction, moments ago
Wikileaks released yet another roughly 1,150 emails in Part 8 of its
ongoing Podesta Email dump, which brings the total number of released
emails to 10,169.Read more »
Scientist concludes: There is Evidence of Ancient Nuclear Weapons on Mars

Posted: 15 Oct 2016 07:01 AM PDTSource - The Event Chronicleby Ivan, October 11th 2016“Mars
xenon is found to match closely the component in the Earth’s atmosphere
produced by Earth’s nuclear weapons programs, both hydrogen bomb
testing and plutonium production, both of which involve large amounts of
fission with fast neutrons. It is found that Mars xenon can be
approximately by a mixture of 70% Nuclear Testing xenon, mixed with 30%
natural Earth xenon, suggesting that Mars xenon was similar to Earth’s
before a large nuclear event altered it dramatically.”Read more »
Earthquake, Solar Killshot Misses, Electric Effects | S0 News Oct.15.2016 - Suspicious0bservers

Posted: 15 Oct 2016 06:49 AM PDTRead more »
Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad

Posted: 15 Oct 2016 06:01 AM PDTImage Source.(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The
rumors about why this call by the Russian Government was put out range
from World War III predictions, to the long discussed financial reset coming to fruition, to an activation of alliances against the Western controlled Cabal. I
cannot confirm any of these suppositions but given the fact that
Wikileaks is forging ahead with their "October Surprise" data dumps,
there could be more turbulence in the times ahead. Related Wikileaks Articles and UpdatesPreparation
in all forms is probably not a bad idea, however I wouldn't personally
indulge in alarmist notions that serve only to fuel fires of fear. - JustinSource - Zero Hedgeby Tyler Durden, October 12th 2016In
Europe, when it gets serious, you have to lie... at least if you are an
unelected bureaucrat like Jean-Claude Juncker. In Russia, however, when
it gets serious, attention immediately turns to the children.Read more »
How To Create A Toxin-Free Home

Posted: 15 Oct 2016 05:01 AM PDTSource - Orgonlight Healthby Lance Schuttler, October 12th 2016Living
a healthy life is not just about eating well, exercise, connection with
others and the thoughts you think and words you speak, it’s also about
the environment you choose to be in.With the home where many
people spend much of their 24 hour day, it only makes sense for us to
ensure we have a home that is as comfortable and toxin-free as possible.
From the dish soaps and laundry detergents commonly used, to the air
fresheners and candles, as well as the dental care and beauty products
one chooses to use, there exists much cleaner, toxin-free and
health-promoting alternatives.Read more »
Gaia Portal -- October 14th 2016: Presence of Higher Cosmics is elevated to hu-consciousness | with Interpretations by Justin

Posted: 14 Oct 2016 05:09 PM PDT
The raw Gaia Portal update is first, followed by my extrapolated
meanings in black. For other interpretations of these reports see Rosalie Parker and Kauilapele. Source - Gaia PortalPresence
of Higher Cosmics is elevated to hu-consciousness.Rainiers of
recognition backdrop the memories.Cleavage of the abandoned
comes.Necessities are seen for what they are not.Valuations upgrade.And now the analysis:I do not have an insider or direct source for the meanings below. This
is my interpretation of the update, based on extrapolation and
contextual usage of the terms. The meanings provided are not the only
ones that can be gleaned; in my view, all meanings have value,
especially when shared and discussed openly. Please comment below if
interested, I'd love to hear other's thoughts on this material.Interpretations: "Presence of Higher Cosmics is elevated to hu-consciousness." - The phrase Higher Cosmics could
be a reference to those sources of intelligence that are by nature of
their state of evolution working with large portions of the universe. If
one looks at the spectrum or taxonomy of life within a conscious
universe, where all things are alive and indwelt by an aspect of
consciousness, then the sphere of influence one has on their environment
determines to what degree they have evolved. The Law of One states a
system that states first density life is atomic, and mineral in nature,
wherein the systems of motion that make up this realm of life is limited
to smaller radii or radiuses; a photon, electron, and neutrino are very
small in comparison to a proton. These smaller elements comprise larger
first density life such as atoms, which then cooperate to form
molecules. And so the chain of life moves from the small to the large by
degrees of organization and cooperation, each living unit finding
harmony and unity with their fellows in that realm of creation. In
second density life, molecules organize to form amino acids, proteins,
and DNA, which then produce the structures of organelles that eventually
make up cellular life. In our own evolutionary journey on Earth, the
single-celled organisms evolved over what seems like billions of years
to eventually form multicellular life. Later, fungi, plants, and animal
life were formed, all of which gains more freedom of expression from an
individual point of view. Finally, the third density of life emerges,
human beings that are capable of self-consciousness to the degree of
beginning the evolutionary adventure of mental and emotional exploration
of consciousness, the realms of the astral and etheric planes. The
theme that presents itself within this system is that the smaller forms
of life are less individually conscious than the larger ones. The
smaller forms of life have less influence on the world around them than
the larger forms. But when the individual finds unity with their
respective brothers and sisters in the density and plane of
co-habitation, their combined abilities eventually produce the next
level of evolution. The hu-man is the single celled organism of the Gaia life form.Read more »
Controlled Demolition – A Peer-Reviewed Scientific Analysis of the World Trade Center Collapses by Europhysics News

Posted: 14 Oct 2016 04:39 PM PDTSource - Discerning the Mysteryby Shem El-Jamal,October 6th 2016For
over a decade, citizens of the United States and people from around the
world have been handed a story about the events of September 11, 2001.
We have been compelled by mainstream media to accept this explanation as
though it was the most reasonable, the most scientific, and
indisputable explanation in existence. Yet along with this supposedly
scientific information, there was another message. Read more »
Fascism - The United Nations Makes a Shocking Admission about Syria and
Western Corruption - Commentary and Links Included

Posted: 14 Oct 2016 04:30 PM PDTSource - Discerning The Mysteryby Shem El-Jamal,October 7th 2016In
recent times, the excessive corruption and criminality of the United
States government has become so obvious that one would need to be fast
asleep in order to miss the fact.  We have seen overt
anti-constitutional moves backed by nothing more than propaganda being
forced upon the people.  We have seen open acts of abuse and murder
under the guise of law enforcement without so much as a shrug from the
judicial system, and we have seen an ever-building list of war crimes
committed in the Middle East.Read more »
-- an Open Recruitment for a Breakaway Civilization Begins | A "Second
Brain Drain" and the Disclosure of Secret Space Programs?

Posted: 14 Oct 2016 01:07 PM PDT
by Justin Deschamps
for a space-based nation—a breakaway civilization named Asgardia has
begun. The call was put out for 100,000 volunteers who would be willing
to join the soil-less nation that would be the first of its kind—or is
it?An international consortium represented by Timothy Wild
(backed by major players in science and business who wish to remain
largely hidden at this time) are pioneering the first en masse recruitment for space colonization.The call was publicized in an article released by Business Insider, a magazine that draws a broad range of readership that could bring recruit some of the brightest minds in the world today.Read more »
Dear Elon Musk: "We're Already on Mars," Claims Alleged SSP Whistleblower Corey Goode

Posted: 14 Oct 2016 11:02 AM PDTSource - Collective Evolutionby Arjun Walia, October 13th 2016If you haven’t already heard, Elon Musk is planning to colonize Mars. Recently announced at the 67th annual International Astronautical Congress
in Guadalajara, Mexico, he revealed that he not only wants to go to
Mars, but also to establish a human colony on the planet once we get
there.Read more »

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Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 4

a ton of fakery around, but that’s to be expected. We live in duality.
It’s our job to fine tune our perception and distinguish between the
false and the real.

Everything is fake

in our society today – or at least a great many things are. This is
the final part 4 of the series of exposing the monumental amount of
fakery that exists in our world today (click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3). The real will always be stronger than the fake, but first you need to recognize which is which.

Below are the final 8 areas of fakery to round out the top 40:

33. Fake False Flag Events

The rate of staged false flag operations, whether they be false flag
shootings or false flag bombings, has been increasing. It almost seems
like there’s one that goes by somewhere every month. It’s Another Day, Another False Flag.
Maybe this is due to how effectively the elite can fool the general
population, and scare them into giving up their rights and supporting
the centralization of power.
Yet, at the same time, there is also a growing awareness of a critical
mass of people who see right through these events. After all, we have
been exposed to a lot of them.

Fake false flag operations are being spotted at the start by a growing number of vigilant citizens.

In the last 15 years, here is a brief and incomplete list of 21st century false flag ops:

– 9/11 of 2001

– the Bali bombings in Indonesia of 2002

– 7/7 of 2005

– the Norway shooting of 2011

– the fake Sandy Hook (Sandy Hoax) shooting of 2012

– the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013

– the LAX shooting of 2013

– the Santa Barbara shooting of 2014

– the Malaysian Flight 17 of 2014 (falsely blamed on Russia)

– the “Sydney Siege” in Australia of 2014

– the French Charlie Hebdo shooting of 2015

– the Tunisia shooting of 2015

– the Charleston shooing of 2015

and so on. There are many more that didn’t make that list. Paul
Watson of InfoWars pointed out a few years ago how even the military
term false flag had begun to permeate in the mass consciousness and had cropped up way more
as a search term online. Remember how InfoWars reporter Dan Bidondi
asked a Boston official, on live TV just as it was unfolding, whether the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag event?
It would appear with the rising consciousness that the elite are going
to be hard pressed to keep using false flag operations – unless they
take it to a whole new level with perfect, undetectable holograms.

34. Fake Crisis Actors

Related to the fakery of false flag operations are the fake crisis actors
used by the MSM to attempt to deceive you. The alternative media has
done a great job exposing the extent of fakery here, including exposing
crisis actors at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, the Charleston shooting and many other events. On several occasions, the lying MSM even used the same crisis actors (see here and here) for different false flag events!

We have been hit with many fake pandemics, from SARS to Bird Flu to Ebola.

35. Fake Pandemics

While the threat of bioweapons, including those that
are constructed to target certain ethnicities, races or segments of
society, is quite appealing to an elite cabal bent on depopulation, the
fact remains that the recent pandemics we have witnessed, especially the
ebola pandemic, are exaggerated and fake. Kudos to Len Horowitz for his years of research in documenting the rise of bioweapons and fake pandemics, and also to Jon Rappoport who kept a cool head and questioned every aspect of the ebola psy-op,
while many others were taken in by the propaganda. Wasn’t it telling
and almost surreal the way the ebola phenomenon just suddenly dropped
off the map, after the US Government allegedly gave the order to the MSM
to stop reporting on it?

The fake moon landing. Credit:

36. Fake Moon Landing

The moon landing is another stunning piece of fakery that has gone
down in the official history books as fact. Perhaps the best pieces on
the issue are Jay Weinder’s analysis, Secrets of The Shining: Or How Faking the Moon Landings Nearly Cost Stanley Kubrick his Marriage and his Life and also this interview.
Weidner presents a compelling argument that the elite convinced Stanley
Kubrick to fake the moon landing in exchange for secrecy and future
film budgeting. Kubrick himself was very well acquainted with the
Satanic underbelly of the New World Order, and produced one of the most
striking films which ever exposed it (Eyes Wide Shut), with its
famous scene of a Satanic ritual orgy and sacrifice in a mansion of
the elite. Kubrick died from a heart attack before the release of the
film despite being reported to have been in good health with a strong
heart – just another coincidence, I’m sure.

It is quite possible we went to the moon – just not in the way we
were told. If you study the origins of NASA, you will realize it came
out of the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) of Jack Parson, black
magician and follower of Aleister Crowley. Later, Nazi scientists joined
NASA who were smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip.
Additionally, there are many Freemasons at NASA, including many of the
astronauts on the 1960s and 1970s missions.

37. Fake International Space Station and Fake Space Walks

The fakery about space is not limited to the moon landing. There are
numerous videos regarding the ISS (International Space Station) which
look obviously faked, including one where one of the astronauts Chris
Cassidy slips up and admits they are shooting the video in a US town on the ground. The Chinese also released a very suspect “space walk” where a bubble can be seen going past the astronauts’s head!
There is another video showing someone with scuba gear aboard a
supposed space craft. So what’s really going on in space? It’s hard to
know, but these examples of fakery are easy to spot.

The chronicle of events is written by the victors, thus becoming fake history.

38. Fake History

It has been said many times that history is written by the victors.
If these victors have an agenda to dominate or set up a system of
control with their newly won power to ensure they remain at the helm for
many years to come, they can easily rewrite history or give us fake history
in order to legitimize themselves. George Orwell wisely observed that
“Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past
controls the future.” What he meant by that is that if you are currently
in power, you have the means to censor information (e.g. internet
firewalls, data deletion, book burning, etc.), and then, by controlling
what people thought happened, you can shape the past in a favorable way
so as to ensure you remain in power for the future. An obvious example
is the way the Zionist-dominated press reported on World War 2 and the
events leading up to it.

This is why revisionist history is so important; we
need people to actively reexamine our past and work out what happened,
so we can see the patterns and learn from our mistakes. As George
Santayana said, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to
repeat it”.

39. Fake Authority

An overarching theme of all the fakery I have listed is that
humanity has given its power over to fake authority. We have been
tricked into giving over unquestioning obedience to authority,
without stopping to think critically, question sources and biases, and
make decisions for ourselves. It’s all too easy for someone to don a
black robe, white jacket or shiny badge and appear to be somehow above
you. Yes, some people have gone through a lot of hard work and training
to become a judge, priest, scientist, doctor or cop, but they are still
human. They still don’t know everything. What if they just memorized a
lot of facts and procedures themselves without ever truly questioning it
or understanding it, then just repeated and parroted it over to you?

We live in a fake universe: a holographic universe or simulated reality, where things appear solid and “real” but are not.

40. Fake Universe

Finally, it seems the very universe in which we live is, also, not exactly “real”. The recent upsurge and popularity of the flat earth movement (who have highlighted many interesting anomalies that can’t be explained by the globe earth model)
shows that we still have some investigation to do in determining
exactly what kind of place we live on. On a more fundamental level,
however, we live in a fake universe in the sense that
it’s a giant hologram or simulated reality. People from all walks of
life have hinted at this deep truth, whether it be ancient
Hindu teachings that the world is maya (illusion), researchers such as
the late Michael Talbot who wrote the great book The Holographic
Universe, or cutting edge scientific studies trying to prove that the
holographic model of reality fits the data better than the standard
models of physics.

These days there are many Western scientists putting their energy
into cracking the code of our holographic reality. Mainstream media
outlets are exploring the fake universe topic too. Take a look at the following:

– A study by Nick Bostrom in 2003 which proposed “at least one of
the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very
likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any
posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number
of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows
that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day
become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are
currently living in a simulation.”

– A study
by theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena in 1997 proposed that “an
audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from
infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms
of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of
strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would
be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler,
flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.”

– A study
by Daniel Grumiller et al in 2014 proposing the holographic model of
the Universe: “These field theories are the putative holographic duals
to theories of gravity in three-dimensional asymptotically flat space

Everything is Fake!

Everything is fake! The sooner you wake up to the deception the
better. Let us know in the comments below what you find to be the fakest
things around. Above all, remember that you can be real and true in the
midst of all this. Don’t let it get you down; let it be a challenge to
help you rise to your potential.


Want to keep informed on the latest and greatest news and analysis on
the New World Order, Natural Health, Sovereignty and more? Sign up for free blog updates!

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at,
writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of
the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can
create a new system of peace and abundance.










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Posted by

Makia Freeman

on August 18, 2015. Filed under

Breaking News




Deceptive Propaganda


False Flags


Feature Article


Nature of Reality


NWO (New World Order)

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15 Responses to Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World – Part 4

Thomas Paasch Reply

August 19, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Fake death.

Makia Freeman Reply

August 20, 2015 at 1:31 am

Good point – death is an illusion since our spirits are immortal.

Jeff Patterson Reply

September 3, 2015 at 7:08 am

Is everything fake dude? Really? Explain that to the families of the victims of all those tragedies you called “staged”.

Makia Freeman Reply

September 3, 2015 at 9:40 pm

There are some real victims (e.g. the Charleston shooting).
However there are also many false flag shootings where there are no
bodies, no blood, no victims. Investigate Sandy Hook or the latest
Virginia WBDJ shooting.

Demitra M. N. Reply

September 6, 2015 at 4:51 pm

There is no doubt that many good people die daily in very
tragic ways but not a single one of them has ever been honoured in
mainstream news; Never, and they never will be–corporations don’t give a
darn about real people. What does get broadcast by major media outlets
are the contrived theatrics of hired actors reading scripted lines for

Don’t confuse reality with the illusion of Hollywood. If the news is
coming at you from one of the major television stations, or one of the
mass produced daily newspapers, you can be sure the “news” you’re
getting is whole-sale propaganda, which is meant to illicit a specific
emotional response in you, in order to further the hidden agenda of the
six powerful corporations that own and control all of the major media

Rod Reply

January 11, 2016 at 4:06 pm

the victims are real..but the aggressors are the puppets and
the puppeteers blame the puppets and cut the strings at the same time
using various techniques – make sure the puppets die, controlled
mainstream media etc

Mochal Reply

September 16, 2015 at 1:42 am

Fake airline crash into the Pentagon. Where were the plane
parts, body parts, scraps of clothing? Airlines contract cargo. Where
are the lost cargo claims? All disintegrated on impact.

Łukasz Reply

November 15, 2015 at 8:12 pm

Im start to aweake to all this bs but is really hard to live
around people who think all in mainstreem media is real.they think “Why
would anyone lie to us”. World for me start to look like giant cartoon
movie.Some facts are really funny.

joe Reply

November 26, 2015 at 3:17 am

fake holocost

Rod Reply

January 11, 2016 at 4:08 pm

fake food

fake role models

Rod Reply

January 11, 2016 at 4:32 pm

fake LOVE

Olga Reply

February 20, 2016 at 9:31 pm

Fake Yuri Gagarin Flight.

But it is needed to be translated from russian.

Olga Reply

February 20, 2016 at 9:37 pm

And one more site in russian… – In english it sounds like “Everything around is fake”.

Rich Reply

March 15, 2016 at 7:20 am

Must be tough living a life dominated by fear and ignorance.

gordon Reply

July 12, 2016 at 7:51 pm

reality is made up only of our perspectives – even you rich can
change your surrounding reality into your machination of the truth.
ever lied to a girl to make yourself look better, fibbed on an app, same
thing just bigger scale. everything doesnt have to be fake, truths
presented properly can provide false perspectives changing reality.  
real parts presented as false wholly have same effect. telling half the
people its a drill is true to the people who think its a drill, there
was a drill the news casts just got it wrong. holding that lie is just
group mentality behind national security.  everyone could be being
tricked just to further one true perspective.

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